第 26 节
作者:死磕      更新:2021-02-21 15:13      字数:9321
  In such a changing condition of public sentiment; McKinley was a better index of what the majority wanted than a referendum could have been。 In August he stated: 〃I do not want any ambiguity to be allowed to remain on this point。 The negotiators of both countries are the ones who shall resolve upon the permanent advantages which we shall ask in the archipelago; and decide upon the intervention; disposition; and government of the Philippines。〃 His instructions to the commissioners actually went farther:
  〃Avowing unreservedly the purpose which has animated all our effort; and still solicitous to adhere to it; we cannot be unmindful that; without any desire or design on our part; the war has brought us new duties and responsibilities which we must meet and discharge as becomes a great nation on whose growth and career from the beginning the Ruler of Nations has plainly written the high command and pledge of civilization。
  〃Incidental to our tenure in the Philippines is the commercial opportunity to which American statesmanship cannot be indifferent。。。。 Asking only the open door for ourselves; we are ready to accord the open door to others。
  〃In view of what has been stated; the United States cannot accept less than the cession in full rights and sovereignty of the island of Luzon。〃
  The American commissioners were divided。 Day favored the limited terms of the instructions; Davis; Frye; and Reid wished the whole group of the Philippines; Gray emphatically protested against taking any part of the islands。 On the 26th of October; Hay telegraphed that the President had decided that 〃the cession must be of the whole Archipelago or none。〃 The Spanish commissioners objected strongly to this new development; and threatened to break off the negotiations which otherwise were practically concluded。 This outcome would have put the United States in the unfortunate position of continuing a war which it had begun in the interests of Cuba for the quite different purpose of securing possession of the Philippines。 The Spanish were probably not without hopes that under these changed conditions they might be able to bring to their active assistance that latent sympathy for them which existed so strongly in Europe。 Nor was the basis of the claim of the United States entirely clear。 On the 3d of November the American commissioners cabled to the President that they were convinced that the occupation of Manila did not constitute a conquest of the islands as a whole。
  By this time; however; the President had decided that the United States must have the islands。 On the 13th of November; Hay telegraphed that the United States was entitled to an indemnity for the cost of the war。 This argument was not put forward because the United States wished indemnity but to give a technical basis for the American claim to the Philippines。 In the same cablegram; Hay instructed the commissioners to offer Spain ten or twenty millions for all the islands。 Upon this financial basis the treaty was finally concluded; it was signed on December 10; 1898; and ratifications were exchanged on April 11; 1899。
  The terms of the treaty provided; first; for the relinquishment of sovereignty over Cuba by Spain。 The island was to be occupied by the United States; in whose hands its subsequent disposition was left。 All other Spanish islands in the West Indies; together with Guam in the Ladrones; were ceded to the United States。 The whole archipelago of the Philippines; with water boundaries carefully but not quite accurately drawn; was ceded to the United States; which by the same article agreed to pay Spain 20;000;000。 All claims for indemnity or damages between the two nations; or either nation and the citizens of the other; were mutually relinquished; the United States assuming the adjudication and settlement of all claims of her own citizens against Spain。
  This treaty; even more than the act of war; marked a turning point in the relation of the United States to the outside world。 So violent was the opposition of those who disapproved; and so great the reluctance of even the majority of those who approved; to acknowledge that the United States had emerged from the isolated path which it had been treading since 1823; that every effort was made to minimize the significance of the beginning of a new era in American history。 It was argued by those delving into the past that the Philippines actually belonged to the Western Hemisphere because the famous demarcation line drawn by Pope Alexander VI; in 1493; ran to the west of them; it was; indeed; partly in consequence of that line that Spain had possessed the islands。 Before Spain lost Mexico her Philippine trade had actually passed across the Pacific; through the Mexican port of Acapulco; and across the Atlantic。 Yet these interesting historical facts were scarcely related in the mind of the public to the more immediate and tangible fact that the annexation of the Philippines gave the United States a far…flung territory situated just where all the powerful nations of the world were then centering their interest。
  In opposition to those who disapproved of this extension of territory; it was argued more cogently that; in spite of the prevailing belief of the thirty preceding years; the United States had always been an expanding power; stretching its authority over new areas with a persistency and rapidity hardly equaled by any other nation; and that this latest step was but a new stride in the natural expansion of the United States。 But here again the similarity between the former and the most recent steps was more apparent than real。 Louisiana; Florida; Texas; California; and Oregon; had all been parts of an obvious geographical whole。 Alaska; indeed; was detached; but its acquisition had been partly accidental; and it was at least a part of the American continent and would; in the opinion of many; eventually become contiguous by the probable annexation of Canada。 Moreover; none of the areas so far occupied by the United States had been really populated。 It had been a logical expectation that American people would soon overflow these acquired lands and assimilate the inhabitants。 In the case of the Philippines; on the other hand; it was fully recognized that Americans could at most be only a small governing class; and that even Porto Rico; accessible as it was; would prove too thickly settled to give hopes of Americanization。
  The terms of the treaty with Spain; indeed; recognized these differences。 In all previous instances; except Alaska; the added territory had been incorporated into the body of the United States with the expectation; now realized except in Hawaii; of reaching the position of self…governing and participating States of the Union。 Even in the case of Alaska it had been provided that all inhabitants remaining in residence; except uncivilized Indians; should become citizens of the United States。 In the case of these new annexations resulting from the war with Spain; provision was made only for the religious freedom of the inhabitants。 〃The civil rights and political status of the native inhabitants of the territories hereby ceded to the United States shall be determined by the Congress。〃 There could therefore be no doubt that for the first time the United States had acquired colonies and that the question whether they should develop into integral parts of the country or into dependencies of an imperialistic republic was left to the future to decide。
  It was but natural that such striking events and important decisions should loom large as factors in the following presidential campaign。 The Republicans endorsed the Administration; emphatically stated that the independence and self…government of Cuba must be secured; and; with reference to the other islands; declared that 〃the largest measure of self…government consistent with their welfare and our duties shall be secured to them by law。〃 The Democrats asserted that 〃no nation can long endure half republic and half empire;〃 and favored 〃an immediate declaration of the Nation's purpose to give the Filipinos; first; a stable form of government; second; independence; and third; protection from outside interference such as has been given for nearly a century to the republics of Central and South America。〃 The Democrats were at a disadvantage owing to the fact that; since so much had been irrevocably accomplished; they could not raise the whole issue of colonial expansion but only advocate a different policy for the handling of what seemed to most people to be details。 The distrust which their financial program of 1896 had excited; moreover; still hung over them and repelled many voters who might have supported them on questions of foreign and colonial policies。 Nevertheless the reflection of President McKinley by a greatly increased majority must be taken as indicating that the American people generally approved of his policies and accepted the momentous changes which had been brought about by the successful conclusion of the war with Spain。
  CHAPTER XIII。 A Peace Which Meant War
  In a large way; ever since the Spanish War; the United States has been adjusting its policy to the world conditions of which that struggle first made the people aware。 The period bet