第 9 节
作者:扑火      更新:2021-02-19 21:35      字数:9322
  hardly     reach。     No     plum     tarts  elsewhere      are   anything     but   dull   in
  comparison   with   these。        There   is;   besides;   the   first   loaf   from   the   new
  flour; brown from the maize and white from the wheat。                    Nor can a day of
  potato…gathering be more appropriately ended than with a little fire built
  afield    and   the  baking     of  some    of  the   harvest    under   the   wood    ashes。
  Vintaging   needs   no   praises;   nor   does   apple…   gathering;   even   when   the
  apples are for cider; they are never acrid enough to baffle a child's tooth。
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  Yet even those children who are so unlucky as never to have worked in
  a real field; but have been compelled to vary their education with nothing
  but play; are able to comfort themselves with the irregular harvest of the
  hedges。      They have no little hand in the realities of cultivation; but wild
  growths give them blackberries。 Pale are the joys of nutting beside those
  of haymaking; but at least they are something。
  Harvests     apart;   Spring;    not   Autumn;     should    make     a  childhood     of
  memories for the future。          In later Autumn; life is speeding away; ebbing;
  taking flight; a fugitive; taking disguises; hiding in the dry seed; retreating
  into the dark。      The daily progress of things in Spring is for children; who
  look close。      They know the way of moss and the roots of ivy; they breathe
  the breath of earth immediately; direct。              They have a sense of place; of
  persons; and of the past that may be remembered but cannot be recaptured。
  Adult     accustomed       eyes    cannot    see   what    a   child's   eye   sees   of   the
  personality  of   a  person; to   the  child   the  accidents   of voice  and   look   are
  charged with separate and unique character。                Such a sense of place as he
  got in a day within some forest; or in a week by some lake; so that a sound
  or odour can bring it back in after days; with a shockeven such a sense of
  single personality does a little watchful girl get from the accents; the turns
  of the head;   the habits  of the   hands; the   presence of   a woman。              Not   all
  places; nor all persons; are so quick with the expression of themselves; the
  child   knows   the   difference。      As   for   places   that   are   so   loaded;   and   that
  breathe so; the child discerns them passionately。
  A   travelled   child   multiplies   these   memories   and        has   them   in  their
  variety。    His heart has room for many places that have the spirit of place。
  The glacier may be forgotten; but some little tract of pasture that has taken
  wing to the head of a mountain valley; a field that has soared up a pass
  unnamed;   will   become   a   memory;   in   time;   sixty   years   old。        That   is   a
  fortunate   child   who   has   tasted   country   life   in   places   far   apart;   who   has
  helped;     followed     the  wheat    to  the   threshing…floor     of   a  Swiss    village;
  stumbled   after   a   plough   of   Virgil's   shape   in   remoter   Tuscan   hills;   and
  gleaned   after   a   vintage。    You   cannot   suggest   pleasanter   memories   than
  those of the vintage; for the day when the wine will be old。
  … Page 34…
  It may be a disappointment to the children each year at play upon so
  many beacheseven if they are but dimly aware of their lackto find their
  annual plaything to be not a real annual; an annual thing; indeed; to them;
  for the arbitrary reason that they go down to it once a year; but not annual
  in the vital and natural sense of the seasons; not waxing and waning; not
  bearing;   not   turning   that   circle   of   the   seasons   whereof   no   one   knows
  which   is   the   highest   point   and   the   secret   and   the   ultimate   purpose;   not
  recreated; not new; and not yielding to the child anything raw and irregular
  to eat。
  Sand castles are well enough; and they are the very commonplace of
  the    recollections    of  elders;   of  their  rhetoric;   and    of  what    they  think
  appropriate for their young ones。           Shingle and sand are good playthings;
  but absolute play is not necessarily the ideal of a child; he would rather
  have   a   frolic   of   work。  Of   all   the   early   autumn   things   to   be   done   in
  holiday time; that game with the beach and the wave is the least good for
  Not    that   the  shore    is  everywhere      so  barren。     The    coast    of  the
  Londonersall       round    the  southern    and   eastern    borders   of   Englandis
  indeed   the   dullest   of   all   sea…margins。   But   away   in   the   gentle   bays   of
  Jersey the summer grows a crop of seaweed which the long ocean wave
  leaves in noble curves upon the beach; for under sunny water the storms
  have gathered the crops。         The Channel Island people go gleaning after the
  sea; and store the seaweed for their fields。 Thus the beaches of Jersey bays
  are not altogether barren; and have a kind of dead and accessory harvest
  for the farmer。      After a night of storm these crops are stacked and carted
  and carried; the sea… wind catching away loose shreds from the summits of
  the loads。
  Further south; if the growth of the sea is not so put to use; the shore
  has yet its seasons。      You could hardly tell; if you did not know the month;
  whether   a   space   of   sea   or   a   series   of   waves;   at   Aldborough;   say;   or   at
  Dover; were summer or winter water; but in those fortunate regions which
  … Page 35…
  are southern; yet not too southern for winter; and have thus the strongest
  swing of change and the fullest pulse of the year; there are a winter sea
  and a summer sea; brilliantly different; with a delicate variety between the
  hastening blue of spring and the lingering blue of September。                    There you
  bathe   from   the   rocks;   untroubled   by   tides;   and   unhurried   by   chills;   and
  with no incongruous sun beating on your head while your fingers are cold。
  You bathe when the sun has set; and the vast sea has not a whisper; you
  know a rock in the distance where you can rest; and where you float; there
  float   also   by   you   opalescent   jelly…fish;   half   transparent   in   the   perfectly
  transparent      water。    An    hour   in  the   warm     sea  is  not   enough。     Rock…
  bathing is done on lonely shores。            A city may be but a mile away; and the
  cultivated   vineyards   may   be   close   above   the   seaside   pine…trees;   but   the
  place is perfectly remote。 You pitch your tent on any little hollow of beach。
  A charming Englishwoman who used to bathe with her children under the
  great rocks of her Mediterranean villa in the motionless white evenings of
  summer put white roses in her hair; and liked to sit out on a rock at sea
  where the first rays of the moon would touch her。
  You bathe in the Channel in the very prose of the day。                 Nothing in the
  world     is  more    uninteresting      than   eleven    o'clock。    It   is  the   hour   of
  mediocrity   under   the   best   conditions;   but   eleven   o'clock   on   a   shingly
  beach;   in   a   half…hearted summer;   is   a   very  common   thing。 Twelve   has   a
  dignity always; and everywhere its name is great。                The noon of every day
  that ever dawned is in its place heroic; but eleven is worldly。                One o'clock
  has an honest human interest to the hungry child; and every hour of the
  summer   afternoon;   after   three;   has   the   grace   of   deepening   and   lingering
  life。   To bathe at eleven in the sun; in the wind; to bathe from a machine;
  in a narrow sea that is certainly not clear and is only by courtesy clean; to
  bathe in obedience to a tyrannical tide and in water that is always much
  colder   than   yourself;   to   bathe   in   a   hurry   and   in   publicthis   is   to   know
  nothing   rightly   of   one   of   the   greatest   of   all   the   pleasures   that   humanity
  takes with nature。
  By the way; the sea of Jersey has more the character of a real sea than
  of mere straits。      These temperate islands would be better called the Ocean
  Islands。      When      Edouard     Pailleron     was   a   boy   and   wrote    poetry;    he
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