第 3 节
作者:连过十一人      更新:2021-02-20 18:44      字数:9322
  an unfnished figure of the nude。
  Greta; with feet crossed; sat on a coloured blanket; dabbling her
  fnger in a little pool of coffee; and gazing up at Harz。  And he
  thought: 'I should like to paint her like that。  〃A forget…me…not。〃'
  He took out his chalks to make a sketch of her。
  〃Shall you show me?〃 cried out Greta; scrambling to her feet。
  〃'Will;' Greta'will'; how often must I tell you?  I think we should
  be goingit is very lateyour fatherso very kind of you; but I
  think we should be going。  Scruff!〃   Miss Naylor gave the floor two
  taps。  The terrier backed into a plaster cast which came down on his
  tail; and sent him flying through the doorway。  Greta followed
  swiftly; crying:
  〃Ach! poor Scrufee!〃
  Miss Naylor crossed the room; bowing; she murmured an apology; and
  also disappeared。
  Harz was left alone; his guests were gone; the little girl with the
  fair hair and the eyes like forget…me…nots; the little lady with
  kindly gestures and bird…like walk; the terrier。  He looked round
  him; the room seemed very empty。  Gnawing his moustache; he muttered
  at the fallen cast。
  Then taking up his brush; stood before his picture; smiling and
  frowning。  Soon he had forgotten it all in his work。
  It was early morning four days later; and Harz was loitering
  homewards。  The shadows of the clouds passing across the vines were
  vanishing over the jumbled roofs and green…topped spires of the town。
  A strong sweet wind was blowing from the mountains; there was a stir
  in the branches of the trees; and flakes of the late blossom were
  drifting down。  Amongst the soft green pods of a kind of poplar
  chafers buzzed; and numbers of their little brown bodies were strewn
  on the path。
  He passed a bench where a girl sat sketching。  A puff of wind whirled
  her drawing to the ground; Harz ran to pick it up。  She took it from
  him with a bow; but; as he turned away; she tore the sketch across。
  〃Ah!〃 he said; 〃why did you do that?〃
  This girl; who stood with a bit of the torn sketch in either hand;
  was slight and straight; and her face earnest and serene。  She gazed
  at Harz with large; clear; greenish eyes; her lips and chin were
  defiant; her forehead tranquil。
  〃I don't like it。〃
  〃Will you let me look at it?  I am a painter。〃
  〃It isn't worth looking at; butif you wish〃
  He put the two halves of the sketch together。
  〃You see!〃 she said at last; 〃I told you。〃
  Harz did not answer; still looking at the sketch。  The girl frowned。
  Harz asked her suddenly:
  〃Why do you paint?〃
  She coloured; and said:
  〃Show me what is wrong。〃
  〃I cannot show you what is wrong; there is nothing wrongbut why do
  you paint?〃
  〃I don't understand。〃
  Harz shrugged his shoulders。
  〃You've no business to do that;〃 said the girl in a hurt voice; 〃I
  want to know。〃
  〃Your heart is not in it;〃 said Harz。
  She looked at him; startled; her eyes had grown thoughtful。
  〃I suppose that is it。  There are so many other things〃
  〃There should be nothing else;〃 said Harz。
  She broke in: 〃I don't want always to be thinking of myself。
  〃Ah! When you begin supposing!〃
  The girl confronted him; she had torn the sketch again。
  〃You mean that if it does not matter enough; one had better not do it
  at all。  I don't know if you are rightI think you are。〃
  There was the sound of a nervous cough; and Harz saw behind him his
  three visitorsMiss Naylor offering him her hand; Greta; flushed;
  with a bunch of wild flowers; staring intently in his face; and the
  terrier; sniffing at his trousers。
  Miss Naylor broke an awkward silence。
  〃We wondered if you would still be here; Christian。  I am sorry to
  interrupt youI was not aware that you knew Mr。Herr〃
  〃Harz is my namewe were just talking〃
  〃About my sketch。  Oh; Greta; you do tickle!  Will you come and have
  breakfast with us to…day; Herr Harz?  It's our turn; you know。〃
  Harz; glancing at his dusty clothes; excused himself。
  But Greta in a pleading voice said: 〃Oh! do come!  Scruff likes you。
  It is so dull when there is nobody for breakfast but ourselves。〃
  Miss Naylor's mouth began to twist。  Harz hurriedly broke in:
  〃Thank you。  I will come with pleasure; you don't mind my being
  〃Oh no! we do not mind; then we shall none of us wash; and afterwards
  I shall show you my rabbits。〃
  Miss Naylor; moving from foot to foot; like a bird on its perch;
  〃I hope you won't regret it; not a very good mealthe girls are so
  impulsivesuch informal invitation; we shall be very glad。〃
  But Greta pulled softly at her sister's sleeve; and Christian;
  gathering her things; led the way。
  Harz followed in amazement; nothing of this kind had come into his
  life before。  He kept shyly glancing at the girls; and; noting the
  speculative innocence in Greta's eyes; he smiled。  They soon came to
  two great poplar…trees; which stood; like sentinels; one on either
  side of an unweeded gravel walk leading through lilac bushes to a
  house painted dull pink; with green…shuttered windows; and a roof of
  greenish slate。  Over the door in faded crimson letters were written
  the words; 〃Villa Rubein。〃
  〃That is to the stables;〃 said Greta; pointing down a path; where
  some pigeons were sunning themselves on a wall。  〃Uncle Nic keeps his
  horses there: Countess and Cuckoohis horses begin with C; because
  of Christhey are quite beautiful。  He says he could drive them to
  Kingdom…Come and they would not turn their hair。  Bow; and say 'Good…
  morning' to our house!〃
  Harz bowed。
  〃Father said all strangers should; and I think it brings good luck。〃
  》From the doorstep she looked round at Harz; then ran into the house。
  A broad; thick…set man; with stiff; brushed…up hair; a short; brown;
  bushy beard parted at the chin; a fresh complexion; and blue glasses
  across a thick nose; came out; and called in a bluff voice:
  〃Ha! my good dears; kiss me quickprrt!  How goes it then this
  morning?  A good walk; hein?〃  The sound of many loud rapid kisses
  〃Ha; Fraulein; good!〃  He became aware of Harz's figure standing in
  the doorway: 〃Und der Herr?〃
  Miss Naylor hurriedly explained。
  〃Good!  An artist!  Kommen Sie herein; I am delight。  You will
  breakfast?  I tooyes; yes; my dearsI too breakfast with you this
  morning。  I have the hunter's appetite。〃
  Harz; looking at him keenly; perceived him to be of middle height and
  age; stout; dressed in a loose holland jacket; a very white; starched
  shirt; and blue silk sash; that he looked particularly clean; had an
  air of belonging to Society; and exhaled a really fine aroma of
  excellent cigars and the best hairdresser's essences。
  The room they entered was long and rather bare; there was a huge map
  on the wall; and below it a pair of globes on crooked supports;
  resembling two inflated frogs erect on their hind legs。  In one
  corner was a cottage piano; close to a writing…table heaped with
  books and papers; this nook; sacred to Christian; was foreign to the
  rest of the room; which was arranged with supernatural neatness。  A
  table was laid for breakfast; and the sun…warmed air came in through
  French windows。
  The meal went merrily; Herr Paul von Morawitz was never in such
  spirits as at table。  Words streamed from him。  Conversing with Harz;
  he talked of Art as who should say: 〃One does not claim to be a
  connoisseurpas si betestill; one has a little knowledge; que
  diable!〃  He recommended him a man in the town who sold cigars that
  were 〃not so very bad。〃  He consumed porridge; ate an omelette; and
  bending across to Greta gave her a sounding kiss; muttering: 〃Kiss me
  quick!〃an expression he had picked up in a London music…hall; long
  ago; and considered chic。  He asked his daughters' plans; and held
  out porridge to the terrier; who refused it with a sniff。
  〃Well;〃 he said suddenly; looking at Miss Naylor; 〃here is a
  gentleman who has not even heard our names!〃
  The little lady began her introductions in a breathless voice。
  〃Good!〃  Herr Paul said; puffing out his lips: 〃Now we know each
  other!〃 and; brushing up the ends of his moustaches; he carried off
  Harz into another room; decorated with pipe…racks; prints of dancing…
  girls; spittoons; easy…chairs well…seasoned by cigar smoke; French
  novels; and newspapers。
  The household at Villa Rubein was indeed of a mixed and curious
  nature。  Cut on both floors by corridors; the Villa was divided into
  four divisions; each of which had its separate inhabitants; an
  arrangement which had come about in the following way:
  When old Nicholas Treffry died; his estate; on the boundary of
  Cornwall; had been sold and divided up among his three surviving
  childrenNicholas; who was much the eldest; a partner in the well…
  known firm of Forsyte and Treffry; teamen; of th