第 22 节
作者:浮游云中      更新:2021-02-20 16:27      字数:9322
  relented;     and   they    had   many     a   pleasant    chat   together。     He     now
  volunteered to   write   all her   exercises;   and   she   made   no objections。       He
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  learned   that   she   was   the   daughter   of   a   well…to…do   peasant   in   the   sea…
  districts of     Norway (and it gave him quite a shock to hear it); and that
  she was going to school in the city; and boarded with an old lady who kept
  a pension in the house adjoining the one in which he lived。
  One day in the autumn Ralph was surprised by the sudden arrival of
  his father; and the fact of his failure in the examination could no longer be
  kept a secret。       The old Colonel flared up at once when Ralph made his
  confession; the large veins upon his forehead swelled; he grew coppery…
  red in his face; and stormed up and down the floor; until his son became
  seriously alarmed; but; to his great relief; he was soon made aware
  that   his   father's   wrath    was   not   turned    against    him   personally;     but
  against the officials of the Military Academy who had rejected him。                        The
  Colonel   took   it   as   an   insult   to   his   own   good   name   and   irreproachable
  standing   as   an   officer;   he   promptly   refused   any   other   explanation;   and
  vainly   racked   his   brain   to   remember   if   any   youthful   folly   of   his   could
  possibly   have   made   him   enemies   among   the   teachers   of   the   Academy。
  He   at   last   felt   satisfied   that   it   was   envy   of   his   own   greatness   and   rapid
  advancement which had induced the rascals to take vengeance on his son。
  Ralph reluctantly followed his father back to the country town where the
  latter was stationed; and the fair…haired Bertha vanished from his horizon。
  His mother's wish now prevailed; and he began; in his own easy way; to
  prepare himself for the University。            He had little taste for Cicero; and still
  less   for   Virgil;   but   with   the   use   of   a   〃pony〃   he   soon   gained   sufficient
  knowledge of these authors to be able to talk in a sort of patronizing way
  about   them;   to   the   great   delight   of   his   fond   parents。   He   took   quite   a
  fancy; however; to the         ode in Horace ending with the lines:
  Dulce ridentem;        Dulce loquentem;          Lalagen amabo。
  And   in   his   thought   he   substituted   for   Lalage   the   fair…haired   Bertha;
  quite regardless of the requirements of the metre。
  To   make   a   long   story   short;   three   years   later   Ralph   returned   to   the
  capital;   and;   after   having   worn   out   several   tutors;   actually   succeeded   in
  entering the University。
  The first year of college life is a happy time to every young man; and
  Ralph enjoyed its processions; its parliamentary gatherings; and its leisure;
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  as well as the rest。       He was certainly not the man to be sentimental over
  the loss   of a   young   girl whom;   moreover;  he had   only  known for   a   few
  weeks。      Nevertheless; he thought of her at odd times; but not enough to
  disturb    his  pleasure。     The    standing    of  his   family;   his  own    handsome
  appearance; and his immaculate linen opened to him the best houses of the
  city; and he became a great favorite in society。            At lectures he was seldom
  seen; but more frequently in the theatres; where he used to come in during
  the middle of the first act; take his station in front of the orchestra box; and
  eye;   through   his   lorgnettes;   by   turns;   the   actresses   and   the   ladies   of   the
  Two months passed; and then came the great annual ball which the
  students give at the opening of the second semester。                Ralph was a man of
  importance   that   evening;   first;   because   he   belonged   to   a   great   family;
  secondly;   because   he   was   the   handsomest   man   of   his   year。     He   wore   a
  large golden star on his breast (for his fellow…   students had   made him  a
  Knight of the Golden Boar); and a badge of colored ribbons in his button…
  The ball was a brilliant affair; and everybody was in excellent spirits;
  especially the ladies。       Ralph danced incessantly; twirled his soft mustache;
  and    uttered    amiable    platitudes。    It   was   toward     midnight;    just  as   the
  company was moving out to supper; that he caught the glance of a pair of
  dark…blue      eyes;   which    suddenly     drove    the   blood    to  his   cheeks    and
  hastened   the   beating   of   his   heart。  But   when   he   looked   once   more   the
  dark…blue      eyes   were   gone;    and   his  unruly    heart   went    on  hammering
  against his side。      He laid his hand on his breast and glanced furtively at
  his fair neighbor; but she looked happy and unconcerned; for the flavor of
  the ice…cream was delicious。          It seemed an endless meal; but; when it was
  done;     Ralph    rose;  led   his  partner   back    to  the  ball…room;     and   hastily
  excused himself。        His glance wandered round the wide hall; seeking the
  well…remembered eyes once more; and; at length; finding them in a remote
  corner;    half   hid   behind    a  moving     wall   of   promenaders。       In   another
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  moment he was at Bertha's side。
  〃You must have been purposely hiding yourself; Miss Bertha;〃 said he;
  when the usual greetings were exchanged。               〃I have not caught a glimpse
  of you all this evening; until a few moments ago。〃
  〃But   I   have   seen   you   all   the   while;〃   answered   the   girl;   frankly。 〃I
  knew you at once as I entered the hall。〃
  〃If I had but known that you were here;〃 resumed Ralph; as it were;
  invisibly expanding with an agreeable sense of dignity; 〃I assure you; you
  would have been the very first one I should have sought。〃
  She raised her large grave eyes to his; as if questioning his sincerity;
  but she made no answer。
  〃Good      gracious!〃    thought    Ralph。     〃She    takes    things   terribly   in
  〃You look so serious; Miss Bertha;〃 said he; after a moment's pause。
  〃I remember you as a bright…eyed; flaxen…haired little girl; who threw her
  German exercise…book to me   across the yard;   and whose   merry  laughter
  still rings pleasantly in my memory。          I confess I don't find it quite easy to
  identify this grave young lady with my merry friend of three years ago。〃
  〃In other words; you are disappointed at not finding me the same as I
  used to be。〃
  〃No; not exactly that; but〃
  Ralph    paused    and    looked   puzzled。     There     was   something     in  the
  earnestness     of  her   manner    which    made    a  facetious    compliment      seem
  grossly inappropriate; and in the moment no other escape suggested itself。
  〃But what?〃 demanded Bertha; mercilessly。
  〃Have you ever lost an old friend?〃 asked he; abruptly。
  〃Yes; how so?〃
  〃Then;〃     answered     he;  while   his  features   lighted   up   with   a  happy
  inspiration〃then   you   will   appreciate   my   situation。     I   fondly   cherished
  my old picture of you in my memory。               Now I have lost it; and I cannot
  help regretting the loss。       I do not mean; however; to imply that this new
  acquaintancethis second edition of yourself; so to speakwill prove less
  She   again    sent  him   a  grave;   questioning    look;   and   began    to  gaze
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  intently upon the stone in her bracelet。
  〃I   suppose   you   will   laugh   at   me;〃   began   she;   while   a   sudden   blush
  flitted over her countenance。           〃But this is my first ball; and I feel as if I
  had rushed into a whirlpool; from which I have; since the first rash plunge
  was made; been vainly trying to escape。                I feel so dreadfully forlorn。          I
  hardly know anybody here except my cousin; who invited me; and I hardly
  think I know him either。〃
  〃Well;   since   you   are   irredeemably  committed;〃   replied   Ralph;   as   the
  music; after some prefatory flourishes; broke into the delicious rhythm of
  a Strauss waltz; 〃then it is no use struggling against fate。                  Come; let us