第 17 节
作者:暖暖      更新:2021-02-21 12:21      字数:9322
  A Dissertation on the Poor Laws               by Townsend; Joseph
  A Dissertation Upon Parties          by Bolingbroke; Henry St。 John
  A Distinguished Provincial at Paris            by Balzac; Honore de
  The Divine Comedy                            by Dante Alighieri
  The Docto: A Tale of the Rockies                  by Connor; Ralph
  Doctor Marigold                             by Dickens; Charles
  Doctor Thorne                              by Trollope; Antony
  A Dog's Tale                                   by Twain; Mark
  A Doll's House                                 by Ibsen; Henrik
  Dolly Dialogues                              by Hope; Anthony
  Domby and Son                              by Dickens; Charles
  Dome of Many…Coloured Glass                    by Lowell; Amy
  Domesday Book and Beyond: Three Essays in the Early History of England
  by Maitland; Frederic William
  Domestic Peace                            by Balzac; Honore de
  Dominion                                  by Hobbes; Thomas
  The Dominion of the Air                 by Bacon; John Mackenzie
  Don Juan                                    by Byron; George
  Don Quixote                            by Cervantes; Miguel de
  Dona Perecta                               by Galdos; B。 Perez
  Donal Grant                             by MacDonald; George
  The Doom of the Griffiths                  by Gaskell; Elizabeth C。
  The Door in the Wall and Other Stories              by Wells; H。 G。
  Dora Thorne                            by Brame; Charlotte M。
  The Dore Lectures on Mental Science                by Troward; T。
  Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz                   by Baum; L。 Frank
  A Double Barrelled Detective                      by Twain; Mark
  The Double…Dealer                         by Congreve; William
  The Dove in the Eagle's Nest                   by Yonge; Charlotte
  Down the Mother Lode … Pioneer Tales of California
  by Hemphill; Vivia
  Dr。 Breen's Practice                    by Howells; William Dean
  Dr。 Faustus                            by Marlowe; Christopher
  Dracula                                      by Stoker; Bram
  The Dragon and The Raven or The Days of King Alfred
  by Henty; George Alfred
  Drake's Great Armada                          by Biggs; Walter
  A Drama on the Seashore                    by Balzac; Honore de
  Dramatic Lyrics                            by Browning; Robert
  Dream Days                               by Grahame; Kenneth
  Dream Life and Real Life                      by Schreiner; Oliver
  A Dream of John Ball and A King's Lesson     by Morris; William
  The Dream Woman                             by Collins; Wilkie
  Dreams                                   by Jerome; Jerome K。
  Dreams                                   by Schreiner; Oliver
  Dreams and Dust                               by Marquis; Don
  A Drift from Redwood Camp                        by Harte; Bret
  Drift from Two Shores                         by Harte; Bret
  Driven From Home                             by Alger; Horatio
  Droll Stories                               by Balzac; Honore de
  The Drums Of Jeopardy                      by MacGrath; Harold
  Dubliners                                      by Joyce; James
  The Duchess of Padua                           by Wilde; Oscar
  The Duchesse de Langeais                    by Balzac; Honore de
  The Duke's Children                          by Trollope; Antony
  The Dwelling Place of Ligh                  by Churchill; Winston
  The Dynamiter                           by Stevenson; Robert L。
  Early Australian Voyages                       by Pinkerton; John
  Early Kings of Norway                        by Carlyle; Thomas
  The Early Short Fiction of Edith Wharton          by Wharton; Edith
  East Lynne                                    by Wood; Henry
  The Ebb…Tide                            by Stevenson; Robert L。
  Eben Holden; a Tale of the North Country    by Bacheller; Irving
  Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts               by Marx; Karl
  The Economic Consequences of the Peace   by Keynes; John Maynard
  The Economist                                   by Xenophon
  The Economy of Machinery and Manufactures    by Babbage; Charles
  Edinburgh Picturesque Notes               by Stevenson; Robert L。
  Edison; His Life and Inventions               by Dyer; Frank Lewis
  The Editor's Relations with the Young Contributor
  by Howells; William Dean
  The Education of Henry Adams                by Adams; Henry
  The Education of the Child                          by Key; Ellen
  The Efficiency Expert                    by Burroughs; Edgar Rice
  The Egoist                                 by Meredith; George
  Egypt (La Mort De Philae)                         by Loti; Pierre
  Eight Cousins                           by Alcott; Louise May
  Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon       by Baker; Samuel White; Sir
  The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte           by Marx; Karl
  Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815…1897
  by Stanton; Elizabeth Cady
  El Dorado; An Adventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel
  by Orczy; Baroness Emmuska
  The Eldest Son                              by Galsworthy; John
  Electra                                          by Euripides
  Electra                                          by Sophocles
  The Elements of Law Natural and Politic          by Hobbes; Thomas
  Elements of Political Economy                      by Mill; James
  The Elevator                           by Howells; William Dean
  Elinor Wyllys                         by Cooper; Susan Fenimore
  Elissa                                 by Haggard; Henry Rider
  The Elixir of Life                           by Balzac; Honore de
  Elizabeth and her German Garden                    by Elizabeth
  Elsie Venner                          by Holmes; Oliver Wendell
  The Elusive Pimpernel                by Orczy; Baroness Emmuska
  The Emerald City of Oz                        by Baum; L。 Frank
  Emile Zola                            by Howells; William Dean
  Eminent Victorians                           by Strachey; Lytton
  Emma                                         by Austen; Jane
  The Enchanted Island of Yew                    by Baum; L。 Frank
  The Enchanted Typewriter                 by Bangs; John Kendrick
  The Enchiridion; or Manual                          by Epictetus
  End of the Tether                              by Conrad; Joseph
  The Enemies of Books                         by Blades; William
  An Enemy of the People                          by Ibsen; Henrik
  Engineer; An Autobiography                    by Nasmyth; James
  England's Treasure by Foreign Trade              by Mun; Thomas
  English Laws for Women in the Nineteenth Century
  by Norton; Caroline
  English Traits                                 by Emerson; Ralph W。
  The English Utilitarians                        by Stephen; Leslie
  Enoch Arden and Others                      by Tennyson; Alfred
  Enquiring Concerning Political Justice          by Godwin; William
  An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding       by Hume; David
  Eothen; or; Traces of Travel Brought Home from the East
  by Kinglake; Alexander William
  The Epic of Kings                                  by Ferdowsi
  An Episode Under the Terror                  by Balzac; Honore de
  Episodes In Van Bibber's Life         by Davis; Richard Harding
  Erewhon                                     by Butler; Samuel
  Erewhon Revisited                             by Butler; Samuel
  Eric Brighteyes                          by Haggard; Henry Rider
  The Errand Boy                               by Alger; Horatio
  An Essay Concerning Human Understanding          by Locke; John
  An Essay on Comedy                         by Meredith; George
  An Essay on Man; Moral Essays and Satires       by Pope; Alexander
  An Essay on Profits                            by Ricardo; David
  An Essay on the Distribution of Wealth             by Jones; Richard
  An Essay on the East…India Trade             by D'Avenant; Charles
  An Essay on the History OF Civil Society         by Ferguson; Adam
  An Essay on the Principle of Population       by Malthus; Thomas R。
  An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision       by Berkeley; George
  Essays                                      by Bacon ; Francis
  Essays                                   by Emerson; Ralph W。
  Essays                                       by Meynell; Alice
  Essays (Political; Economical; and Philosophical)
  by Rumford; Benjamin; Graf von
  Essays and Lectures                             by Wilde; Oscar
  Essays and Tales                             by Addison; Joseph
  Essays in Little                                by Lang; Andrew
  Essays in Radical Empiricism                    by James; William
  Essays; Moral and Literary                       by Hume; David
  The Essays of Montaigne (19 volumes)       by Montaigne; Michel de
  Essays of T