第 63 节
作者:这就是结局      更新:2021-02-20 14:16      字数:9321
  sent another messenger to say he had no further need of him; and that
  was the last time Da?pharnes was ever summoned。 '23' And when the next
  officer rode up; in front of Da?pharnes though sent for after him;
  Cyrus presented him with a horse from his train and bade one of the
  mace…bearers lead it wherever he wished。 The people saw in this a high
  mark of honour; and a greater crowd than ever paid their court to the
  favoured man。
  '24' When the procession reached the sacred precincts; sacrifice was
  offered to Zeus; a whole burnt…offering of bulls; and a whole burnt…
  offering of horses to the Sun; and then they sacrificed to the Earth;
  slaying the victims as the Persian priests prescribed; and then to the
  heroes who hold the Syrian land。 '25' And when the rites were done;
  Cyrus; seeing that the ground was suitable for racing; marked out a
  goal; and a course half…a…mile in length; and bade the cavalry and the
  chariots match their horses against each other; tribe by tribe。 He
  himself raced among his Persians; and won with ease; for he was far
  the best horseman there。 The winner among the Medes was Artabazus; the
  horse he rode being a gift from Cyrus。 The Syrian race was won by
  their chieftain; the Armenian by Tigranes; the Hyrcanian by the
  general's son; and the Sakian by a private soldier who left all his
  rivals half the course behind him。
  '26' Cyrus; so the story says; asked the young man if he would take a
  kingdom for his horse。
  〃No kingdom for me;〃 answered the soldier; 〃but I would take the
  thanks of a gallant fellow。〃
  '27' 〃Well;〃 said Cyrus; 〃I would like to show you where you could
  hardly fail to hit one; even if you shut your eyes。〃
  〃Be so good as to show me now;〃 said the Sakian; 〃and I will take aim
  with this clod;〃 picking up one from the ground。
  '28' Then Cyrus pointed to a group of his best friends; and the other
  shut his eyes and flung the clod; and it struck Pheraulas as he
  galloped by; bearing some message from Cyrus。 But he never so much as
  turned; flashing past on his errand。 '29' Then the Sakian opened his
  eyes and asked whom he had hit?
  〃Nobody; I assure you;〃 said Cyrus; 〃who is here。〃
  〃And nobody who is not; of course;〃 said the young man。
  〃Oh yes; you did;〃 answered Cyrus; 〃you hit that officer over there
  who is riding so swiftly paste the chariot…lines。〃
  '30' 〃And how is it;〃 asked the other; 〃that he does not even turn his
  〃Half…witted; probably;〃 said Cyrus。
  Whereat the young man rode off to see who it was; and found Pheraulas;
  with his chin and beard all begrimed and bloody; gore trickling from
  his nostrils were the clod had struck him。 '31' The Sakian cried out
  to know if he was hit。
  〃As you see;〃 answered Pheraulas。
  〃Then;〃 said the other; 〃let me give you my horse。〃
  〃But why?〃 asked Pheraulas。
  And so the Sakian had to tell him all about the matter; adding; 〃And
  after all; you see; I did not miss a gallant fellow。〃
  '32' 〃Ah;〃 said Pheraulas; 〃if you had been wise; you would have
  chosen a richer one; but I take your gift with all my thanks。 And I
  pray the gods;〃 he added; 〃who let me be your target; to help me now
  and see that you may never regret your gift。 For the present; mount my
  horse yourself and ride back; I will be with you shortly。〃
  So they exchanged steeds and parted。
  The winner of the Cadousian race was Rathines。
  '33' Then followed chariot…races; tribe by tribe as before: and to all
  the winners Cyrus gave goblets of price; and oxen; that they might
  have the wherewithal for sacrifice and feasting。 He himself took an ox
  for his own meed; but he gave all the goblets to Pheraulas to show his
  approval of the arrangements for the march。 '34' And the manner of
  that procession; then first established by Cyrus; continues to this
  day; the same in all things; save that the victims are absent when
  there is no sacrifice。 And when it was over; the soldiers went back to
  the city; and took up their quarters for the night; some in houses and
  some with their regiments。
  '35' Now Pheraulas had invited the Sakian who had given him the horse;
  and he entertained him with the best he had; and set before him a full
  board; and after they had dined he filled the goblets Cyrus had given
  him; and drank to his guest; and offered them all to him。 '36' And the
  Sakian looked round on the rich and costly rugs; and the beautiful
  furniture; and the train of servants; and cried:
  〃Tell me; Pheraulas; do you belong to wealthy folk at home?〃
  '37' 〃Wealthy folk indeed!〃 cried Pheraulas; 〃men who live by their
  hands; you mean。 My father; I can tell you; had work enough to rear me
  and get me a boy's schooling; he had to toil hard and live sparely;
  and when I grew to be a lad he could not afford to keep me idle; he
  took me to a farm in the country and set me there to work it。 '38'
  Then it was my turn; and I supported him while he lived; digging with
  my own hands and sowing the seed in a ridiculous little plot of
  ground; and yet it was not a bad bit of soil either; but as good and
  as honest earth as ever you saw: whatever seed it got from me; it paid
  me back again; and so prettily and carefully and duly; principal and
  interest both; not that the interest was very much; I won't say it
  was; though once or twice; out of pure generosity; that land gave me
  twice was much as I put into it。 That's how I used to live at home; in
  the old days: to…day it's different; and all that you see here I owe
  to Cyrus。〃
  '39' Then the Sakian cried:
  〃O lucky fellow! Lucky in everything; and most of all in coming to
  wealth from beggary! I know your riches must taste the sweeter;
  because you hungered for them first and now are full。〃
  '40' But Pheraulas answered:
  〃Do you really think; my friend; that my joy in life has grown with
  the growth of my wealth? Do you not know;〃 he went on; 〃that I neither
  eat nor drink nor sleep with any more zest than I did when I was poor?
  What I get by all these goods is simply this: I have more to watch
  over; more to distribute; and more trouble in looking after more。 '41'
  I have a host of servants now; one set asking me for food; another for
  drink; another for clothing; and some must have the doctor; and then a
  herdsman comes; carrying the carcase of some poor sheep mangled by the
  wolves; or perhaps with an ox that has fallen down a precipice; or
  maybe he has to tell me that a murrain has broken out among my flocks。
  It seems to me;〃 Pheraulas ended; 〃that I suffer more to…day through
  having much than ever I did before through having nothing。〃
  '42' 〃ButHeaven help us!〃 cried the Sakian; 〃surely; when it is all
  safe; to see so much of your own must make you much happier than me?〃
  〃I assure you; my friend;〃 said Pheraulas; 〃the possession of riches
  is nothing like so sweet as the loss of them is painful。 And here is a
  proof for you: no rich man lies awake from pure joy at his wealth; but
  did you ever know a man who could close his eyes when he was losing?〃
  '43' 〃No;〃 said the Sakian; 〃nor yet one who could drop asleep when he
  was winning。〃
  '44' 〃True enough;〃 answered the other; 〃and if having were as sweet
  as getting; the rich would be a thousand times more happy than the
  poor。 And remember; stranger;〃 he added; 〃a man who has much must
  spend much on the gods and his friends and his guests; and if he takes
  intense delight in his riches; spending will cause him intense
  '45' 〃Upon my word;〃 said the Sakian; 〃for myself; I am not that sort
  of man at all: to have much and to spend much is just my idea of
  perfect happiness。〃
  '46' 〃Heavens!〃 cried Pheraulas; 〃what a chance for us both! You can
  win perfect happiness now; this instant; and make me happy too! Here;
  take all these things for your own; make what use of them you please;
  and as for me; you can keep me as your guest; only much more cheaply
  if you like: it will be quite enough for me to share whatever you have
  〃You are jesting;〃 said the Sakian。
  '47' But Pheraulas swore with all solemnity that he spoke in earnest。
  〃Yes; my friend;〃 he added; 〃and there are other matters that I can
  arrange for you with Cyrus: freedom from military service or
  attendance at the gates。 All you will have to do will be to stay at
  home and grow rich: I will do the rest on your behalf and mine。 And if
  I win any treasure through my service at court or on the field; I will
  bring it home to you; and you will be lord of more; only;〃 he added;
  〃you must free me from the responsibility of looking after it; for if
  you give me leisure from these cares I believe you will be of great
  use to Cyrus and myself。〃
  '48' So the talk ended and they struck a bargain on these terms; and
  kept it。 And the Sakian thought he had found happiness because he was
  the master of much wealth; and the other felt he was in bliss because
  he had got a steward who would leave him leisure to do what he liked
  best。 '49' For the character of Pheraulas was amiable: he was a loving
  comrade; and no service seemed so sweet to him or so helpful as the
  service of man。 Man; he believed; was the noblest of the animals and
  the most grateful: praise; Pheraulas saw; will reap counter…praise;
  kindness will stir kindness