第 35 节
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  Chatelet; Marie…Louise…Anais de Negrepelisse; Baronne du   A Distinguished Provincial at Paris   The Government Clerks
  Cointet; Boniface   Eve and David   The Firm of Nucingen   The Member for Arcis
  Cointet; Jean   Eve and David
  Courtois   Eve and David
  Courtois; Madame   Eve and David
  Desplein   The Atheist's Mass   Cousin Pons   The Thirteen   The Government Clerks   Pierrette   A Bachelor's Establishment   The Seamy Side of History   Modeste Mignon   Scenes from a Courtesan's Life   Honorine
  Gentil   A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  Grozier; Abbe   The Commission in Lunacy
  Hautoy; Francis du   Eve and David
  Maucombe; Comte de
  Letters of Two Brides
  Montriveau; General Marquis Armand de   The Thirteen   Father Goriot   A Distinguished Provincial at Paris   Another Study of Woman   Pierrette   The Member for Arcis
  Negrepelisse; De   The Commission in Lunacy   A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  Petit…Claud   Eve and David
  Pimentel; Marquis and Marquise de   Eve and David
  Postel   Eve and David
  Prieur; Madame   Eve and David
  Rastignac; Baron and Baronne de (Eugene's parents)   Father Goriot
  Rastignac; Laure…Rose and Agathe de   Father Goriot   The Member for Arcis
  Rubempre; Lucien…Chardon de   Eve and David   A Distinguished Provincial at Paris   The Government Clerks   Ursule Mirouet   Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
  Sechard; Jerome…Nicolas   Eve and David
  Sechard; David   Eve and David   A Distinguished Provincial At Paris   Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
  Sechard; Madame David   Eve and David   A Distinguished Provincial At Paris   Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
  Senonches; Jacques de   Eve and David
  Senonches; Madame Jacques de   Eve and David
  Stanhope; Lady Esther   The Lily of the Valley