第 70 节
作者:知恩报恩      更新:2021-02-20 16:17      字数:9322
  den with all manner of pleasant fruit; I cannot even venture to form a conception。  But I have a definite idea as to how much would be required to set it fairly in operation。
  Why do I talk about commencing?  We have already begun; and that with considerable effect。  Our hand has been forced by circumstances。 The mere rumour of our undertaking reaching the Antipodes; as before described; called forth such a demonstration of approval that my Officers there were compelled to begin action without waiting orders from home。  In this country we have been working on the verge of the deadly morass for some years gone by; and not without marvellous effect。  We have our Shelters; our Labour Bureau; our Factory; our Inquiry Officers; our Rescue Homes; our Slum Sisters; and other kindred agencies; all in good going order。  The sphere of these operations may be a limited one; still; what we have done already is ample proof that when I propose to do much more I am not speaking without my book; and though the sign I ask for may not be given; I shall go struggling forward on the same lines; still; to seriously take in hand the work which I have sketched outto establish this triple Colony; with all its affiliated agencies; I must have; at least; a hundred thousand pounds。
  A hundred thousand pounds!  That is the dew on my fleece。  It is not much considering the money that is raised by my poor people for the work of the Salvation Army。  The proceeds of the Self…denial Week alone last year brought us in #20;000。  This year it will not fall short of #25;000。  If our poor people can do so much out of their poverty; I do not think I am making an extravagant demand when I ask that out of the millions of the wealth of the world I raise; as a first instalment; a hundred thousand pounds; and say that I cannot consider myself effectually called to undertake this work unless it is forthcoming。
  It is in no spirit of dictation or arrogance that I ask the sign。 It is a necessity。  Even Moses could not have taken the Children of Israel dry…shod through the Red Sea unless the waves had divided。
  That was the sign which marked out his duty; aided his faith; and determined his action。  The sign which I seek is somewhat similar。 Money is not everything。  It is not by any means the main thing。 Midas; with all his millions; could no more do the work than he could win the battle of Waterloo; or hold the Pass of Thermopylae。 But the millions of Midas are capable of accomplishing great and mighty things; if they be sent about doing good under the direction of Divine wisdom and Christ…like love。
  How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the Kingdom of Heaven!  It is easier to make a hundred poor men sacrifice their lives than it is to induce one rich man to sacrifice his fortune; or even a portion of it; to a cause in which; in his half…hearted fashion; he seems to believe。  When I look over the roll of men and women who have given up friends; parents; home prospects; and everything they possess in order to walk bare…footed beneath a burning sun in distant India; to live on a handful of rice; and die in the midst of the dark heathen for God and the Salvation Army; I sometimes marvel how it is that they should be so eager to give up all; even life itself; in a cause which has not power enough in it to induce any reasonable number of wealthy men to give to it the mere superfluities and luxuries of their existence。  From those to whom much is given much is expected; but; alas; alas; how little is realised!  It is still the widow who casts her all into the Lord's treasurythe wealthy deem it a preposterous suggestion when we allude to the Lord's tithe; and count it boredom when we ask only for the crumbs that fall from their tables。
  Those who have followed me thus far will decide for themselves to what extent they ought to help me to carry out this Project; or whether they ought to help me at all。  I do not think that any sectarian differences or religious feelings whatever ought to be imported into this question。 Supposing you do not like my Salvationism; surely it is better for these miserable; wretched crowds to have food to eat; clothes to wear; and a home in which to lay their weary bones after their day's toil is done; even though the change is accompanied by some peculiar religious notions and practices; than it would be for them to be hungry; and naked; and homeless; and possess no religion at all。  It must be infinitely preferable that they should speak the truth; and be virtuous; industrious; and contented; even if they do pray to God; sing Psalms; and go about with red jerseys; fanatically; as you call it; 〃seeking for the millennium〃than that they should remain thieves or harlots; with no belief in God at all; a burden to the Municipality; a curse to Society; and a danger to the State。
  That you do not like the Salvation Army; I venture to say; is no justification for withholding your sympathy and practical co…operation in carrying out a Scheme which promises so much blessedness to your fellow…men。  You may not like our government; our methods; our faith。 Your feeling towards us might perhaps be duly described by an observation that slipped unwittingly from the tongue of a somewhat celebrated leader in the evangelistic world sometime ago; who; when asked what he thought of the Salvation Army; replied that 〃He did not like it at all; but he believed that God Almighty did。〃 Perhaps; as an agency; we may not be exactly of your way of thinking; but that is hardly the question。  Look at that dark ocean; full of human wrecks; writhing in anguish and despair。  How to rescue those unfortunates is the question。  The particular character of the methods employed; the peculiar uniforms worn by the lifeboat crew; the noises made by the rocket apparatus; and the mingled shoutings of the rescued and the rescuers; may all be contrary to your taste and traditions。 But all these objections and antipathies; I submit; are as nothing compared with the delivering of the people out of that dark sea。
  If among my readers there be any who have the least conception that this scheme is put forward by me from any interested motives by all means let them refuse to contribute even by a single penny to what would be; at least; one of the most shameless of shams。  There may be those who are able to imagine that men who have been literally martyred in this cause have faced their death for the sake of the paltry coppers they collected to keep body and soul together。  Such may possibly find no difficulty in persuading themselves that this is but another attempt to raise money to augment that mythical fortune which I; who never yet drew a penny beyond mere out…of…pocket expenses from the Salvation Army funds; am supposed to be accumulating。  From all such I ask only the tribute of their abuse; assured that the worst they say of me is too mild to describe the infamy of my conduct if they are correct in this interpretation of my motives。
  There appears to me to be only two reasons that will justify any man; with a heart in his bosom; in refusing to co…operate with me in this Scheme:
  1。 That he should have an honest and intelligent conviction that it    cannot be carried out with any reasonable measure of success; or;
  2。 That he (the objector) is prepared with some other plan which will    as effectually accomplish the end it contemplates。
  Let me consider the second reason first。  If it be that you have some plan that promises more directly to accomplish the deliverance of these multitudes than mine; I implore you at once to bring it out。 Let it see the light of day。  Let us not only hear your theory; but see the evidences which prove its practical character and assure its success。  If your plan will bear investigation; I shall then consider you to be relieved from the obligation to assist menay; if after full consideration of your plan I find it better than mine; I will give up mine; turn to; and help you with all my might。 But if you have nothing to offer; I demand your help in the name of those whose cause I plead。
  Now; then; for your first objection; which I suppose can be expressed in one word〃impossible。〃  This; if well founded; is equally fatal to my proposals。  But; in reply; I may sayHow do you know? Have you inquired?  I will assume that you have read the book; and duly considered it。  Surely you would not dismiss so important a theme without some thought。  And though my arguments may not have sufficient weight to carry conviction; you must admit them to be of sufficient importance to warrant investigation。  Will you therefore come and see for yourself what has been done already; or; rather; what we are doing to…day。  Failing this; will you send someone capable of judging on your behalf。  I do not care very much whom you send。  It is true the things of the Spirit are spiritually discerned; but the things of humanity any man can judge; whether saint or sinner; if he only possess average intelligence and ordinary bowels of compassion。
  I should; however; if I had a choice; prefer an investigator who has some practical knowledge of social economics; and much more should I be pleased if he had spent some of his own time and a little of his own money in trying to