第 2 节
作者:九米      更新:2021-02-21 15:33      字数:9321
  We must refrain from the male altogether。。。。 Nay; why do you
  turn your backs on me? Where are you going? So; you bite your lips;
  and shake your heads; eh? Why these pale; sad looks? why these
  tears? Come; will you do it…yes or no? Do you hesitate?
  I will not do it; let the war go on。
  Nor will I; let the war go on。
  And you say this; my pretty flat…fish; who declared just now
  they might split you in two?
  Anything; anything but that! Bid me go through the fire; if you
  will;…but to rob us of the sweetest thing in all the world; Lysistrata
  And you?
  Yes; I agree with the others; I too would sooner go through the
  Oh; wanton; vicious sex! the poets have done well to make
  tragedies upon us; we are good for nothing then but love and lewdness!
  But you; my dear; you from hardy Sparta; if you join me; all may yet
  be well; help me; second me; I beg you。
  'Tis a hard thing; by the two goddesses it is! for a woman to
  sleep alone without ever a strong male in her bed。 But there; peace
  must come first。
  Oh; my darling; my dearest; best friend; you are the only one
  deserving the name of woman!
  But if…which the gods forbid…we do refrain altogether from what
  you say; should we get peace any sooner?
  Of course we should; by the goddesses twain! We need only sit
  indoors with painted cheeks; and meet our mates lightly clad in
  transparent gowns of Amorgos silk; and perfectly depilated; they
  will get their tools up and be wild to lie with us。 That will be the
  time to refuse; and they will hasten to make peace; I am convinced
  of that!
  Yes; just as Menelaus; when he saw Helen's naked bosom; threw away
  his sword; they say。
  But; oh dear; suppose our husbands go away and leave us。
  Then; as Pherecrates says; we must 〃flay a skinned dog;〃 that's
  Fiddlesticks! these proverbs are all idle talk。。。。 But if our
  husbands drag us by main force into the bedchamber?
  Hold on to the door posts。
  But if they beat us?
  Then yield to their wishes; but with a bad grace; there is no
  pleasure in it for them; when they do it by force。 Besides; there
  are a thousand ways of tormenting them。 Never fear; they'll soon
  tire of the game; there's no satisfaction for a man; unless the
  woman shares it。
  Very well; if you must have it so; we agree。
  For ourselves; no doubt we shall persuade our husbands to conclude
  a fair and honest peace; but there is the Athenian populace; how are
  we to cure these folk of their warlike frenzy?
  Have no fear; we undertake to make our own people listen to
  That's impossible; so long as they have their trusty ships and the
  vast treasures stored in the temple of Athene。
  Ah! but we have seen to that; this very day the Acropolis will
  be in our hands。 That is the task assigned to the older women; while
  we are here in council; they are going; under pretence of offering
  sacrifice; to seize the citadel。
  Well said indeed! everything is going for the best。
  Come; quick; Lampito; and let us bind ourselves by an inviolable
  Recite the terms; we will swear to them。
  With pleasure。 Where is our Scythian policewoman? Now; what are
  you staring at; pray? Lay this shield on the earth before us; its
  hollow upwards; and someone bring me the victim's inwards。
  Lysistrata; say; what oath are we to swear?
  What oath? Why; in Aeschylus; they sacrifice a sheep; and swear
  over a buckler; we will do the same。
  No; Lysistrata; one cannot swear peace over a buckler; surely。
  What other oath do you prefer?
  Let's take a white horse; and sacrifice it; and swear on its
  But where shall we get a white horse?
  Well; what oath shall we take then?
  Listen to me。 Let's set a great black bowl on the ground; let's
  sacrifice a skin of Thasian wine into it; and take oath not to add one
  single drop of water。
  Ah! that's an oath pleases me more than I can say。
  Let them bring me a bowl and a skin of wine。
  Ah! my dears; what a noble big bowl! what fun it will be to
  empty it
  Set the bowl down on the ground; and lay your hands on the victim。
  。。。。Almighty goddess; Persuasion; and thou; bowl; boon comrade of joy
  and merriment; receive this our sacrifice; and be propitious to us
  poor women!
  CLEONICE  (as LYSISTRATA pours the wine into the bowl)
  Oh! the fine red blood! how well it flows!
  And what a delicious bouquet; by Castor!
  Now; my dears; let me swear first; if you please。
  No; by Aphrodite; unless it's decided by lot。 But come; then;
  Lampito; and all of you; put your hands to the bowl; and do you;
  Cleonice; repeat for all the rest the solemn terms I am going to
  recite。 Then you must all swear; and pledge yourselves by the same
  promises;…I will have naught to do whether with lover or husband。。。
  CLEONICE  (faintly)
  I will have naught to do whether with lover or husband。。。
  Albeit he come to me with an erection。。。
  CLEONICE  (her voice quavering)
  Albeit he come to me with an erection。。。  (in despair)  Oh!
  Lysistrata; I cannot bear it!
  LYSISTRATA  (ignoring this outburst)
  I will live at home unbulled。。。
  I will live at home unbulled。。。
  Beautifully dressed and wearing a saffron…coloured gown
  Beautifully dressed and wearing a saffron…coloured gown。。。
  To the end I may inspire my husband with the most ardent longings。
  To the end I may inspire my husband with the most ardent longings。
  Never will I give myself voluntarily。。。
  Never will I give myself voluntarily。。。
  And if he has me by force。。。
  And if he has me by force。。。
  I will be cold as ice; and never stir a limb。。。
  I will be cold as ice; and never stir a limb。。。
  I will neither extend my Persian slippers toward the ceiling。。。
  I will neither extend my Persian slippers toward the ceiling。。。
  Nor will I crouch like the carven lions on a knife…handle。
  Nor will I crouch like the carven lions on a knife…handle。
  And if I keep my oath; may I be suffered to drink of this wine。
  CLEONICE  (more courageously)
  And if I keep my oath; may I be suffered to drink of this wine。
  But if I break it; let my bowl be filled with water。
  But if I break it; let my bowl be filled with water。
  Will you all take this oath?
  We do。
  Then I'll now consume this remnant。
  (She drinks。)
  CLEONICE  (reaching for the cup)
  Enough; enough; my dear; now let us all drink in turn to cement
  our friendship。
  (They pass the cup around and all drink。 A great commotion is
  heard off stage。)
  Listen! what do those cries mean?
  It's what I was telling you; the women have just occupied the
  Acropolis。 So now; Lampito; you return to Sparta to organize the plot;
  while your comrades here remain as hostages。 For ourselves; let us
  go and join the rest in the citadel; and let us push the bolts well
  But don't you think the men will march up against us?
  I laugh at them。 Neither threats nor flames shall force our doors;
  they shall open only on the conditions I have named。
  Yes; yes; by Aphrodite; otherwise we should be called cowardly and
  wretched women。
  (She follows LYSISTRATA out。)
  (The scene shifts to the entrance of the Acropolis。 The CHORUS
  OF OLD MEN slowly enters; carrying faggots and pots of fire。)