第 5 节
作者:标点      更新:2021-02-20 18:52      字数:9322
  the Omniscient; the trackless?
  180。 He whom no desire with its snares and poisons can lead astray; by
  what track can you lead him; the Awakened; the Omniscient; the trackless?
  181。 Even the gods envy  those who   are awakened   and not   forgetful;
  who are given to meditation; who are wise; and who delight in the repose
  of retirement (from the world)。
  182。 Difficult (to obtain) is the conception of men; difficult is the life
  of mortals; difficult is the hearing of the True Law; difficult is the birth of
  the Awakened (the attainment of Buddhahood)。
  183。 Not to commit any sin; to do good; and to purify one's mind; that
  is the teaching of (all) the Awakened。
  184。 The Awakened call patience the highest penance; long…suffering
  the   highest   Nirvana;   for   he   is   not   an   anchorite   (pravragita)   who   strikes
  others; he is not an ascetic (sramana) who insults others。
  185。 Not to blame; not to strike; to live restrained under the law; to be
  moderate   in   eating;   to   sleep   and   sit   alone;   and   to   dwell   on   the   highest
  thoughts;this is the teaching of the Awakened。
  186。 There is no satisfying lusts; even by a shower of gold pieces; he
  who knows that lusts have a short taste and cause pain; he is wise;
  187。 Even in heavenly pleasures he finds no satisfaction; the disciple
  who is fully awakened delights only in the destruction of all desires。
  188。   Men;   driven   by   fear;   go   to   many   a   refuge;   to   mountains   and
  forests; to groves and sacred trees。
  189。 But that is not a safe refuge; that is not the best refuge; a man is
  not delivered from all pains after having gone to that refuge。
  190。 He who takes refuge with Buddha; the Law; and the Church; he
  who; with clear understanding; sees the four holy truths:
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  The Dhammapada A Collection of Verses Being One of the Canonical Books of the Buddhists
  191。   Viz。   pain;   the   origin   of   pain;   the   destruction   of   pain;   and   the
  eightfold holy way that leads to the quieting of pain;
  192。 That is the safe refuge; that is the best refuge; having gone to that
  refuge; a man is delivered from all pain。
  193。 A supernatural person   (a   Buddha) is not   easily  found; he   is not
  born everywhere。 Wherever such a sage is born; that race prospers。
  194。 Happy is the arising of the awakened; happy is the teaching of the
  True   Law;   happy  is   peace   in   the   church;   happy  is   the  devotion   of   those
  who are at peace。
  195; 196。 He who pays homage to those who deserve homage; whether
  the awakened (Buddha) or their disciples; those who have overcome the
  host (of evils); and crossed the flood of sorrow; he who pays homage to
  such as have found deliverance and know no fear; his merit can never be
  measured by anybody。
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  The Dhammapada A Collection of Verses Being One of the Canonical Books of the Buddhists
  Chapter XV Happiness
  197。   Let   us   live   happily   then;   not   hating   those   who   hate   us!   among
  men who hate us let us dwell free from hatred!
  198。   Let   us   live   happily   then;   free   from   ailments   among   the   ailing!
  among men who are ailing let us dwell free from ailments!
  199。   Let   us   live   happily   then;   free   from   greed   among   the   greedy!
  among men who are greedy let us dwell free from greed!
  200。   Let   us   live   happily   then;   though   we   call   nothing   our   own!   We
  shall be like the bright gods; feeding on happiness!
  201。 Victory breeds hatred; for the conquered is unhappy。 He who has
  given up both victory and defeat; he; the contented; is happy。
  202。 There is no fire like passion; there is no losing throw like hatred;
  there is no pain like this body; there is no happiness higher than rest。
  203。 Hunger is the worst of diseases; the body the greatest of pains; if
  one knows this truly; that is Nirvana; the highest happiness。
  204。 Health is the greatest of gifts; contentedness the best riches; trust
  is the best of relationships; Nirvana the highest happiness。
  205。  He   who has   tasted the   sweetness of   solitude  and   tranquillity;   is
  free from fear and free from sin; while he tastes the sweetness of drinking
  in the law。
  206。 The sight of the elect (Arya) is good; to live with them is always
  happiness; if a man does not see fools; he will be truly happy。
  207。    He   who    walks    in  the  company   of     fools   suffers   a  long   way;
  company with fools; as with an enemy; is always painful; company with
  the wise is pleasure; like meeting with kinsfolk。
  208。    Therefore;    one   ought    to  follow    the  wise;    the  intelligent;   the
  learned; the much enduring;  the dutiful; the elect;   one ought to follow  a
  good and wise man; as the moon follows the path of the stars。
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  The Dhammapada A Collection of Verses Being One of the Canonical Books of the Buddhists
  Chapter XVI Pleasure
  209。   He   who   gives   himself   to   vanity;   and   does   not   give   himself   to
  meditation; forgetting the real aim (of life) and grasping at pleasure; will
  in time envy him who has exerted himself in meditation。
  210。 Let no man ever look for what is pleasant; or what is unpleasant。
  Not to see what is pleasant is pain; and it is pain to see what is unpleasant。
  211。 Let; therefore; no man love anything; loss of the beloved is evil。
  Those who love nothing and hate nothing; have no fetters。
  212。 From pleasure comes grief; from pleasure comes fear; he who is
  free from pleasure knows neither grief nor fear。
  213。 From affection comes grief; from affection comes fear; he who is
  free from affection knows neither grief nor fear。
  214。 From lust comes grief; from lust comes fear; he who is free from
  lust knows neither grief nor fear。
  215。 From love comes grief; from love comes fear; he who is free from
  love knows neither grief nor fear。
  216。 From greed comes grief; from greed comes fear; he who is free
  from greed knows neither grief nor fear。
  217。 He who possesses virtue and intelligence; who is just; speaks the
  truth; and does what is his own business; him the world will hold dear。
  218。 He in whom a desire for the Ineffable (Nirvana) has sprung up;
  who   is   satisfied   in   his   mind;   and   whose   thoughts   are  not   bewildered   by
  love; he is called urdhvamsrotas (carried upwards by the stream)。
  219。   Kinsmen;   friends;   and   lovers   salute   a   man   who   has   been   long
  away; and returns safe from afar。
  220。 In like manner his good works receive him who has done good;
  and has gone from this world to the other;as kinsmen receive a friend on
  his return。
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  The Dhammapada A Collection of Verses Being One of the Canonical Books of the Buddhists
  Chapter XVII Anger
  221。 Let a man leave anger; let him forsake pride; let him overcome all
  bondage!      No sufferings befall the man who is not attached to name and
  form; and who calls nothing his own。
  222。 He who holds back rising anger like a rolling chariot; him I call a
  real driver; other people are but holding the reins。
  223。   Let   a   man   overcome   anger   by   love;   let   him   overcome   evil   by
  good; let him overcome the greedy by liberality; the liar by truth!
  224。 Speak the truth; do not yield to anger; give; if thou art asked for
  little; by these three steps thou wilt go near the gods。
  225。 The sages who injure nobody; and who always control their body;
  they will go to the unchangeable place (Nirvana); where; if they have gone;
  they will suffer no more。
  226。 Those who are ever watchful; who study day and night; and who
  strive after Nirvana; their passions will come to an end。
  227。 This is an old saying; O Atula; this is not only of to…day: ‘They
  blame him who sits silent;         they blame him who speaks much; they also
  blame him who says little; there is no one on earth who is not blamed。'
  228。 There never was; there never will be; nor is there now; a man who
  is always blamed; or a man who is always praised。
  229; 230。 But he whom those who discriminate praise continually day
  after   day;   as   without   blemish;   wise;   rich   in   knowledge   and   virtue;   who
  would dare to blame him; like a coin made of gold from the Gambu river?
  Even the gods praise him; he is praised even by Brah