第 3 节
作者:      更新:2021-02-21 14:21      字数:9322
  ignoring his diversion。
  〃The Lazy D is the nearest; I reckon。〃
  〃Which direction?〃
  〃North by east; ma'am。〃
  〃Then I'll take the most direct road to it。
  〃In that case I'll thank y'u for my ride and get out here。〃
  He   waved   a   jaunty   hand   toward   the   recent   battlefield。   〃The   Lazy   D
  lies right back of that hill。 I expect; mebbe; those wolves might howl again
  if we went back。〃
  〃Where; then; shall I take you?〃
  〃I hate to trouble y'u to go out of your way。
  〃I dare say; but I'm going just the same;〃 she told him; dryly。
  〃If   you're   right   determined   〃   He   interrupted   himself   to   point   to   the
  south。 〃Do y'u see that camel…back peak over there?〃
  〃The one with the sunshine on its lower edge?〃
  〃That's   it;   Miss   Messiter。   They   call   those   two   humps   the   Antelope
  Peaks。   If   y'u   can   drop   me   somewhere   near   there   I   think   I'll   manage   all
  〃I'm not going to leave you till we reach a house;〃 she informed him
  promptly。 〃You're not fit to walk fifty yards。〃
  〃That's right kind of y'u; but I could not think of asking so much。 My
  friends will find me if y'u leave me where I can work a heliograph。〃
  〃Or your enemies;〃 she cut in。
  〃I hope not。 I'd not likely have the luck to get another invitation right
  then to go riding with a friendly young lady。〃
  She gave him direct; cool; black…blue eyes that met and searched his。
  〃I'm not at all sure she is friendly。 I shall want to find out the cause of the
  trouble you have just had before I make up my mind as to that。〃
  〃I   judge   people   by   their   actions。   Y'u   didn't   wait   to   find   out   before
  bringing the ambulance into action;〃 he laughed。
  〃I see you do not mean to tell me。〃
  〃You're quite a lawyer; ma'am;〃 he evaded。
  … Page 10…
  〃I find you a very slippery witness; then。〃
  〃Ask anything y'u like and I'll tell you。〃
  〃Very   well。   Who   were   those   men;   and   why   were   they   trying   to   kill
  〃They  turned   their   wolf   loose   on   me   because   I   shot   up   one   of   them
  〃Dear   me!   Is   it   your   business   to   go   around   shooting   people?   That's
  three I happen to know that you have shot。 How many more?〃
  〃No more; ma'amnot recently。〃
  〃Well;   three is quite   enoughrecently;〃   she   mimicked。   〃You   seem  to
  me a good deal of a desperado。〃
  〃Yes; ma'am。〃
  〃Don't   say   'Yes;   ma'am;'   like   that;   as   if   it   didn't   matter   in   the   least
  whether you are or not;〃 she ordered。
  〃No; ma'am。〃
  〃Oh!〃 She broke off with a gesture of impatience at his burlesque of
  obedience。 〃You know what I meanthat you ought to deny it; ought to be
  furious at me for suggesting it。〃
  〃Ought I?〃
  〃Of course you ought。〃
  〃There's   a   heap   of   ways   I   ain't   up   to   specifications;〃   he   admitted;
  〃And who are theythe men that were attacking you?〃
  There was a gleam of irrepressible humor in the bold eyes。 〃Your cow…
  punchers; ma'am。〃
  〃My cow…punchers?〃
  〃They ce'tainly belong to the Lazy D outfit。〃
  〃And you say that you shot one of my men yesterday?〃 He could see
  her getting ready for a declaration of war。
  〃Down by Willow Creek Yes; ma'am;〃 he answered; comfortably。
  〃And why; may I ask?〃 she flamed
  〃That's a long story; Miss Messiter。 It wouldn't be square for me to get
  my   version   in   before   your   boys。 Y'u   ask   them。〃   He   permitted   himself   a
  genial smile; somewhat ironic。  〃I shouldn't wonder but what they'll   give
  … Page 11…
  me a giltedged testimonial as an unhanged horse thief。〃
  〃Isn't there such a thing as law in Wyoming?〃 the girl demanded。
  〃Lots of it。 Y'u can buy just as good law right here as in Kalamazoo。〃
  〃I wish I knew where to find it。〃
  〃Like to put me in the calaboose?〃
  〃In the penitentiary。 Yes; sir!〃 A moment later the question that was in
  her   thoughts   leaped   hotly   from   her   lips。   〃Who   are   you;   sir;   that   dare   to
  commit murder and boast of it?〃
  She had flicked him on the raw at last。 Something that was near to pain
  rested   for   a   second   in   his   eyes。   〃Murder   is   a   hard   name;   ma'am。 And   I
  didn't say he was daid; or any of the three;〃 came his gentle answer。
  〃You MEANT to kill them; anyhow。〃
  〃Did I?〃 There was the ghost of a sad smile about his eyes。
  〃The   way  you   act;  a   person   might think   you   one   of   Ned   Bannister's
  men;〃 she told him; scornfully。
  〃I expect you're right。〃
  She repented her a little at a charge so unjust。 〃If you are not ashamed
  of your name why are you so loath to part with it?〃
  〃Y'u didn't ask me my name;〃 he said; a dark flush sweeping his face。
  〃I ask it now。〃
  Like the light from a snuffed candle the boyish recklessness had gone
  out   of   his   face。   His   jaws   were   set   like   a   vise   and   he   looked   hard   as
  hammered steel。
  〃My name is Bannister;〃 he said; coldly。
  〃Ned Bannister; the outlaw;〃 she let slip; and was aware of a strange
  sinking of the heart。
  It   seemed   to   her   that   something   sinister   came   to   the   surface   in   his
  handsome face。 〃I reckon we might as well let it go at that;〃 he returned;
  with bitter briefness。
  … Page 12…
  Two     months     before   this  time   Helen    Messiter    had   been    serenely
  teaching   a   second   grade   at   Kalamazoo;   Michigan;   notwithstanding   the
  earnest   efforts   of   several   youths   of   that   city   to   induce   her   to   retire   to
  domesticity 〃What's the use of being a schoolmarm?〃 had been the burden
  of their plaint。 〃Any spinster can teach kids C…A…T; Cat; but only one in
  several thousand can be the prettiest bride in Kalamazoo。〃 None of them;
  however;   had   been   able   to   drive   the   point   sufficiently   home;   and   it   is
  probable     that   she  would    have    continued    to  devote    herself   to  Young
  America if an uncle she had never seen had not died without a will and left
  her a ranch in Wyoming yclept the Lazy D。
  When her lawyer proposed to put the ranch on the market Miss Helen
  had a word to say。
  〃I think not。 I'll go out and see it first; anyhow;〃 she said。
  〃But really; my dear young lady; it isn't at all necessary。 Fact is; I've
  already had an offer of a hundred thousand dollars for it。 Now; I should
  judge that a fair price 〃
  〃Very likely;〃 his client interrupted; quietly。 〃But; you see; I don't care
  to sell。〃
  〃Then what in the world are you going to do with it?〃
  〃Run it。〃
  〃But; my dear Miss Messiter; it isn't an automobile or any other kind
  of toy。 You must remember that it takes a business head and a great deal of
  experience to make such an investment pay。 I really think〃
  〃My school ends on the fourteenth of June。 I'll get a substitute for the
  last two months。 I shall start for Wyoming on the eighteenth of April。〃
  The man of law gasped; explained the difficulties again carefully as to
  a child; found that he was wasting his breath; and wisely gave it up。
  Miss    Messiter    had   started  on   the  eighteenth    of  April;   as  she   had
  announced。 When she reached Gimlet Butte; the nearest railroad point to
  the   Lazy   D;   she   found   a  group    of  curious;   weatherbeaten      individuals
  … Page 13…
  gathered round a machine foreign to their experience。 It was on a flat car;
  and the general opinion ran the gamut from a newfangled sewing machine
  to a thresher。 Into this guessing contest came its owner with so brisk and
  businesslike an energy that inside of two hours she was testing it up and
  down   the   wide   street   of   Gimlet   Butte;   to   the   wonder   and   delight   of   an
  audience      to  which     each   one    of  the   eleven    saloons    of  the   city  had
  contributed its admiring quota。
  Meanwhile   the   young   woman   attended   strictly   to   business。   She   had
  disappeared for half an hour with a suit case into the Elk Ho