第 54 节
作者:这就是结局      更新:2021-02-20 14:16      字数:9322
  Pantheia bade her chamberlains stand aside 〃until;〃 she said; 〃I have
  wept over him as I would。〃 But she made her nurse stay with her and
  she said:
  〃Nurse; when I am dead; cover us with the same cloak。〃 And the nurse
  entreated and besought her; but she could not move her; and when she
  saw that she did but vex her mistress; she sat down and wept in
  silence。 Then Pantheia took the scimitar; that had been ready for her
  so long; and drew it across her throat; and dropped her head upon her
  husband's breast and died。 And the nurse cried bitterly; but she
  covered the two with one cloak as her mistress had bidden her。
  '15' And when Cyrus heard what Pantheia had done he rushed out in
  horror to see if he could save her。 And when the three chamberlains
  saw what had happened they drew their own scimitars and killed
  themselves; there where she had bidden them stand。 '16; 17' And when
  Cyrus came to that place of sorrow; he looked with wonder and
  reverence on the woman; and wept for her and went his way and saw that
  all due honour was paid to those who lay there dead; and a mighty
  sepulchre was raised above them; mightier; men say; than had been seen
  in all the world before。
  'C。4' After this the Carians; who were always at war and strife with
  one another; because their dwellings were fortified; sent to Cyrus and
  asked for aid。 Cyrus himself was unwilling to leave Sardis; where he
  was having engines of artillery made and battering…rams to overthrow
  the walls of those who would not listen to him。 But he sent Adousius;
  a Persian; in his place; a man of sound judgment and a stout soldier
  and withal a person of winning presence。 He gave him an army; and the
  Cilicians and Cypriotes were very ready to serve under him。 '2' That
  was why Cyrus never sent a Persian satrap to govern either Cilicia or
  Cyprus; he was always satisfied with the native kings; only he exacted
  tribute and levied troops whenever he needed them。
  '3' So Adousius took his army and marched into Caria; where he was met
  by the men of both parties; ready to receive him inside their walls to
  the detriment of their opponents。 Adousius treated each in exactly the
  same way; he told whichever side was pleading that he thought their
  case was just; but it was essential that the others should not realise
  he was their friend; 〃for thus; you perceive; I will take them
  unprepared whenever I attack。〃
  He insisted they should give him pledges of good faith; and the
  Carians had to swear they would receive him without fraud or guile
  within their walls and for the welfare of Cyrus and the Persians; and
  on his side he was willing to swear that he would enter without fraud
  or guile himself and for the welfare of those who received him。 '4'
  Having imposed these terms on either party without the knowledge of
  the other; he fixed on the same night with both; entered the walls;
  and had the strongholds of both parties in his hands。 At break of day
  he took his place in the midst with his army; and sent for the leading
  men on either side。 Thus confronted with each other they were more
  than a little vexed; and both imagined they had been cheated。 '5'
  However; Adousius began:
  〃Gentlemen; I took an oath to you that I would enter your walls
  without fraud or guile and for the welfare of those who received me。
  Now if I am forced to destroy either of you; I am persuaded I shall
  have entered to the detriment of the Carians。 But if I give you peace;
  so that you can till your lands in safety; I imagine I shall have come
  for your welfare。 Therefore from this day forwards you must meet on
  friendly terms; cultivate your fields without fear; give your children
  to each other; and if any one offends against these laws; Cyrus and
  ourselves will be his enemies。〃
  '6' At that the city gates were flung wide open; the roads were filled
  with folk hurrying to one another; the fields were thronged with
  labourers。 They held high festival together; and the land was full of
  peace and joyfulness。
  '7' Meanwhile messengers came from Cyrus inquiring whether there was
  need for more troops or siege…engines; but Adousius answered; on the
  contrary his present force was at Cyrus' service to employ elsewhere
  if he wished; and so drew off his army; only leaving a garrison in the
  citadels。 Thereupon the Carians implored him to remain; and when he
  would not; they sent to Cyrus begging him to make Adousius their
  '8' Meanwhile Cyrus had sent Hystaspas with an army into Phrygia on
  the Hellespont; and when Adousius came back he bade him follow; for
  the Phrygians would be more willing to obey Hystaspas if they heard
  that another army was advancing。
  '9' Now the Hellenes on the seaboard offered many gifts and bargained
  not to receive the Asiatics within their walls; but only to pay
  tribute and serve wherever Cyrus commanded。 '10' But the king of
  Phrygia made preparations to hold his fortresses and not yield; and
  sent out orders to that effect。 However; when his lieutenants deserted
  him and he found himself all alone; he had to put himself in the hands
  of Hystaspas; and leave his fate to the judgment of Cyrus。 Then
  Hystaspas stationed strong Persian garrisons in all the citadels; and
  departed; taking with him not only his own troops but many mounted men
  and targeteers from Phrygia。 '11' And Cyrus sent word to Adousius to
  join Hystaspas; put himself at the head of those who had submitted and
  allow them to retain their arms; while those who showed a disposition
  to resist were to be deprived of their horses and their weapons and
  made to follow the army as slingers。
  '12' While his lieutenants were thus employed; Cyrus set out from
  Sardis; leaving a large force of infantry to garrison the place; and
  taking Croesus with him; and a long train of waggons laden with riches
  of every kind。 Croesus presented an accurate inventory of everything
  in each waggon; and said; as he delivered the scrolls:
  〃With these in your possession; Cyrus; you can tell whether your
  officers are handing over their freights in full or not。〃
  '13' And Cyrus answered:
  〃It was kindly done; Croesus; on your part; to take thought for this:
  but I have arranged that the freights should be in charge of those who
  are entitled to them; so that if the men steal; they steal their own
  With these words he handed the documents to his friends and officers
  to serve as checks on their own stewards。
  '14' Cyrus also took Lydians in his train; allowing some to carry
  arms; those; namely; who were at pains to keep their weapons in good
  order; and their horses and chariots; and who did their best to please
  him; but if they gave themselves ungracious airs; he took away their
  horses and bestowed them on the Persians who had served him from the
  beginning of the campaign; burnt their weapons; and forced them to
  follow the army as slingers。 '15' Indeed; as a rule; he compelled all
  the subject population who had been disarmed to practise the use of
  the sling: it was; he considered; a weapon for slaves。 No doubt there
  are occasions when a body of slingers; working with other detachments;
  can do excellent service; but; taken alone; not all the slingers in
  the world could face a mere handful armed with steel。
  '16' Cyrus was marching to Babylon; but on his way he subdued the
  Phrygians of Greater Phrygia and the Cappadocians; and reduced the
  Arabians to subjection。 These successes enabled him to increase his
  Persian cavalry till it was not far short of forty thousand men; and
  he had still horses left over to distribute among his allies at large。
  At length he came before Babylon with an immense body of cavalry;
  archers; and javelin…men; beside slingers innumerable。
  'C。5' When Cyrus reached the city he surrounded it entirely with his
  forces; and then rode round the walls himself; attended by his friends
  and the leading officers of the allies。 '2' Having surveyed the
  fortifications; he prepared to lead off his troops; and at that moment
  a deserter came to inform him that the Assyrians intended to attack as
  soon as he began to withdraw; for they had inspected his forces from
  the walls and considered them very weak。 This was not surprising; for
  the circuit of the city was so enormous that it was impossible to
  surround it without seriously thinning the lines。 '3' When Cyrus heard
  of their intention; he took up his post in the centre of his troops
  with his own staff round him and sent orders to the infantry for the
  wings to double back on either side; marching past the stationary
  centre of the line; until they met in the rear exactly opposite
  himself。 '4' Thus the men in front were immediately encouraged by the
  doubling of their depth; and those who retired were equally cheered;
  for they saw that the others would encounter the enemy first。 The two
  wings being united; the power of the whole force was strengthened;
  those behind being protected by those in front and those in front
  supported by those behind。 '5' When the phalanx was thus folded back
  on itself; both the front and the rear ranks were formed of picked
  men; a disposition that seemed calculated to encourage valour and
  check flight。 On the flanks; the cavalry and the light infantry were
  drawn ne