第 28 节
作者:这就是结局      更新:2021-02-20 14:15      字数:9322
  ask for orders。 Cyrus explained that the troops nearest to them were
  the Hyrcanians; and that one of the ambassadors had gone; and a
  Persian with him; to bid them come out at once; if they were friendly;
  with their right hands raised。 〃If they do so;〃 he added; 〃you must
  welcome them as they come; each of you at your post; and take them by
  the hand and encourage them; but if they draw sword or try to escape;
  you must make an example of them: not a man of them must be left。〃
  Such were his orders。 '19' However; as soon as the Hyrcanians heard
  the message; they were overjoyed: springing to their steeds they
  galloped up to Cyrus; holding out their right hands as he had bidden。
  Then the Medes and Persians gave them the right hand of fellowship in
  return; and bade them be of courage。 '20' And Cyrus spoke:
  〃Sons of the Hyrcanians; we have shown our trust in you already; and
  you must trust us in return。 And now tell me; how far from here do the
  Assyrian headquarters lie; and their main body?〃 〃About four miles
  hence;〃 they answered。
  '21' 〃Forward then; my men;〃 said Cyrus; 〃Persians; Medes; and
  Hyrcanians。 I have learnt already; you see; to call you friends and
  comrades。 All of you must remember that the moment has come when; if
  hand falters or heart fails; we meet with utter disaster: our enemies
  know why we are here。 But if we summon our strength and charge home;
  you shall see them caught like a pack of runaway slaves; some on their
  knees; others in full flight; and the rest unable to do even so much
  for themselves。 They are beaten already; and they will see their
  conquerors fall on them before they dream of an approach; before their
  ranks are formed or their preparations made; and the sight will
  paralyse them。 '22' If we wish to sleep and eat and live in peace and
  happiness from this time forth; let us not give them leisure to take
  counsel or arrange defence; or so much as see that we are men; and not
  a storm of shields and battle…axes and flashing swords; sweeping on
  them in one rain of blows。 '23' You Hyrcanians must go in front of us
  as a screen; that we may lie behind you as long as may be。 And as soon
  as I close with them; you must give me; each of you; a squadron of
  horse; to use in case of need while I am waiting at the camp。 '24' I
  would advise the older men among you and the officers; to ride in
  close order; so that your ranks should not be broken; if you come
  across a compact body of the foe; let the younger men give chase; and
  do the killing; our safest plan to…day is to leave as few of the enemy
  alive as possible。 '25' And if we conquer;〃 he added; 〃we must beware
  of what has overset the fortune of many a conqueror ere now; I mean
  the lust for plunder。 The man who plunders is no longer a man; he is a
  machine for porterage; and all who list may treat him as a slave。 '26'
  One thing we must bear in mind: nothing can bring such gain as
  victory; at one clutch the victor seizes all; men and women; and
  wealth; and territory。 Therefore make it your one object to secure the
  victory; if he is conquered; the greatest plunderer is caught。 One
  more wordremember; even in the heat of pursuit to rejoin me while it
  is still daylight; for when darkness has fallen we will not admit a
  soul within the lines。〃
  '27' With these words he sent them off to their appointed stations;
  bidding them repeat his instructions on the way to their own
  lieutenants; who were posted in front to receive the orders; and make
  each of them pass down the word to his own file of ten。 Thereupon the
  advance began; the Hyrcanians leading off; Cyrus holding the centre
  himself; marching with his Persians; and the cavalry in the usual way;
  drawn up on either flank。
  '28' As the day broke the enemy saw them for the first time: some
  simply stared at what was happening; others began to realise the
  truth; calling and shouting to each other; unfastening their horses;
  getting their goods together; tearing what they needed off the beasts
  of burden; and others arming themselves; harnessing their steeds;
  leaping to horse; others helping the women into their carriages; or
  seizing their valuables; some caught in the act of burying them;
  others; and by far the greatest number; in sheer headlong flight。 Many
  and divers were their shifts; as one may well conceive; save only that
  not one man stood at bay: they perished without a blow。 '29' Now
  Croesus; king of Lydia; seeing that it was summer…time; had sent his
  women on during the night; so that they might travel more pleasantly
  in the cool; and he himself had followed with his cavalry to escort
  them。 '30' The Lord of Hellespontine Phrygia; it is said; had done the
  same。 And these two; when they heard what was happening from the
  fugitives who overtook them; fled for their lives with the rest。 '31'
  But it was otherwise with the kings of Cappadocia and Arabia; they had
  not gone far; and they stood their ground; but they had not even time
  to put on their corslets; and were cut down by the Hyrcanians。 Indeed;
  the mass of those who fell were Assyrians and Arabians; for; being in
  their own country; they had taken no precautions on the march。 '32'
  The victorious Medes and the Hyrcanians had their hands full with the
  chase; and meanwhile Cyrus made the cavalry who were left with him
  ride all round the camp and cut down any man who left it with weapons
  in his hands。 Then he sent a herald to those who remained; bidding the
  horsemen and targeteers and archers come out on foot; with their
  weapons tied in bundles; and deliver them up to him; leaving their
  horses in their stalls: he who disobeyed should lose his head; and a
  cordon of Persian troops stood round with their swords drawn。 '33' At
  that the weapons were brought at once; and flung down; and Cyrus had
  the whole pile burnt。
  '34' Meanwhile he did not forget that his own troops had come without
  food or drink; that nothing could be done without provisions; and that
  to obtain these in the quickest way; it was necessary on every
  campaign to have some one to see that quarters were prepared and
  supplies ready for the men on their return。 '35' It occurred to him it
  was more than likely that such officers; of all others; would be left
  behind in the Assyrian camp; because they would have been delayed by
  the packing。
  Accordingly; he sent out a proclamation that all the stewards should
  present themselves before him; and if there was no such officer left;
  the oldest man in every tent must take his place; any one failing to
  obey would suffer the severest penalties。 The stewards; following the
  example of their masters; obeyed at once。 And when they came before
  him he ordered those who had more than two months' rations in their
  quarters to sit down on the ground; and then those who had provisions
  for one month。 '36' Thereupon very few were left standing。 '37' Having
  thus got the information he needed; he spoke to them as follows:
  〃Gentlemen; if any of you dislike hard blows and desire gentle
  treatment at our hands; make it your business to provide twice as much
  meat and drink in every tent as you have been wont to do; with all
  things that are needed for a fine repast。 The victors; whoever they
  are; will be here anon; and will expect an overflowing board。 You may
  rest assured it will not be against your interests to give them a
  welcome they can approve。〃
  '38' At that the stewards went off at once and set to work with all
  zeal to carry out their instructions。 Then Cyrus summoned his own
  officers and said to them:
  〃My friends; it is clear that we have it in our power; now that our
  allies' backs are turned; to help ourselves to breakfast; and take our
  choice of the most delicate dishes and the rarest wines。 But I
  scarcely think this would do us so much good as to show that we study
  the interest of our friends: the best of cheer will not give us half
  the strength we could draw from the zeal of loyal allies whose
  gratitude we had won。 '39' If we forget those who are toiling for us
  now; pursuing our foes; slaying them; and fighting wherever they
  resist; if they see that we sit down to enjoy ourselves and devour our
  meal before we know how it goes with them; I fear we shall cut a sorry
  figure in their eyes; and our strength will turn to weakness through
  lack of friends。 The true banquet for us is to study the wants of
  those who have run the risk and done the work; to see that they have
  all they need when they come home; a banquet that will give us richer
  delight than any gorging of the belly。 '40' And remember; that even if
  the thought of them were not enough to shame us from it; in no case is
  this a moment for gluttony and drunkenness: the thing we set our minds
  to do is not yet done: everything is full of danger still; and calls
  for carefulness。 We have enemies in this camp ten times more numerous
  than ourselves; and they are all at large: we need both to guard
  against them and to guard them; so that we may have servants to
  furnish us with supplies。 Our cavalry are not yet back; and we must
  ask ourselves where they are and whether they mean to stay with us
  when they return。 '41' Therefore; gentlemen; I would say; for the
  present let us above all be careful to avoid the