第 65 节
作者:淋雨      更新:2021-02-21 13:48      字数:9322
  pillows of yellow leather; and with Taanach beside her。 Her face was
  covered with a white scarf; which; passing over her mouth and
  forehead; allowed only her eyes to be seen; but her lips shone in the
  transparency of the tissue like the gems on her fingers; for Salammbo
  had both her hands wrapped up; and did not make a gesture during the
  whole conversation。
  Narr' Havas announced the defeat of the Barbarians to her。 She thanked
  him with a blessing for the services which he had rendered to her
  father。 Then he began to tell her about the whole campaign。
  The doves on the palm trees around them cooed softly; and other birds
  fluttered amid the grass: ring…necked glareolas; Tartessus quails and
  Punic guinea…fowl。 The garden; long uncultivated; had multiplied its
  verdure; coloquintidas mounted into the branches of cassias; the
  asclepias was scattered over fields of roses; all kinds of vegetation
  formed entwinings and bowers; and here and there; as in the woods;
  sun…rays; descending obliquely; marked the shadow of a leaf upon the
  ground。 Domestic animals; grown wild again; fled at the slightest
  noise。 Sometimes a gazelle might be seen trailing scattered peacocks'
  feathers after its little black hoofs。 The clamours of the distant
  town were lost in the murmuring of the waves。 The sky was quite blue;
  and not a sail was visible on the sea。
  Narr' Havas had ceased speaking; Salammbo was looking at him without
  replying。 He wore a linen robe with flowers painted on it; and with
  gold fringes at the hem; two silver arrows fastened his plaited hair
  at the tips of his ears; his right hand rested on a pike…staff adorned
  with circles of electrum and tufts of hair。
  As she watched him a crowd of dim thoughts absorbed her。 This young
  man; with his gentle voice and feminine figure; captivated her eyes by
  the grace of his person; and seemed to her like an elder sister sent
  by the Baals to protect her。 The recollection of Matho came upon her;
  nor did she resist the desire to learn what had become of him。
  Narr' Havas replied that the Carthaginians were advancing towards
  Tunis to take it。 In proportion as he set forth their chances of
  success and Matho's weaknesses; she seemed to rejoice in extraordinary
  hope。 Her lips trembled; her breast panted。 When he finally promised
  to kill him himself; she exclaimed: 〃Yes! kill him! It must be so!〃
  The Numidian replied that he desired this death ardently; since he
  would be her husband when the war was over。
  Salammbo started; and bent her head。
  But Narr' Havas; pursuing the subject; compared his longings to
  flowers languishing for rain; or to lost travellers waiting for the
  day。 He told her; further; that she was more beautiful than the moon;
  better than the wind of morning or than the face of a guest。 He would
  bring for her from the country of the Blacks things such as there were
  none in Carthage; and the apartments in their house should be sanded
  with gold dust。
  Evening fell; and odours of balsam were exhaled。 For a long time they
  looked at each other in silence; and Salammbo's eyes; in the depths of
  her long draperies; resembled two stars in the rift of a cloud。 Before
  the sun set he withdrew。
  The Ancients felt themselves relieved of a great anxiety; when he left
  Carthage。 The people had received him with even more enthusiastic
  acclamations than on the first occasion。 If Hamilcar and the King of
  the Numidians triumphed alone over the Mercenaries it would be
  impossible to resist them。 To weaken Barca they therefore resolved to
  make the aged Hanno; him whom they loved; a sharer in the deliverance
  of Carthage。
  He proceeded immediately towards the western provinces; to take his
  vengeance in the very places which had witnessed his shame。 But the
  inhabitants and the Barbarians were dead; hidden; or fled。 Then his
  anger was vented upon the country。 He burnt the ruins of the ruins; he
  did not leave a single tree nor a blade of grass; the children and the
  infirm; that were met with; were tortured; he gave the women to his
  soldiers to be violated before they were slaughtered。
  Often; on the crests of the hills; black tents were struck as though
  overturned by the wind; and broad; brilliantly bordered discs; which
  were recognised as being chariot…wheels; revolved with a plaintive
  sound as they gradually disappeared in the valleys。 The tribes; which
  had abandoned the siege of Carthage; were wandering in this way
  through the provinces; waiting for an opportunity; or for some victory
  to be gained by the Mercenaries; in order to return。 But; whether from
  terror or famine; they all took the roads to their native lands; and
  Hamilcar was not jealous of Hanno's successes。 Nevertheless he was in
  a hurry to end matters; he commanded him to fall back upon Tunis; and
  Hanno; who loved his country; was under the walls of the town on the
  appointed day。
  For its protection it had its aboriginal population; twelve thousand
  Mercenaries; and; in addition; all the Eaters of Uncleanness; for like
  Matho they were riveted to the horizon of Carthage; and plebs and
  schalischim gazed at its lofty walls from afar; looking back in
  thought to boundless enjoyments。 With this harmony of hatred;
  resistance was briskly organised。 Leathern bottles were taken to make
  helmets; all the palm…trees in the gardens were cut down for lances;
  cisterns were dug; while for provisions they caught on the shores of
  the lake big white fish; fed on corpses and filth。 Their ramparts;
  kept in ruins now by the jealousy of Carthage; were so weak that they
  could be thrown down with a push of the shoulder。 Matho stopped up the
  holes in them with the stones of the houses。 It was the last struggle;
  he hoped for nothing; and yet he told himself that fortune was fickle。
  As the Carthaginians approached they noticed a man on the rampart who
  towered over the battlements from his belt upwards。 The arrows that
  flew about him seemed to frighten him no more than a swarm of
  swallows。 Extraordinary to say; none of them touched him。
  Hamilcar pitched his camp on the south side; Narr' Havas; to his
  right; occupied the plain of Rhades; and Hanno the shore of the lake;
  and the three generals were to maintain their respective positions; so
  as all to attack the walls simultaneously。
  But Hamilcar wished first to show the Mercenaries that he would punish
  them like slaves。 He had the ten ambassadors crucified beside one
  another on a hillock in front of the town。
  At the sight of this the besieged forsook the rampart。
  Matho had said to himself that if he could pass between the walls and
  Narr' Havas's tents with such rapidity that the Numidians had not time
  to come out; he could fall upon the rear of the Carthaginian infantry;
  who would be caught between his division and those inside。 He dashed
  out with his veterans。
  Narr' Havas perceived him; he crossed the shore of the lake; and came
  to warn Hanno to dispatch men to Hamilcar's assistance。 Did he believe
  Barca too weak to resist the Mercenaries? Was it a piece of treachery
  or folly? No one could ever learn。
  Hanno; desiring to humiliate his rival; did not hesitate。 He shouted
  orders to sound the trumpets; and his whole army rushed upon the
  Barbarians。 The latter returned; and ran straight against the
  Carthaginians; they knocked them down; crushed them under their feet;
  and; driving them back in this way; reached the tent of Hanno; who was
  then surrounded by thirty Carthaginians; the most illustrious of the
  He appeared stupefied by their audacity; he called for his captains。
  Every one thrust his fist under his throat; vociferating abuse。 The
  crowd pressed on; and those who had their hands on him could scarce
  retain their hold。 However; he tried to whisper to them: 〃I will gave
  you whatever you want! I am rich! Save me!〃 They dragged him along;
  heavy as he was his feet did not touch the ground。 The Ancients had
  been carried off。 His terror increased。 〃You have beaten me! I am your
  captive! I will ransom myself! Listen to me; my friends!〃 and borne
  along by all those shoulders which were pressed against his sides; he
  repeated: 〃What are you going to do? What do you want? You can see
  that I am not obstanite! I have always been good…natured!〃
  A gigantic cross stood at the gate。 The Barbarians howled: 〃Here!
  here!〃 But he raised his voice still higher; and in the names of their
  gods he called upon them to lead him to the schalischim; because he
  wished to confide to him something on which their safety depended。
  They paused; some asserting that it was right to summon Matho。 He was
  sent for。
  Hanno fell upon the grass; and he saw around him other crosses also;
  as though the torture by which he was about to perish had been
  multiplied beforehand; he made efforts to convince himself that he was
  mistaken; that there was only one; and even to believe that t