第 32 节
作者:理性的思索      更新:2021-02-21 10:16      字数:9321
  for the dead son and the salutation to the Viceroy of India; a piece
  of resigned and manly regret。  The Demeter and Persephone is a modern
  and tender study of the theme of the most beautiful Homeric Hymn。
  The ancient poet had no such thought of the restored Persephone as
  that which impels Tennyson to describe her
  〃Faint as a climate…changing bird that flies
  All night across the darkness; and at dawn
  Falls on the threshold of her native land。〃
  The spring; the restored Persephone; comes more vigorous and joyous
  to the shores of the AEgean than to ours。  All Tennyson's own is
  Demeter's awe of those 〃imperial disimpassioned eyes〃 of her
  daughter; come from the bed and the throne of Hades; the Lord of many
  guests。  The hymn; happy in its ending; has no thought of the grey
  heads of the Fates; and their answer to the goddess concerning 〃fate
  beyond the Fates;〃 and the breaking of the bonds of Hades。  The
  ballad of Owd Roa is one of the most spirited of the essays in
  dialect to which Tennyson had of late years inclined。  Vastness
  merely expresses; in terms of poetry; Tennyson's conviction that;
  without immortality; life is a series of worthless contrasts。  An
  opposite opinion may be entertained; but a man has a right to express
  his own; which; coming from so great a mind; is not undeserving of
  attention; or; at least; is hardly deserving of reproof。  The poet's
  idea is also stated thus in The Ring; in terms which perhaps do not
  fall below the poetical; or; at least; do not drop into 〃the utterly
  〃The Ghost in Man; the Ghost that once was Man;
  But cannot wholly free itself from Man;
  Are calling to each other thro' a dawn
  Stranger than earth has ever seen; the veil
  Is rending; and the Voices of the day
  Are heard across the Voices of the dark。
  No sudden heaven; nor sudden hell; for man;
  But thro' the Will of One who knows and rules …
  And utter knowledge is but utter love …
  AEonian Evolution; swift or slow;
  Thro' all the Spheresan ever opening height;
  An ever lessening earth。〃
  The Ring is; in fact; a ghost story based on a legend told by Mr
  Lowell about a house near where he had once lived; one of those
  houses vexed by
  〃A footstep; a low throbbing in the walls;
  A noise of falling weights that never fell;
  Weird whispers; bells that rang without a hand;
  Door…handles turn'd when none was at the door;
  And bolted doors that open'd of themselves。〃
  These phenomena were doubtless caused by rats and water…pipes; but
  they do not destroy the pity and the passion of the tale。  The lines
  to Mary Boyle are all of the normal world; and worthy of a poet's
  youth and of the spring。  Merlin and the Gleam is the spiritual
  allegory of the poet's own career:…
  〃Arthur had vanish'd
  I knew not whither;
  The king who loved me;
  And cannot die。〃
  So at last
  〃All but in Heaven
  Hovers The Gleam;〃
  whither the wayfarer was soon to follow。  There is a marvellous hope
  and pathos in the melancholy of these all but the latest songs;
  reminiscent of youth and love; and even of the dim haunting memories
  and dreams of infancy。  No other English poet has thus rounded all
  his life with music。  Tennyson was in his eighty…first year; when
  there 〃came in a moment〃 the crown of his work; the immortal lyric;
  Crossing the Bar。  It is hardly less majestic and musical in the
  perfect Greek rendering by his brother…in…law; Mr Lushington。  For
  once at least a poem has been 〃poured from the golden to the silver
  cup〃 without the spilling of a drop。  The new book's appearance was
  coincident with the death of Mr Browning; 〃so loving and
  appreciative;〃 as Lady Tennyson wrote; a friend; not a rival; however
  the partisans of either poet might strive to stir emulation between
  two men of such lofty and such various genius。
  CHAPTER X。1890。
  In the year 1889 the poet's health had permitted him to take long
  walks on the sea…shore and along the cliffs; one of which; by reason
  of its whiteness; he had named 〃Taliessin;〃 〃the splendid brow。〃  His
  mind ran on a poem founded on an Egyptian legend (of which the source
  is not mentioned); telling how 〃despair and death came upon him who
  was mad enough to try to probe the secret of the universe。〃  He also
  thought of a drama on Tristram; who; in the Idylls; is treated with
  brevity; and not with the sympathy of the old writer who cries; 〃God
  bless Tristram the knight:  he fought for England!〃  But early in
  1890 Tennyson suffered from a severe attack of influenza。  In May Mr
  Watts painted his portrait; and
  〃Divinely through all hindrance found the man。〃
  Tennyson was a great admirer of Miss Austen's novels:  〃The realism
  and life…likeness of Miss Austen's Dramatis Personae come nearest to
  those of Shakespeare。  Shakespeare; however; is a sun to which Jane
  Austen; though a bright and true little world; is but an asteroid。〃
  He was therefore pleased to find apple…blossoms co…existing with ripe
  strawberries on June 28; as Miss Austen has been blamed; by minute
  philosophers; for introducing this combination in the garden party in
  Emma。  The poet; like most of the good and great; read novels
  eagerly; and excited himself over the confirmation of an adult male
  in a story by Miss Yonge。  Of Scott; 〃the most chivalrous literary
  figure of the century; and the author with the widest range since
  Shakespeare;〃 he preferred Old Mortality; and it is a good choice。
  He hated 〃morbid and introspective tales; with their oceans of sham
  philosophy。〃  At this time; with catholic taste; he read Mr Stevenson
  and Mr Meredith; Miss Braddon and Mr Henry James; Ouida and Mr Thomas
  Hardy; Mr Hall Caine and Mr Anstey; Mrs Oliphant and Miss Edna Lyall。
  Not everybody can peruse all of these very diverse authors with
  pleasure。  He began his poem on the Roman gladiatorial combats;
  indeed his years; fourscore and one; left his intellectual eagerness
  as unimpaired as that of Goethe。  〃A crooked share;〃 he said to the
  Princess Louise; 〃may make a straight furrow。〃  〃One afternoon he had
  a long waltz with M… in the ballroom。〃  Speaking of
  〃All the charm of all the Muses
  Often flowering in a lonely word〃
  in Virgil; he adduced; rather strangely; the cunctantem ramum; said
  of the Golden Bough; in the Sixth AEneid。  The choice is odd; because
  the Sibyl has just told AEneas that; if he be destined to pluck the
  branch of gold; ipse volens facilisque sequetur; 〃it will come off of
  its own accord;〃 like the sacred ti branches of the Fijians; which
  bend down to be plucked for the Fire rite。  Yet; when the predestined
  AEneas tries to pluck the bough of gold; it yields reluctantly
  (cunctantem); contrary to what the Sibyl has foretold。  Mr Conington;
  therefore; thought the phrase a slip on the part of Virgil。  〃People
  accused Virgil of plagiarising;〃 he said; 〃but if a man made it his
  own there was no harm in that (look at the great poets; Shakespeare
  included)。〃  Tennyson; like Virgil; made much that was ancient his
  own; his verses are often; and purposefully; a mosaic of classical
  reminiscences。  But he was vexed by the hunters after remote and
  unconscious resemblances; and far…fetched analogies between his lines
  and those of others。  He complained that; if he said that the sun
  went down; a parallel was at once cited from Homer; or anybody else;
  and he used a very powerful phrase to condemn critics who detected
  such repetitions。  〃The moanings of the homeless sea;〃〃moanings〃
  from Horace; 〃homeless〃 from Shelley。  〃As if no one else had ever
  heard the sea moan except Horace!〃  Tennyson's mixture of memory and
  forgetfulness was not so strange as that of Scott; and when he
  adapted from the Greek; Latin; or Italian; it was of set purpose;
  just as it was with Virgil。  The beautiful lines comparing a girl's
  eyes to bottom agates that seem to
  〃Wave and float
  In crystal currents of clear running seas;〃
  he invented while bathing in Wales。  It was his habit; to note down
  in verse such similes from nature; and to use them when he found
  occasion。  But the higher criticism; analysing the simile; detected
  elements from Shakespeare and from Beaumont and Fletcher。
  In June 1891 the poet went on a tour in Devonshire; and began his
  Akbar; and probably wrote June Bracken and Heather; or perhaps it was
  composed when 〃we often sat on the top of Blackdown to watch the
  sunset。〃  He wrote to Mr Kipling …
  〃The oldest to the youngest singer
  That England bore〃
  (to alter Mr Swinburne's lines to Landor); praising his Flag of
  England。  Mr Kipling replied as 〃the private to the general。〃
  Early in 1892 The Foresters was successfully produced at New York by
  Miss Ada Rehan; the music by Sir Arthur Sullivan; and the scenery
  from woodland designs by Whymper。  Robin Hood (as we learn from Mark
  Twain) is a favourite hero with the youth of America。  Mr Tom Sawyer
  himself took; in Mark Twain's tale; the part of the bold outlaw。
  The Death of OEnone was published in 1892; with the dedication to the
  Master of Balliol …
  〃Read a Grecian tale retold
  Which; cast in later Grecian mould;
  Quintus Calaber
  Somewhat lazily handled of old。〃
  Quintus Calaber; more usually called Quintus Smyrnaeus;