第 8 节
作者:世纪史诗      更新:2021-02-20 16:49      字数:8566
  first…begotten and the lawful heir Of Edward king; the third of that descent;
  During whose reign the Percies of the north; Finding his usurpation most
  unjust;   Endeavour'd   my   advancement   to   the   throne。   The   reason   mov'd
  these   warlike   lords   to   this   Was;   for   that…young   Richard   thus   remov'd;
  Leaving      no   heir  begotten     of  his  body…    I  was   the   next   by  birth   and
  parentage; For by my mother I derived am From Lionel Duke of Clarence;
  third son To King Edward the Third; whereas he From John of Gaunt doth
  bring his pedigree; Being but fourth of that heroic line。 But mark: as in this
  haughty great attempt They laboured to plant the rightful heir; I lost my
  liberty;   and    they   their  lives。   Long    after  this;  when     Henry    the   Fifth;
  Succeeding        his  father    Bolingbroke;      did   reign;    Thy    father;   Earl   of
  Cambridge;   then   deriv'd   From   famous   Edmund   Langley;   Duke   of   York;
  Marrying my sister; that thy mother was; Again; in pity of my hard distress;
  Levied an army; weening to redeem And have install'd me in the diadem;
  But;   as   the   rest;   so   fell   that   noble   earl;   And  was   beheaded。   Thus   the
  Mortimers;   In   whom   the   title   rested;   were   suppress'd。   PLANTAGENET。
  Of Which; my lord; your honour is the last。 MORTIMER。 True; and thou
  seest that I no issue have; And that my fainting words do warrant death。
  Thou   art   my   heir;   the   rest   I   wish   thee   gather;   But   yet   be   wary   in   thy
  studious   care。   PLANTAGENET。   Thy   grave   admonishments   prevail   with
  me。 But yet methinks my father's execution Was nothing less than bloody
  tyranny。 MORTIMER。 With silence; nephew; be thou politic; Strong fixed
  … Page 36…
  King Henry VI; Part 1
  is the house of Lancaster And like a mountain not to be remov'd。 But now
  thy   uncle   is   removing   hence;  As   princes   do   their   courts   when   they   are
  cloy'd With long continuance in a settled place。 PLANTAGENET。 O uncle;
  would some part of my young years Might but redeem the passage of your
  age!   MORTIMER。   Thou   dost   then   wrong   me;   as   that   slaughterer   doth
  Which giveth many  wounds when one   will kill。 Mourn   not; except   thou
  sorrow for my good; Only give order for my funeral。 And so; farewell; and
  fair be all thy hopes; And prosperous be thy life in peace and war! 'Dies'
  PLANTAGENET。 And   peace;   no   war;   befall   thy   parting   soul!   In   prison
  hast thou spent a pilgrimage; And like a hermit overpass'd thy days。 Well; I
  will lock his counsel in my breast; And what I do imagine; let that rest。
  Keepers; convey him hence; and I myself Will see his burial better than his
  life。 Exeunt GAOLERS; hearing out the body of MORTIMER Here dies
  the   dusky   torch   of   Mortimer;   Chok'd   with   ambition   of   the   meaner   sort;
  And for those wrongs; those bitter injuries; Which Somerset hath offer'd to
  my house; I doubt not but with honour to redress; And therefore haste I to
  the   Parliament;   Either   to   be   restored   to   my   blood;   Or   make   my   ill   th'
  advantage of my good。 Exit
  … Page 37…
  King Henry VI; Part 1
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  King Henry VI; Part 1
  SCENE 1。
  London。 The Parliament House
  Flourish。   Enter   the   KING;   EXETER;   GLOUCESTER;   WARWICK;
  SOMERSET;           and     SUFFOLK;         the   BISHOP        OF     WINCHESTER;
  RICHARD PLANTAGENET; and others。 GLOUCESTER offers to put up
  a bill; WINCHESTER snatches it; and tears it
  WINCHESTER。           Com'st    thou   with   deep   premeditated      lines;  With
  written   pamphlets   studiously   devis'd?   Humphrey   of   Gloucester;   if   thou
  canst   accuse   Or   aught   intend'st   to   lay   unto   my   charge;   Do   it   without
  invention;   suddenly;   I   with   sudden   and   extemporal   speech   Purpose   to
  answer what thou canst object。 GLOUCESTER。 Presumptuous priest; this
  place commands my patience; Or thou shouldst find thou hast dishonour'd
  me。   Think   not;   although   in   writing   I   preferr'd   The   manner   of   thy   vile
  outrageous crimes; That therefore I have forg'd; or am not able Verbatim to
  rehearse     the  method     of  my    pen。   No;   prelate;   such   is  thy   audacious
  wickedness; Thy lewd; pestiferous; and dissentious pranks; As very infants
  prattle of thy pride。 Thou art a most pernicious usurer; Froward by nature;
  enemy  to   peace;   Lascivious;   wanton;   more   than   well beseems A  man   of
  thy profession and degree; And for thy treachery; what's more manifest In
  that thou laid'st a trap to take my life; As well at London Bridge as at the
  Tower?   Beside;   I   fear   me;   if   thy   thoughts   were   sifted;   The   King;   thy
  sovereign; is not quite exempt From envious malice of thy swelling heart。
  WINCHESTER。 Gloucester; I do defy thee。 Lords; vouchsafe To give me
  hearing what I shall reply。 If I were covetous; ambitious; or perverse; As
  he will have me; how am I so poor? Or how haps it I seek not to advance
  Or   raise   myself;   but   keep   my   wonted   calling? And   for   dissension;   who
  preferreth peace More than I do; except I be provok'd? No; my good lords;
  it is not that offends; It is not that that incens'd hath incens'd the Duke: It is
  because no one should  sway but he;   No one but he should be about   the
  King; And that engenders thunder in his breast And makes him roar these
  accusations   forth。   But   he   shall   know   I   am   as   good   GLOUCESTER。 As
  good! Thou bastard of my grandfather! WINCHESTER。 Ay; lordly sir; for
  what      are   you;    I  pray;    But    one    imperious     in   another's     throne?
  … Page 39…
  King Henry VI; Part 1
  GLOUCESTER。 Am  I  not   Protector;  saucy  priest? WINCHESTER。 And
  am not I a prelate of the church? GLOUCESTER。 Yes; as an outlaw in a
  castle    keeps;    And    useth   it  to  patronage     his   theft。  WINCHESTER。
  Unreverent Gloucester! GLOUCESTER。 Thou art reverend Touching thy
  spiritual function; not thy life。 WINCHESTER。 Rome shall remedy  this。
  WARWICK。 Roam thither then。 SOMERSET。 My lord; it were your duty
  to forbear。 WARWICK。 Ay; see the bishop be not overborne。 SOMERSET。
  Methinks my lord should be religious; And know the office that belongs to
  such。 WARWICK。 Methinks his lordship should be humbler; It fitteth not
  a prelate so to plead。 SOMERSET。 Yes; when his holy state is touch'd so
  near。 WARWICK。 State holy or unhallow'd; what of that? Is not his Grace
  Protector to the King? PLANTAGENET。 'Aside' Plantagenet; I see; must
  hold his tongue; Lest it be said 'Speak; sirrah; when you should; Must your
  bold verdict enter talk with lords?' Else would I have a fling at Winchester。
  KING      HENRY。      Uncles    of  Gloucester     and   of  Winchester;    The    special
  watchmen of our English weal; I would prevail; if prayers might prevail
  To join your hearts in love and amity。 O; what a scandal is it to our crown
  That two such noble peers as ye should jar! Believe me; lords; my tender
  years can tell Civil dissension is a viperous worm That gnaws the bowels
  of   the   commonwealth。   'A   noise   within:   'Down   with   the   tawny   coats!''
  What tumult's this? WARWICK。 An uproar; I dare warrant; Begun through
  malice of the Bishop's men。 'A noise again: 'Stones! Stones!''
  Enter the MAYOR OF LONDON; attended
  MAYOR。   O;   my   good   lords;   and   virtuous   Henry;   Pity   the   city   of
  London; pity us! The Bishop and the Duke of Gloucester's men; Forbidden
  late   to   carry   any  weapon;   Have   fill'd   their   pockets   full   of   pebble   stones
  And; banding themselves in contrary parts; Do p