第 17 节
作者:世纪史诗      更新:2021-02-20 16:49      字数:9320
  suppose Your bondage happy; to be made a queen? MARGARET。 To be a
  queen in bondage is more vile Than is a slave in base servility; For princes
  should   be   free。   SUFFOLK。 And   so   shall   you;   If   happy   England's   royal
  king   be   free。   MARGARET。   Why;   what   concerns   his   freedom   unto   me?
  SUFFOLK。   I'll   undertake   to   make   thee   Henry's   queen;   To   put   a   golden
  sceptre in thy hand And set a precious crown upon thy head; If thou wilt
  condescend       to   be   my…    MARGARET。          What?     SUFFOLK。        His    love。
  MARGARET。 I am unworthy to be Henry's wife。 SUFFOLK。 No; gentle
  madam; I unworthy am To woo so fair a dame to be his wife And have no
  portion in the choice myself。 How say  you; madam? Are ye so content?
  MARGARET。 An if my father please; I am content。 SUFFOLK。 Then call
  our   captains   and   our   colours   forth! And;   madam;   at   your   father's   castle
  walls   We'll   crave   a   parley   to   confer   with   him。   Sound   a   parley。  Enter
  REIGNIER on the walls
  See;   Reignier;   see;   thy   daughter   prisoner!   REIGNIER。   To   whom?
  SUFFOLK。 To me。 REIGNIER。 Suffolk; what remedy? I am a soldier and
  unapt to weep Or to exclaim on fortune's fickleness。 SUFFOLK。 Yes; there
  is remedy enough; my lord。 Consent; and for thy honour give consent; Thy
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  King Henry VI; Part 1
  daughter shall be wedded to my king; Whom I with pain have woo'd and
  won     thereto;    And    this  her   easy…held     imprisonment       Hath    gain'd   thy
  daughter      princely    liberty。  REIGNIER。        Speaks     Suffolk    as  he   thinks?
  SUFFOLK。   Fair   Margaret   knows   That   Suffolk   doth   not   flatter;   face;   or
  feign。   REIGNIER。   Upon   thy   princely   warrant   I   descend   To   give   thee
  answer of thy just demand。 Exit REIGNIER from the walls
  SUFFOLK。 And here I will expect thy coming。
  Trumpets sound。 Enter REIGNIER below
  REIGNIER。 Welcome; brave Earl; into our territories; Command in
  Anjou what your Honour pleases。 SUFFOLK。 Thanks; Reignier; happy for
  so   sweet   a   child;   Fit   to   be   made   companion   with   a   king。   What   answer
  makes   your   Grace   unto   my   suit?   REIGNIER。   Since   thou   dost   deign   to
  woo     her   little  worth   To   be  the  princely    bride   of  such    a  lord;  Upon
  condition I may quietly Enjoy  mine own; the country Maine and Anjou;
  Free from oppression or the stroke of war; My daughter shall be Henry's; if
  he   please。   SUFFOLK。  That   is   her   ransom;   I   deliver   her。 And   those   two
  counties     I  will   undertake     Your    Grace    shall   well   and   quietly    enjoy。
  REIGNIER。   And   I   again;   in   Henry's   royal   name;   As   deputy   unto   that
  gracious king; Give thee her hand for sign of plighted faith。 SUFFOLK。
  Reignier of France; I give thee kingly thanks; Because this is in traffic of a
  king。 'Aside' And yet; methinks; I could be well content To be mine own
  attorney in this case。 I'll over then to England with this news; And make
  this   marriage   to   be   solemniz'd。   So;   farewell;   Reignier。   Set   this   diamond
  safe In golden palaces; as it becomes。 REIGNIER。 I do embrace thee as I
  would      embrace      The    Christian    prince;    King    Henry;    were     he   here。
  MARGARET。 Farewell; my lord。 Good wishes; praise; and prayers; Shall
  Suffolk ever have of Margaret。 'She is going' SUFFOLK。 Farewell; sweet
  madam。 But hark you; Margaret No princely commendations to my king?
  MARGARET。 Such commendations as becomes a maid; A virgin; and his
  servant;    say   to  him。    SUFFOLK。        Words     sweetly    plac'd   and   modestly
  directed。   But;   madam;   I   must   trouble   you   again   No   loving   token   to   his
  Majesty? MARGARET。 Yes; my good lord: a pure unspotted heart; Never
  yet taint with love; I send the King。 SUFFOLK。 And this withal。 'Kisses
  her' MARGARET。 That   for thyself;   I   will not   so   presume To   send   such
  … Page 78…
  King Henry VI; Part 1
  peevish    tokens   to   a  king。  Exeunt    REIGNIER      and   MARGARET
  SUFFOLK。 O; wert thou for myself! But; Suffolk; stay; Thou mayst not
  wander in that labyrinth: There Minotaurs and ugly treasons lurk。 Solicit
  Henry with her wondrous praise。 Bethink thee on her virtues that surmount;
  And natural graces that extinguish art; Repeat their semblance often on the
  seas; That; when thou com'st to kneel at Henry's feet; Thou mayst bereave
  him of his wits with wonder。 Exit
  … Page 79…
  King Henry VI; Part 1
  SCENE 4。
  Camp of the DUKE OF YORK in Anjou
  Enter   YORK;       WARWICK;         and   others   YORK。      Bring    forth   that
  sorceress; condemn'd to burn。
  Enter LA PUCELLE; guarded; and a SHEPHERD
  SHEPHERD。 Ah;  Joan;  this kills   thy father's heart   outright!   Have   I
  sought every country far and near; And; now it is my chance to find thee
  out; Must I behold thy timeless cruel death? Ah; Joan; sweet daughter Joan;
  I'll die with thee! PUCELLE。 Decrepit miser! base ignoble wretch! I am
  descended of   a   gentler   blood; Thou   art   no   father   nor no   friend of   mine。
  SHEPHERD。 Out; out! My lords; an please you; 'tis not so; I did beget her;
  all the parish knows。 Her mother liveth yet; can testify She was the first
  fruit   of  my    bach'lorship。    WARWICK。         Graceless;    wilt   thou   deny    thy
  parentage? YORK。 This   argues what her   kind of life hath been… Wicked
  and   vile;   and   so   her   death   concludes。   SHEPHERD。   Fie;   Joan;   that   thou
  wilt be so obstacle! God knows thou art a collop of my flesh; And for thy
  sake    have   I  shed   many    a  tear。  Deny    me    not;  I  prithee;  gentle   Joan。
  PUCELLE。   Peasant;   avaunt! You   have   suborn'd   this   man   Of   purpose   to
  obscure my noble birth。 SHEPHERD。 'Tis true; I gave a noble to the priest
  The   morn   that   I   was   wedded   to   her   mother。   Kneel   down   and   take   my
  blessing; good my girl。 Wilt thou not stoop? Now cursed be the time Of
  thy nativity。 I   would the   milk Thy  mother gave thee   when thou   suck'dst
  her breast Had been a little ratsbane for thy sake。 Or else; when thou didst
  keep   my   lambs   afield;   I   wish   some   ravenous   wolf   had   eaten   thee。   Dost
  thou deny thy father; cursed drab? O; burn her; burn her! Hanging is too
  good。 Exit YORK。 Take her away; for she hath liv'd too long; To fill the
  world with vicious qualities。 PUCELLE。 First let me tell you whom you
  have condemn'd: Not me begotten of a shepherd swain; But issued from
  the progeny of kings; Virtuous and holy; chosen from above By inspiration
  of celestial grace; To work exceeding miracles on earth。 I never had to do
  with wicked spirits。 But you; that are polluted with your lusts; Stain'd with
  the guiltless blood of innocents; Corrupt and tainted with a thousand vices;
  Because you want the grace that others have; You judge it straight a thing
  … Page 80…
  King Henry VI; Part 1
  impossible To compass wonders but by help of devils。 No; misconceived!
  Joan    of  Arc   hath   been   A   virgin   from   her  tender   infancy;   Chaste    and
  immaculate in very thought; Whose maiden blood; thus rigorously effus'd;
  Will cry for vengeance at the gates of heaven。 YORK。 Ay; ay。 Away with
  her to   execution! WARWICK。 And hark   ye; sirs; because she   is a   maid;
  Spare for no fagots; let there be enow。 Place barrels of pitch upon the fatal
  stake; That so her torture may be shortened。 PUCELLE。 Will nothing turn
  your     unrelenting     hearts?   Then;    Joan;    discover    thine   infirmity    That
  warranteth      by   law   to  be   thy  privilege:    I  am   with   child;   ye  bloody
  homicides; Murder not then the fruit within my womb; Although ye hale
  me to a violent death。 YORK。 Now heaven forfend! The holy maid with
  child! WARWICK。 The greatest miracle that e'er ye wrought: Is all your
  strict   preciseness   come   to   this? YORK。  She  and   the  Dauphin   have   been
  juggling。 I did imagine what would be her refuge。 WARWICK。 Well; go to;
  we'll    have   no   bastards   live;   Especially    since   Charles    must   father   it。
  PUCELLE。 You are deceiv'd; my child is none of his: It was Alencon that
  enjoy'd my love。 YORK。 Alencon; that notorious Machiavel! It dies; an if
  it had a thousand lives。 PUCELLE。 O; give me leave; I have deluded you。