第 68 节
作者:巴乔的中场      更新:2021-02-20 18:11      字数:9321
  quantity of goods sufficient to open the path and to establish relations
  with the equatorial countries。 I shall have 212 troops and a good supply
  of ammunition; goods; and cattle: thus there should be no insurmountable
  〃I wrote to Mr。 Higginbotham; also to Mr。 Marcopolo; and sent the
  letters inclosed in a bottle。
  〃February 17。 A slight shower fell this morning。 The sheik of Mooge
  arrived to see me last evening; and presented a fat goat。
  〃I am trying to persuade him and old Abbio to join in cutting the
  cart…road through the forest from Mooge。 I gave Abbio a mixture of
  sulphate of zinc for his eyes; and put a mustard plaster on Wani the
  interpreter's stomach。 At first he said it was of no use; as it only
  felt like cold water; but when it began to burn; he was greatly amazed;
  and said the cold water had turned to fire。
  〃I then physicked Colonel Abd…el…Kader and Monsoor; both of whom were
  〃A judicious present of a few blue shirts to certain headmen put every
  one in good humour。
  〃February 18。I took a stroll for some miles in the forest accompanied
  by Lieutenant Baker。 Game was very scarce; but we at length came upon a
  fine herd of tetel (Antelope Babalis)。 These having been disturbed by
  the noise we had made in walking over loose stony ground; dashed through
  the open forest; about 120 paces in my front。 I shot one through the
  shoulder; and upon running up I found it in the act of falling。
  〃I then heard a shot from Lieutenant Baker on my left; to whom my shot
  had turned the antelopes。 He had killed a very large bull by a good shot
  in the neck。
  〃This luck was a windfall for the Lobore natives who had accompanied us;
  and a man immediately started off for assistance; as many men were
  required to transport the flesh and hides of such large animals。
  〃February 19。…The natives begged that we would accompany them to hunt;
  and they started with a considerable party。
  〃Having formed a long line like skirmishers; with intervals of about ten
  yards between each; they advanced with their bows prepared; and the
  arrows on the string; ready for a shot on the instant should game start
  on foot。 There were many boys of about twelve years old; all of whom
  were armed with bows and arrows; and they advanced in the same line with
  the men。 There were too many people; and the game became scared; so that
  after a long walk; we returned to camp without having fired a shot。
  〃I found some very curious flowers; which issued from the ground in
  pods; without leaves; these burst and threw out beautiful compact silk
  balls in great numbers; not half of which could be returned to the pod
  that had scattered them。
  〃On 22nd February we had purchased and stored; in expectation of the
  arrival of the troops; 3;740 lbs。 of flour。
  〃I was determined to carry a large supply to the south; as the country
  had in some places been depopulated by the slave…hunters。
  〃February 23。I went out with Lieutenant Baker; accompanied by some
  natives; and travelled over very likely ground; composed of forest;
  glades; ravines full of bamboos; &c。; until we reached the base of Gebel
  〃We had passed over several miles and had only seen a few small
  antelopes; when upon ascending some rising ground in the very open
  forest; we caught sight of a herd of tetel bounding along through some
  high grass towards some low; rocky hills; a few hundred yards distant。
  There were many large trees growing out of the clefts of the rocks; and
  I proposed that Lieutenant Baker should go round the hill on my right;
  while I should creep quietly over the summit of the rocks; as I expected
  we should find the antelopes standing in some sheltered glade。
  〃When I arrived at the base of the small hill; which was not higher than
  seventy or eighty feet; and was composed of large masses of granite; I
  carefully ascended; without making the slightest noise。
  〃On arrival at the denuded summit; I was well concealed by a detached
  block of granite that lay upon a flat weather…worn surface of the same
  〃I raised my head; and looked in vain for the antelopes。 The ground was
  a beautiful park; characterized by numerous masses of granite; like
  ruined castles; among trees of all shades of green。 The ground was
  covered with young grass about six inches high; which had sprung up
  after the annual fire that had destroyed the last year's dry herbage。
  〃I could see no game。 Presently I observed the native; who was a few
  yards on my left; making eager gestures; and pointing with his finder in
  order to direct my attention。 I at once perceived a family of wild pigs
  which had emerged from some bush; and were quietly feeding along the
  glade; so that they would shortly pass in front of me within sixty
  〃The natives love pork beyond all other flesh; thus I had a good
  opportunity for showing them a little treat。 With a quick right and left
  shot I knocked over two pigs; and reloading the 〃Dutchman〃 in a few
  instants; I rolled over a boar that had galloped off to about 120 yards'
  distance。 This animal recovered itself and got away to some place of
  〃Upon the arrival of Lieutenant Baker and the natives; we tracked the
  blood for about 300 yards to a small plot of high grass that had escaped
  the fire。 I knew that we must find the wounded boar in this retreat。 I
  therefore ordered the natives to beat it out。 The boar soon broke cover
  and galloped off along the open; but quickly rolled over as a shot from
  the 〃Dutchman〃 struck it behind the shoulder。 The natives were delighted
  with the success of the rifle; as it had produced three fine pigs for
  their service within a few minutes。〃
  〃February 24。 The whole of the troops and baggage from the vessels
  arrived safely to…day; together with the cattle and sheep; thus all my
  arrangements have; thank God; speeded; and I am now in possession of my
  force and material。〃
  Major Abdullah delivered his report。 As I had expected; he had been
  attacked in great force by the natives after my departure。 The Baris; as
  usual; had employed treachery; which had very nearly succeeded。
  A day or two after I had left the vessels; several natives had desired
  to communicate with Major Abdullah。 These men declared that they had
  nothing to do with Bedden; and that all the Baris of the east side of
  the Nile desired peace。
  It would have been natural to suppose that after so recent an example of
  treachery on the part of Bedden; Major Abdullah would have been keenly
  suspicious; he was nevertheless deceived by the specious promises of the
  wily Baris。 This officer knew my wish for peace and good…will; and he
  trusted to be able to assure me; that after my departure he had been
  able to establish amicable relations with our late enemies。
  The messengers returned to their villages; and natives visited the camp
  with fowls; tobacco; and various articles for sale。 The soldiers were
  ready purchasers; as they were well supplied with beads; zinc mirrors;
  and various trifles which they had recently obtained from the government
  magazines。 The fault of my men lay in their extravagance; and they
  usually spoiled a market by offering too much。 The trade commenced
  vigorously; and the now peaceable Baris thronged to the vessels; and
  mixed freely with the officers and troops。
  On the night of February 17; 1872; the troops were fast asleep。
  Confidence had been thoroughly established; and there was no
  apprehension of coming danger。 My officers and men were careless of
  precautions; the sentries were nearly all asleep。 The cannon had been
  loaded with shell instead of canister。 The Woolwich tubes had been put
  away so safely that they could not be found when wanted。 The gun had not
  been sighted for close distance; neither had any of my most positive
  instructions been carried out。 The artillerymen were sound asleep upon
  their mats around their neglected gun。
  I have already described the tactics of Bari night attacks。 There can be
  no doubt that their scouts must have crept close to the camp; and must
  have returned to the main body without having been observed by the
  sentries。 The report that all were asleep; or off their guard; had been
  It is supposed that some thousands of the enemy moved cautiously
  forward; concealed by the darkness; upon ground that otherwise could not
  have admitted a stealthy approach。
  Fortunately for the expedition; one or two of the cattle sentries were
  awake; otherwise the entire force must have been massacred。
  The Baris crept forward without being observed; until they arrived near
  the silent and sleepy camp。 Then with sudden shrieks and yells they
  rushed forward in a mass upon the unsuspecting troops!
  A slight impediment may check an assault during the darkness of night。
  The only protection to the position was a simple line of thorn branches
  laid in a row about twenty paces in the front; running parallel with the
  river。 The naked legs of the first line of the enemy must have become
  entangled in this unseen obstruction for a few seconds; which caused
  sufficient confusion to destroy the momentum of the first rush forward。
  The sentries by the ravine immediately fired; and the sixty men who
  formed the cattle guard