第 1 节
作者:希望之舟      更新:2021-02-20 18:03      字数:9322
  Of Taxes
  by David Hume
  There is a prevailing maxim; among some reasoners; that every
  new tax creates a new ability in the subject to bear it; and that
  each encrease of public burdens encreases proportionably the
  industry of the people。 This maxim is of such a nature as is most
  likely to be abused; and is so much the more dangerous; as its
  truth cannot be altogether denied: but it must be owned; when
  kept within certain bounds; to have some foundation in reason and
  When a tax is laid upon commodities; which are consumed by
  the common people; the necessary consequence may seem to be;
  either that the poor must retrench something from their way of
  living; or raise their wages; so as to make the burden of the tax
  fall entirely upon the rich。 But there is a third consequence;
  which often follows upon taxes; namely; that the poor encrease
  their industry; perform more work; and live as well as before;
  without demanding more for their labour。 Where taxes are
  moderate; are laid on gradually; and affect not the necessaries
  of life; this consequence naturally follows; and it is certain;
  that such difficulties often serve to excite the industry of a
  people; and render them more opulent and laborious; than others;
  who enjoy the greatest advantages。 For we may observe; as a
  parallel instance; that the most commercial nations have not
  always possessed the greatest extent of fertile land; but; on the
  contrary; that they have laboured under many natural
  HOLLAND; are strong examples to this purpose。 And in all history;
  we find only three instances of large and fertile countries;
  which have possessed much trade; the NETHERLANDS。 ENGLAND; and
  FRANCE。 The two former seem to have been allured by the
  advantages of their maritime situation; and the necessity they
  lay under of frequenting foreign ports; in order to procure what
  their own climate refused them。 And as to FRANCE; trade has come
  late into that kingdom; and seems to have been the effect of
  reflection and observation in an ingenious and enterprizing
  people; who remarked the riches acquired by such of the
  neighbouring nations as cultivated navigation and commerce。
  The places mentioned by CICERO; as possessed of the greatest
  commerce in his time; are ALEXANDRIA; COLCHUS; TYRE; SIDON;
  either small islands; or narrow territories。 And that city owed
  its trade entirely to the happiness of its situation。
  Since therefore some natural necessities or disadvantages may
  be thought favourable to industry; why may not artificial burdens
  have the same effect? Sir WILLIAM TEMPLE; we may observe;
  ascribes the industry of the DUTCH entirely to necessity;
  proceeding from their natural disadvantages; and illustrates his
  doctrine by a striking comparison with IRELAND; 〃where;〃 says he;
  〃by the largeness and plenty of the soil; and scarcity of people;
  all things necessary to life are so cheap; that an industrious
  man; by two days labour; may gain enough to feed him the rest of
  the week。 Which I take to be a very plain ground of the laziness
  attributed to the people。 For men naturally prefer ease before
  labour; and will not take pains if they can live idle; though
  when; by necessity; they have been inured to it; they cannot
  leave it; being grown a custom necessary to their health; and to
  their very entertainment。 Nor perhaps is the change harder; from
  constant ease to labour; than from constant labour to ease。〃
  After which the author proceeds to confirm his doctrine; by
  enumerating; as above; the places where trade has most
  flourished; in ancient and modern times; and which are commonly
  observed to be such narrow confined territories; as beget a
  necessity for industry。
  The best taxes are such as are levied upon consumptions;
  especially those of luxury; because such taxes are least felt by
  the people。 They seem; in some measure; voluntary; since a man
  may chuse how far he will use the commodity which is taxed: They
  are paid gradually and insensibly: They naturally produce
  sobriety and frugality; if judiciously imposed: And being
  confounded with the natural price of the commodity; they are
  scarcely perceived by the consumers。 Their only disadvantage is;
  that they are expensive in the levying。
  Taxes upon possessions are levied without expence; but have
  every other disadvantage。 Most states; however; are obliged to
  have recourse to them; in order to supply the deficiencies of the
  But the most pernicious of all taxes are the arbitrary。 They
  are commonly converted; by their management; into punishments on
  industry; and also; by their unavoidable inequality; are more
  grievous; than by the real burden which they impose。 It is
  surprising; therefore; to see them have place among any civilized
  In general; all poll…taxes; even when not arbitrary; which
  they commonly are; may be esteemed dangerous: Because it is So
  easy for the sovereign to add a little more; and a little more;
  to the sum demanded; that these taxes are apt to become
  altogether oppressive and intolerable。 On the other hand; a duty
  upon commodities checks itself; and a prince will soon find; that
  an encrease of the impost is no encrease of his revenue。 It is
  not easy therefore; for a people to be altogether ruined by such
  Historians inform us; that one of the chief causes of the
  destruction of the ROMAN state; was the alteration; which
  CONSTANTINE introduced into the finances; by substituting an
  universal poll…tax; in lieu of almost all the tithes; customs;
  and excises; which formerly composed the revenue of the empire。
  The people; in all the provinces; were so grinded and oppressed
  by the publicans; that they were glad to take refuge under the
  conquering arms of the barbarians; whose dominion; as they had
  fewer necessities and less art; was found preferable to the
  refined tyranny of the ROMANS。
  It is an opinion; zealously promoted by some political
  writers; that; since all taxes; as they pretend; fall ultimately
  upon land; it were better to lay them originally there; and
  abolish every duty upon consumptions。 But it is denied; that all
  taxes fall ultimately upon land。 If a duty be laid upon any
  commodity; consumed by an artisan; he has two obvious expedients
  for paying it; he may retrench somewhat of his expence; or he may
  encrease his labour。 Both these resources are more easy and
  natural; than that of heightening his wages。 We see; that; in
  years of scarcity; the weaver either consumes less or labours
  more; or employs both these expedients of frugality and industry;
  by which he is enabled to reach the end of the year。 It is but
  just; that he should subject himself to the same hardships; if
  they deserve the name; for the sake of the publick; which gives
  him protection。 By what contrivance can he raise the price of his
  labour? The manufacturer who employs him; will not give him more:
  Neither can he; because the merchant; who exports the cloth;
  cannot raise its price; being limited by the price which it
  yields in foreign markets。 Every man; to be sure; is desirous of
  pushing off from himself the burden of any tax; which is imposed;
  and of laying it upon others: But as every man has the same
  inclination; and is upon the defensive; no set of men can be
  supposed to prevail altogether in this contest。 And why the
  landed gentleman should be the victim of the whole; and should
  not be able to defend himself; as well as others are; I cannot
  readily imagine。 All tradesmen; indeed; would willingly prey upon
  him; and divide him among them; if they could: But this
  inclination they always have; though no taxes were levied; and
  the same methods; by which he guards against the imposition of
  tradesmen before taxes; will serve him afterwards; and make them
  share the burden with him。 They must be very heavy taxes; indeed;
  and very injudiciously levied; which the artizan will not; of
  himself; be enabled to pay; by superior industry and frugality;
  without raising the price of his labour。
  I shall conclude this subject with observing; that we have;
  with regard to taxes; an instance of what frequently happens in
  political institutions; that the consequences of things are
  diametrically opposite to what we should expect on the first
  appearance。 It is regarded as a fundamental maxim of the TURKISH
  government; that the Grand Signior; though absolute master of the
  lives and fortunes of each individual; has no authority to impose
  a new tax; and every OTTOMAN prince; who has made such an
  attempt; either has been obliged to retract; or has found the
  fatal effects of his perseverance。 One would imagine; that this
  prejudice or established opinion were the firmest barrier in the
  world against oppression; yet it is certain; that its effect is
  quite contrary。 The emperor; having no regular method of
  encreasing his revenue; must allow all the bashaws and governors
  to oppress and abuse the subjects: And these he squeezes after
  their return from their government。 Whereas; if he could im