第 27 节
作者:溜溜      更新:2021-02-21 15:12      字数:9321
  She     glanced     hurriedly    around     her;   〃Toto    find   me;〃    she    said
  〃Sartain!     That ez; I was goin' to ask about ye;goin' to ask about ye
  at the convent。〃
  〃At the convent?〃 she echoed with a frightened amazement。
  〃Yes; why; Lordy Sadedon't you see?              You thought I was dead; and I
  thought   you   was   dead;that's   what's   the   matter。     But   I   never   reckoned
  that you'd think me dead until Chivers allowed that it must be so。〃
  Her face whitened in the moonlight 〃Chivers?〃 she said blankly。
  〃In   course;   but   nat'rally   you   don't   know   him;   honey。   He   only   saw
  you onc't。     But it was along o' that; Sade; that he told me he reckoned you
  wasn't   dead;   and   told   me   how   to   find   you。   He   was   mighty   kind   and
  consarned about it; and he even allowed I'd better slip off to you this very
  〃Chivers;〃 she repeated; gazing at her husband with bloodless lips。
  〃Yes;   an   awful   purty…spoken   man。        Ye'll   have   to   get   to   know   him
  Sade。     He's   here   with   some   of   his   folks   az   hez   got   inter   trouble   I'm
  forgettin' to tell ye。     You see〃
  〃Yes; yes; yes!〃 she interrupted hysterically; 〃and this is the Mill?〃
  〃Yes; lovey; the Millmy millYOUR millthe house I built for you;
  dear。    I'd   show   it   to   you   now;   but   you   see;   Sade;   I'm   out   here   standin'
  〃Are YOU one of them?〃 she said; clutching his hand desperately。
  〃No; dear;〃 he said soothingly;〃no; only; you see; I giv' my word to
  'em as I giv' my house to…night; and I'm bound to protect them and see 'em
  through。     Why; Lordy! Sade; you'd have done the same for Chivers。〃
  〃Yes; yes;〃 she said; beating her hands together strangely; 〃of course。
  He   was   so   kind   to   bring   me   back   to   you。 And   you   might   have   never
  found me but for him。〃
  She    burst   into  an   hysterical    laugh;   which    the  simple…minded        man
  might have overlooked but for the tears that coursed down her bloodless
  … Page 88…
  〃What's   gone   o'   ye;   Sadie;〃   he   said   in   a   sudden   fear;   grasping   her
  hands;   〃that   laugh   ain't   your'nthat   voice   ain't   your'n。    You're   the   old
  Sadie;   ain't   ye?〃    He   stopped。     For   a   moment   his   face   blanched   as   he
  glanced   towards   the   mill;   from   which   the   faint   sound   of   bacchanalian
  voices came to his quick ear。          〃Sadie; dear; ye ain't thinkin' anything agin'
  me?     Ye ain't allowin' I'm keeping anythin' back from ye?〃
  Her   face   stiffened   into   rigidity;   she   dashed   the   tears   from   her   eyes。
  〃No;〃   she   said   quickly。     Then   after   a   moment   she   added;   with   a   faint
  laugh; 〃You see we haven't seen each other for so long it's all so sudden
  so unexpected。〃
  〃But   you   kem  here;  just   now;  calkilatin'   to   find   me?〃 said   Collinson
  〃Yes; yes;〃 she said quickly; still grasping both his hands; but with her
  head slightly turned in the direction of the mill。
  〃But who told ye where to find the mill?〃 he said; with gentle patience。
  〃A friend;〃 she said hurriedly。          〃Perhaps;〃 she added; with a singular
  smile; 〃a friend of the friend who told you。〃
  〃I see;〃   said   Collinson; with   a   relieved   face and   a   broadening   smile;
  〃it's a sort of fairy story。      I'll bet; now; it was that old Barker woman that
  Chivers knows。〃
  Her   teeth   gleamed   rigidly   together   in   the   moonlight;   like   a   death's…
  head。     〃Yes;〃 she said dryly; 〃it was that old Barker woman。                 Say; Seth;〃
  she   continued;   moistening   her   lips   slowly;   〃you're   guarding   this   place
  〃Thar's another feller up the trail;a sentry;but don't you be afeard;
  he can't hear us; Sade。〃
  〃On this side of the mill?〃
  〃Yes!     Why; Lord love ye; Sadie! t'other side o' the mill it drops down
  straight   to   the   valley;   nobody   comes   yer   that   way   but   poor   low…down
  emigrants。      And it's miles round to come by the valley from the summit。〃
  〃You didn't hear your friend Chivers say that the sheriff was out with
  his posse to…night hunting them?〃
  〃No。     Did you?〃
  〃I think I heard something of that kind at Skinner's; but it may have
  … Page 89…
  been only a warning to me; traveling alone。〃
  〃Thet's so;〃 said Collinson; with a tender solicitude; 〃but none o' these
  yer road…agents would have teched a woman。                 And this yer Chivers ain't
  the man to insult one; either。〃
  〃No;〃    she   said;  with   a  return   of  her   hysteric   laugh。    But    it  was
  overlooked   by   Collinson;   who   was   taking   his   gun   from   beside   the   tree
  where he had placed it; 〃Where are you going?〃 she said suddenly。
  〃I reckon them fellers ought to be warned o' what you heard。                   I'll be
  back in a minit。〃
  〃And you're going to leave me nowwhenwhen we've only just met
  after these years;〃 she said; with a faint attempt at a smile; which; however;
  did not reach the cold glitter of her eyes。
  〃Just   for   a  little;  honey。   Besides;    don't   you   see;  I've   got  to  get
  excused; for we'll have to go off to Skinner's or somewhere; Sadie; for we
  can't stay in thar along o' them。〃
  〃So you and your wife are turned out of your home to please Chivers;〃
  she said; still smiling。
  〃That's whar you slip up; Sadie;〃 said Collinson; with a troubled face;
  〃for he's that kind of a man thet if I jest as much as hinted you was here;
  he'd turn 'em all out o' the house for a lady。 Thet's why I don't propose to
  let on anything about you till to… morrow。〃
  〃To…morrow       will   do;〃   she  said;   still  smiling;  but   with   a  singular
  abstraction in her face。       〃Pray don't disturb them now。           You say there is
  another   sentinel   beyond。      He   is   enough   to   warn   them   of   any   approach
  from the trail。     I'm tired and illvery ill!     Sit by me here; Seth; and wait!
  We can wait here togetherwe have waited so long; Seth;and the end has
  come now。〃
  She suddenly lapsed against the tree; and slipped in a sitting posture to
  the ground。      Collinson cast himself at her side; and put his arm round her。
  〃Wot's gone o' ye; Sade?         You're cold and sick。        Listen。     Your hoss
  is just over thar feedin'。      I'll put you back on him; run in and tell 'em I'm
  off; and be with ye in a jiffy; and take ye back to Skinner's。〃
  〃Wait;〃 she said softly。      〃Wait。〃
  〃Or to the Silver Hollowit's not so far。〃
  … Page 90…
  She   had   caught   his   hands   again;   her   rigid   face   close   to   his;   〃What
  hollow?speak!〃 she said breathlessly。
  〃The hollow whar a friend o' mine struck silver。               He'll take yur in。〃
  Her head sank against his shoulder。            〃Let me stay here;〃 she answered;
  〃and wait。〃
  He   supported   her   tenderly;      feeling   the   gentle   brushing    of   her   hair
  against his cheek as in the old days。           He was content to wait; holding her
  thus。    They were very silent; her eyes half closed; as if in exhaustion; yet
  with the strange suggestion of listening in the vacant pupils。
  〃Ye ain't hearin' anythin'; deary?〃 he said; with a troubled face。
  〃No;     but  everything     is  so   deathly   still;〃  she   said   in  a  frightened
  It certainly was very still。        A singular hush seemed to have slid over
  the landscape; there was no longer any sound from the mill; there was an
  ominous rest in the woodland; so perfect that the tiny rustle of an uneasy
  wing   in   the   tree   above   them   had   made   them   start;   even   the   moonlight
  seemed to hang suspended in the air。
  〃It's like the lull before the storm;〃 she said with her strange laugh。
  But the  non…imaginative  Collinson   was   more  practical。              〃It's   mighty
  like that earthquake weather before the big shake thet dried up the river
  and stopped the mill。         That was just the time I got the news o' your bein'
  dead     with   yellow   fever。    Lord!     honey;   I   allus  allowed   to   myself    thet
  suthin' was happenin' to ye then。〃
  She   did   not   reply;   but   he;