第 28 节
作者:天马行空      更新:2021-02-21 14:38      字数:9321
  ormed a State Constitution; they did not become a State until Congress approved it and formally admitted them。 During the entire period of dispute they continued a Territory。 Douglas' argument assumes that they became a State on forming a Constitution。
  Chapter XV。  The Debates with Lincoln Continued。
  The second debate was held at Freeport on August 27th。  Lincoln opened his speech with a series of answers to the questions asked at Ottawa。
  〃I do not;〃 he said; * * * 〃stand in favor of the unconditional repeal of the Fugitive Slave law。  * * *
  〃I do not * * * stand pledged against the admission of any more slave States into the Union。  * * * *
  〃I do not stand pledged against the admission of a new State。  * * * with such a Constitutions as the people * * * may see fit to make。  * * *
  〃I do not stand pledged to the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia。 * * *
  〃I'm impliedly; if not expressly; pledged to a belief in the right and duty of Congress to prohibit slavery in all the United States Territories。  * * *
  〃I am not opposed to the honest acquisition of territory。  * * * I would or would not oppose such acquisition accordingly as I might think such acquisition would or would not aggravate the slavery question among ourselves。〃
  The questions asked and answered were; whether he was PLEDGED to any of these things。  He was willing; however; to state what he really thought of them。
  〃I do not hesitate to say that * * * under the Constitution of the United States the people of the Southern States are entitled to a Congressional Fugitive Slave Law。  * * * The existing Fugitive Slave Law should have been so framed as to be free from some of the objections that pertain to it without lessening its efficiency。  * * * * In regard to the admission of any more slave States into the Union; I state to you frankly that I would be exceedingly sorry ever to be put in a position of having to pass upon that question。 I should be exceedingly glad to know that there would never be another slave State admitted into the Union; but I must add that; if slavery be kept out of the Territories during their territorial existence; * * * * and then the people shall * * * adopt a slave Constitution; * * * I see no alternative but to admit them into the Union。  * * * I should not be in favor of abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia; unless upon the condition that abolition should be gradual; that it should be on the vote of a majority of the qualified voters of the District; and that compensation be made to unwilling owners。  * * * What I am saying here I suppose I say to a vast audience as strongly tending to Abolitionism as any audience in the State of Illinois; and I believe I am saying that which; if it would be offensive to any persons and render them enemies to myself; would be offensive to persons in this audience。〃 He then asked Douglas four questions:
  1st。  〃If the people of Kansas shall * * * adopt a State Constitution and ask admission * * * * before they have the requisite number of inhabitants under the English bill; * * * will you vote to admit them?
  2nd。  〃Can the people of a * * * Territory in any lawful way; against the wish of any citizen; * * * exclude slavery from its limits prior to the formation of a State Constitution?
  3rd。  〃If the Supreme Court * * * * shall decide that States cannot exclude slavery from their limits; are you in favor of acquiescing in; adopting and following such decision as a rule of political action?
  4th。  〃Are you in favor of acquiring additional territory in disregard of how such action may affect the Nation on the slavery question?
  When the Nebraska bill was introduced; he continued; it was declared the intent and meaning of the act not to legislate slavery into any State or Territory or to exclude it therefrom; but to leave the people perfectly free to regulate their own domestic institutions in their own way。  Chase of Ohio introduced an amendment expressly declaring that the people of a Territory should have the power to exclude slavery if they saw fit。  Douglas and those who agreed with him; voted it down。  A little later the Supreme Court decided that a territorial legislature had no right to exclude slavery。
  〃For men who did intend that the people of the Territory should have the right to exclude slavery * * * * the voting down of Chase's amendment is wholly inexplicable。  It is a puzzle; a riddle。  But * * * with men who did look forward to such a decision * * * *
  the voting down of that amendment would be perfectly rational and intelligible。  It would keep Congress from coming into collision with the decision when it was made。  * * * If there was an intention or expectation that such a decision was to follow; it would not be very desirable for the Democratic Supreme Court to decide one way when the party in Congress had decided the other。  Hence it would be very rational for men expecting such a decision to keep the niche in that law clear for it。  * * * It looks to me as though here was the reason why Chase's amendment was voted down。  * * * If it was done for a different reason; * * * he knows what that reason was and can tell us what it was。  * * * It will be vastly more satisfactory to the country for him to give some other intelligible; plausible reason why it was voted down than to stand upon his dignity and call people liars。〃
  Cass; it was said; on behalf of the Democrats in the Senate; proposed to Chase that he so change his amendment as to provide that the people of a Territory should have power either to introduce or exclude slavery; and they would accept it。  Chase; having conscientious scruples on the question of slavery; declined to do this and his amendment was voted down。  But it was quite possible for them to have accepted Chase's amendment; forbidden by the Senate rule; but an amendment to the amended bill; which was permitted。
  Douglas; in his reply; with admirable readiness; addressed himself to Lincoln's four questions。  〃In reference to Kansas;〃 he said; 〃it is my opinion that; as she has population enough to constitute a slave State; she has people enough for a free State。  * * * The next question is; 'Can the people of a Territory * * * exclude slavery prior to the formation of a State Constitution?'  * * * In my opinion they can。  * * * It matters not in what way the Supreme Court may hereafter decide as to the abstract question whether slavery may or may not go into a Territory under the Constitution; the people have the lawful means to introduce it or exclude it as they please; for the reason that slavery cannot exist a day or an hour anywhere; unless it is supported by local police regulations。 Those police regulations can only be established by the local legislature; and if the people are opposed to slavery they will elect representatives to that body who will; by unfriendly legislation; effectually prevent the introduction of it into their midst。  If on the contrary they are for it; their legislation will favor its extension。  Hence; no matter what the decision of the Supreme Court may be on that abstract question; still the right of the people to make a slave Territory or a free Territory; is perfect and complete under the Nebraska bill。〃
  This bill provided that the legislative power of the Territory should extend to all rightful subjects of legislation。  It made no exception as to slavery; but gave full power to introduce or exclude it。  What more could Chase's amendment do?  Chase offered it for the purpose of having it rejected。  He expected it to be capital for small politicians; and he was not mistaken。  He was amazed that Lincoln should ask his third question。  He had denounced in the Senate an article in the Washington Union claiming that any provision in the laws or Constitutions of the free States excluding slavery was in conflict with the Constitution of the United States。 Senator Toombs; on behalf of the South; had utterly repudiated the doctrine。  The question cast an imputation upon the Supreme Court。 Such a decision was not possible。  It would be an act of moral treason that no man on the bench could ever descend to。
  〃As to Lincoln's fourth question;〃 he said:  〃I answer; that whenever it becomes necessary in our growth and progress to acquire more territory; I am in favor of it without reference to the question of slavery; and when we have acquired it I would leave the people free to do as they please; either to make it slave or free territory as they preferred。  * * * I tell you; increase; multiply and expand is the law of this Nation's existence。  * * * Just as fast as our interests and our destiny require additional territory in the North; in the South or on the islands of the ocean; I am for it; and; when we acquire it; will leave the people * * * free to do as they please on the question of slavery and every other question。〃
  At all the Republican Congressional Conventions held in Illinois in 1854; the resolutions adopted declared that the continued aggressions of slavery were destructive of the best rights of a free people and must be resisted by the united political action of all good men; Kansas and Nebraska must be made free Territories; the Fugitive Slave Law repealed;