第 38 节
作者:希望之舟      更新:2021-02-20 15:45      字数:6854
  then uttering a roar that shook the building; the shaggy beast leaped into
  the   hall。   There   he   paused   for   an   instant。 One   bound   took   him   to   the
  foot of the stairs。 The next landed him in the cage next to his mate。                 The
  cage doors closed behind him with a metallic snap。
  Wallace was safe。
  〃Got him!〃 shouted a voice from below。
  Phil drew  a  long sigh   of  relief。     Someone dashed up   the stairs on   a
  run。    It was Mr。 Sparling。       He grabbed Phil Forrest in his arms; hugging
  him until the dead torches fell to the floor with a clatter and the lad begged
  to be released。
  〃My brave Phil; my brave boy!〃 breathed the showman。                   〃No one but
  you could have done a thing like that。           You have saved the lives of many
  people this night; and what is more you have captured the most valuable
  lion in the worldyou and Teddy。            I don't know what to say nor how to
  say it。   I〃
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  The Circus Boys In Dixie Land (Or Winning the Plaudits of the Sunny South)
  〃I wouldn't try were I in your place;〃 grinned Phil。                〃I presume you
  will have to settle with these people for the slight damage that has been
  done to their house。〃
  〃I'll settle the bills; don't you worry about that。〃
  〃Any     more    lions   lying   around    loose    in  here?〃   questioned      Teddy;
  poking his head in through the open door。              〃I and my little club are ready
  for them if there are。〃
  〃Shall we be going; Mr。 Sparling?〃
  Together the three made their way down the stairs just as the cage was
  being driven from the yard。           As soon as he could find the owner of the
  house the showman paid him for the damages。
  〃What shape is the big top in?〃 asked Phil as they walked slowly back
  toward the lot。
  〃Bad;     very   bad。    I  might    say   that   it  comes    pretty   near   being   a
  hopeless wreck。        Still it may be patched up。〃
  〃I am sure of it。      I know a blown…down tent is not half as hopeless as
  it looks。    I saw the Robinson shows with a blown…down tent once。〃
  〃I have been thinking the matter over; Phil。〃
  〃We have only a few days more to go before the close of the season;
  and it seems to me that the best plan would be to close right here and go in。
  What do you think?〃
  〃I think;〃 answered Phil   Forrest slowly; 〃that I should turn all hands
  loose and fix that tent up so the show will be able to make the next stand
  and give a performance by tomorrow night at latest。                  It can be done。       If
  the tent is too badly  torn   to   set   up a six   pole   show;  make   it   a   four   pole
  show;   or   use   the   menagerie   tent   for   the   circus   performance。     I   should
  never   have   it   said   that   the   Sparling   Combined   Shows   were   put   out   of
  business by a gale of wind。〃
  Mr。 Sparling halted。
  〃Phil; there is an old saying to the effect that you can't 'teach an old
  dog   new   tricks。'   It's   not   true。 You   have   taught   me   a   new   trick。   The
  Sparling   shows   shall   go   on   to   the   close   of   the   season。 We'll   make   the
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  The Circus Boys In Dixie Land (Or Winning the Plaudits of the Sunny South)
  next town; somehow; and we'll give them a show the like of which they
  never before have seen。〃
  〃If they had been here tonight they would have seen one such as they
  never saw before;〃 grinned Teddy。
  〃A    sort   of   Wild    South     instead    of  Wild     West    show;〃    added     the
  irrepressible Teddy。
  All that night the showmen worked; Phil not even taking the time to
  discard   his   gaudy   ring   clothes。      The   next   morning   both   he   and   Teddy
  were   sights   to   behold;   but   the   show   had   been   loaded;   and   the   big   top
  straightened out and put in shape so that it could be pitched when the next
  town   was   reached。        At   last   the   boys   decided   to   hunt   up   their   trunks。
  They found them; after a long search。 Getting behind a pole wagon they
  put   on   their   clothes。   An   hour   later   they  were   on   their  way  to   the  next
  stand; tired but proud of their achievements and happy。
  The news of the accident to the show; as well as the capture of the big
  lion; Wallace;   by  the   Circus   Boys;   had preceded   them  to   the   next   town。
  Once   more   Phil   Forrest   and Teddy Tucker   were hailed   as   heroes;   which
  they really had proved themselves to be。
  A   very   fair   performance;   considering   their   crippled         condition;   was
  given that afternoon。         By the next day the show was on its feet again; and
  from     then   on   to  the   close   of   the  season;    no   other   exciting    incidents
  Two   weeks   later   the   big   top   came   down   for   the   last   time   that   year。
  On the afternoon of that happy day; the associates of the Circus Boys gave
  a   banquet   for   the   two   lads   under   the   cook   tent;   at   which   Teddy   Tucker
  distinguished   himself   by   making   a   speech   that   set   the   whole   tent   in   an
  uproar of merriment。
  Good…byes were said; and the circus folks departed that night bag and
  baggage to scatter to the four quarters of the globe; some never to return to
  the Sparling shows。          Phil and Teddy returned to Edmeston to finish their
  course     at  the   high   school;    from    which     they   were    to  graduate     in  the
  following spring。
  How the lads joined out with the circus the next season will be told in
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  The Circus Boys In Dixie Land (Or Winning the Plaudits of the Sunny South)
  a    succeeding       volume      entitled;    〃THE      CIRCUS        BOYS       ON     THE
  MISSISSIPPI; Or; Afloat with the Big Show on the Big River。〃 This was
  destined to be one of the most interesting journeys of their circus careers
  one filled with new and exciting experiences and thrilling adventures。
  Until   then   we   will   leave   them   to   continue   their   studies   in   the   little
  village of Edmeston。