第 8 节
作者:别克陆上公务舱      更新:2021-02-20 18:01      字数:9321
  was encased in a blue silk covering; which was to protect
  it from the rain。
  〃Come; Medoro;〃 said the Fairy to him。  〃Get my
  best coach ready and set out toward the forest。  On
  reaching the oak tree; you will find a poor; half…dead
  Marionette stretched out on the grass。  Lift him up
  tenderly; place him on the silken cushions of the coach;
  and bring him here to me。〃
  The Poodle; to show that he understood; wagged his silk…covered tail
  two or three times and set off at a quick pace。
  In a few minutes; a lovely little coach; made of glass;
  with lining as soft as whipped cream and chocolate pudding;
  and stuffed with canary feathers; pulled out of the
  stable。  It was drawn by one hundred pairs of white mice;
  and the Poodle sat on the coachman's seat and snapped
  his whip gayly in the air; as if he were a real coachman
  in a hurry to get to his destination。
  In a quarter of an hour the coach was back。  The
  Fairy; who was waiting at the door of the house; lifted
  the poor little Marionette in her arms; took him to a
  dainty room with mother…of…pearl walls; put him to bed;
  and sent immediately for the most famous doctors of the
  neighborhood to come to her。
  One after another the doctors came; a Crow; and Owl;
  and a Talking Cricket。
  〃I should like to know; signori;〃 said the Fairy; turning
  to the three doctors gathered about Pinocchio's bed;
  〃I should like to know if this poor Marionette is dead or alive。〃
  At this invitation; the Crow stepped out and felt
  Pinocchio's pulse; his nose; his little toe。
  Then he solemnly pronounced the following words:
  〃To my mind this Marionette is dead and gone; but if;
  by any evil chance; he were not; then that would be a
  sure sign that he is still alive!〃
  〃I am sorry;〃 said the Owl; 〃to have to contradict
  the Crow; my famous friend and colleague。  To my mind
  this Marionette is alive; but if; by any evil chance; he
  were not; then that would be a sure sign that he is wholly dead!〃
  〃And do you hold any opinion?〃 the Fairy asked the Talking Cricket。
  〃I say that a wise doctor; when he does not know what he
  is talking about; should know enough to keep his mouth shut。
  However; that Marionette is not a stranger to me。
  I have known him a long time!〃
  Pinocchio; who until then had been very quiet;
  shuddered so hard that the bed shook。
  〃That Marionette;〃 continued the Talking Cricket;
  〃is a rascal of the worst kind。〃
  Pinocchio opened his eyes and closed them again。
  〃He is rude; lazy; a runaway。〃
  Pinocchio hid his face under the sheets。
  〃That Marionette is a disobedient son who is breaking
  his father's heart!〃
  Long shuddering sobs were heard; cries; and deep sighs。
  Think how surprised everyone was when; on raising the sheets;
  they discovered Pinocchio half melted in tears!
  〃When the dead weep; they are beginning to recover;〃
  said the Crow solemnly。
  〃I am sorry to contradict my famous friend and colleague;〃
  said the Owl; 〃but as far as I'm concerned; I think that
  when the dead weep; it means they do not want to die。〃
  Pinocchio eats sugar; but refuses to take medicine。
  When the undertakers come for him; he drinks the medicine and feels better。
  Afterwards he tells a lie and; in punishment; his nose grows longer and longer
  As soon as the three doctors had left the room; the Fairy
  went to Pinocchio's bed and; touching him on the forehead;
  noticed that he was burning with fever。
  She took a glass of water; put a white powder into
  it; and; handing it to the Marionette; said lovingly to him:
  〃Drink this; and in a few days you'll be up and well。〃
  Pinocchio looked at the glass; made a wry face; and
  asked in a whining voice:  〃Is it sweet or bitter?〃
  〃It is bitter; but it is good for you。〃
  〃If it is bitter; I don't want it。〃
  〃Drink it!〃
  〃I don't like anything bitter。〃
  〃Drink it and I'll give you a lump of sugar to take the
  bitter taste from your mouth。〃
  〃Where's the sugar?〃
  〃Here it is;〃 said the Fairy; taking a lump from a golden
  sugar bowl。
  〃I want the sugar first; then I'll drink the bitter water。〃
  〃Do you promise?〃
  The Fairy gave him the sugar and Pinocchio; after chewing
  and swallowing it in a twinkling; said; smacking his lips:
  〃If only sugar were medicine!  I should take it every day。〃
  〃Now keep your promise and drink these few drops
  of water。  They'll be good for you。〃
  Pinocchio took the glass in both hands and stuck his
  nose into it。  He lifted it to his mouth and once more
  stuck his nose into it。
  〃It is too bitter; much too bitter!  I can't drink it。〃
  〃How do you know; when you haven't even tasted it?〃
  〃I can imagine it。  I smell it。  I want another lump of
  sugar; then I'll drink it。〃
  The Fairy; with all the patience of a good mother; gave
  him more sugar and again handed him the glass。
  〃I can't drink it like that;〃 the Marionette said; making
  more wry faces。
  〃Because that feather pillow on my feet bothers me。〃
  The Fairy took away the pillow。
  〃It's no use。  I can't drink it even now。〃
  〃What's the matter now?〃
  〃I don't like the way that door looks。  It's half open。〃
  The Fairy closed the door。
  〃I won't drink it;〃 cried Pinocchio; bursting out crying。
  〃I won't drink this awful water。  I won't。  I won't!
  No; no; no; no!〃
  〃My boy; you'll be sorry。〃
  〃I don't care。〃
  〃You are very sick。〃
  〃I don't care。〃
  〃In a few hours the fever will take you far away to another world。〃
  〃I don't care。〃
  〃Aren't you afraid of death?〃
  〃Not a bit。  I'd rather die than drink that awful medicine。〃
  At that moment; the door of the room flew open and in
  came four Rabbits as black as ink; carrying a small black
  coffin on their shoulders。
  〃What do you want from me?〃 asked Pinocchio。
  〃We have come for you;〃 said the largest Rabbit。
  〃For me?  But I'm not dead yet!〃
  〃No; not dead yet; but you will be in a few moments
  since you have refused to take the medicine which would
  have made you well。〃
  〃Oh; Fairy; my Fairy;〃 the Marionette cried out; 〃give me
  that glass!  Quick; please!  I don't want to die!
  No; no; not yetnot yet!〃
  And holding the glass with his two hands; he swallowed
  the medicine at one gulp。
  〃Well;〃 said the four Rabbits; 〃this time we have made
  the trip for nothing。〃
  And turning on their heels; they marched solemnly out
  of the room; carrying their little black coffin and muttering
  and grumbling between their teeth。
  In a twinkling; Pinocchio felt fine。  With one leap he
  was out of bed and into his clothes。
  The Fairy; seeing him run and jump around the room
  gay as a bird on wing; said to him:
  〃My medicine was good for you; after all; wasn't it?〃
  〃Good indeed!  It has given me new life。〃
  〃Why; then; did I have to beg you so hard to make
  you drink it?〃
  〃I'm a boy; you see; and all boys hate medicine more
  than they do sickness。〃
  〃What a shame!  Boys ought to know; after all; that
  medicine; taken in time; can save them from much pain
  and even from death。〃
  〃Next time I won't have to be begged so hard。  I'll
  remember those black Rabbits with the black coffin on
  their shoulders and I'll take the glass and pouf!down it
  will go!〃
  〃Come here now and tell me how it came about that
  you found yourself in the hands of the Assassins。〃
  〃It happened that Fire Eater gave me five gold pieces
  to give to my Father; but on the way; I met a Fox and a
  Cat; who asked me; ‘Do you want the five pieces to become
  two thousand?'  And I said; ‘Yes。' And they said;
  ‘Come with us to the Field of Wonders。' And I said;
  ‘Let's go。' Then they said; ‘Let us stop at the Inn of the
  Red Lobster for dinner and after midnight we'll set out
  again。' We ate and went to sleep。  When I awoke they
  were gone and I started out in the darkness all alone。  On
  the road I met two Assassins dressed in black coal sacks;
  who said to me; ‘Your money or your life!' and I said;
  ‘I haven't any money'; for; you see; I had put the money
  under my tongue。  One of them tried to put his hand in
  my mouth and I bit it off and spat it out; but it wasn't a
  hand; it was a cat's paw。  And they ran after me and I
  ran and ran; till at last they caught me and tied my neck
  with a rope and hanged me to a tree; saying; ‘Tomorrow
  we'll come back for you and you'll be dead and your
  mouth will be open; and then we'll take the gold pieces
  that you have hidden under your tongue。'〃
  〃Where are the gold pieces now?〃 the Fairy asked。
  〃I lost them;〃 answered Pinocchio; but he told a lie;
  for he had them in his pocket。
  As he spoke; his nose; long though it was; became at
  least two inches longer。
  〃And where did you lose them?〃
  〃In the wood near by。〃
  At this second lie; his nose grew a few more inches。
  〃If you lost them in the near…by wood;〃 said the Fairy;
  〃we'll look for them and find them; for everything that is
  lost there is always found。〃
  〃Ah; now I remember;〃 replied the Marionette;
  becoming more and more confused。  〃I did not lose the gold
  pieces; but I swallowed them when I drank the medicine。〃
  At this third lie; his nose became longer than ever;
  so long that he could not even turn around。  If he turned
  to the right; he knocked it against the bed or into