第 480 节
作者:九米      更新:2021-02-19 21:32      字数:8941
  Without morality and ethics; they will thrive
  Without cleverness; they will treat each other honestly
  Without politeness; they will respect each other
  Where you can't see how these apply; cling to their essence
  Treat people simply; directly; and caringly
  Agreement and disagreement; beauty and ugliness
  What does it mean to say these are different things?
  As a man who is feared by others must inevitably come to be afraid
  These things feed each other; endlessly
  The multitudes are ecstatic; impassioned
  Like they are on their way to a great fair
  I am as unimpressed as an infant that has not yet learned to smile
  Detached; as though I were wandering aimlessly over the earth
  Such a fool am I
  They have plenty while I am lacking
  They see things clearly while I am unsure
  Make fine distinctions that are meaningless to me
  The multitudes all have their purpose and their place in life
  I alone am uncultured; ill defined
  I drift from one thing to another; without form or direction
  In truth; though; I differ from them in only one thing
  I want to be nourished by the great tao
  All virtue is derived from the tao
  Yet the tao's nature is changeable; elusive
  Substanceless and formless; yet it produces all shapes
  Formless and substanceless; yet it produces all things
  Hidden; obscured; yet from it springs all purity; all clarity
  From the present to the past
  The thread has never disappeared
  And through it we can see the workings of nature
  How do I know this is so?
  There is no how; I listen; and I know
  Learn to bend; and you will never break
  Learn to turn; and you will never fall
  Empty yourself; and you'll be filled
  Release yourself; and you'll be renewed
  Own little; you can accomplish much
  Own much; you will be bewildered by your choices
  The taoist holds to the simple way and guides the world
  Being reserved; he becomes noted
  Being subtle; he shines
  Being quiet; he is acknowledged
  Being humble; he is long remembered
  Because he does not compete; no one can overcome him
  'Bend and you will never break'
  Surely this phrase has merit
  Who practices it will be whole; always
  Nature rarely speaks
  Gales don't last more than a morning
  Downpours don't last more than a day
  If heaven and earth can't make things last
  How much truer is this for us?
  So; to follow the way you must be like the way
  When the time comes to act; act well
  When the time comes to lose; let go
  Act well and the tao will supply you
  Let go and the tao will carry on
  Raise yourself too high; and you lose your balance
  Prominence does not come from putting on airs
  Inner light is not made by clothes or jewels
  Nor does respect come from boasts
  Honor is not a thing you can claim for yourself
  To the taoists all this is a waste
  Like spending hours cooking food no one wants to eat
  Why offer people air instead of substance?
  Air is free; and only fools and flatterers will buy it
  Do you want to be surrounded by fools?
  Where you are is where you are
  Live there
  There was something formed and complete
  Before heaven and earth were born
  Quiet; still; pure; deep;?changeless and self…sufficient
  Perhaps it is the womb in which the world grew
  It has no name; properly speaking; though I call it the tao
  If I had to describe it; I'd call it 'The Spirit of Quiet Motion'
  It is never still in the here and now
  Always leaving; always absent; always returning; always here
  If the tao is like this; then so is heaven; and so is earth;
  And so could be leaders; if they would be the spirit of a nation
  Men conform to the actions of their leaders
  Let the leaders conform to the patterns of the earth
  As the earth conforms to the cycles of the heavens
  And the heavens conform to the motion of the tao
  And as the tao must; by necessity; conform to itself
  As the heaviest part of anything must be at the bottom
  So all activity must center on quietness
  Only an idiot; while traveling; would wander away from his luggage
  Until a safe and secure place is reached
  So how can a leader treat a nation otherwise
  Than as an extension of her own body?
  Treat people as unimportant and they will think the same of you
  Leave them behind to pursue your own interests; and when you look again
  They will not be there
  Skilled travelers always find the easy path
  Skilled speakers talk freely; on any subject
  Skilled counters never need to use paper and pencil
  A door can be sealed with neither bolt nor lock
  A knot tied without rope or cord; if you only know the skill
  The taoist's skill is saving men;
  He does this regardless of their aptitude for being saved
  He never discards a useful thing simply because it needs a little work
  And since every man thinks of himself as useful
  The taoist needs only one attitude for all men
  A skilled leader can create goodness in whoever comes to hand
  And anyone; bad or good; can be his raw material
  But fail to respect the material as much as the act
  And nothing will be created; no matter how much effort goes into it
  The point:
  There is nothing more practical than faith
  Know the male principle; but practice the female
  You will be like a ravine that gathers all things into itself
  And shelters all who enter
  Hold to this virtue; and you'll be as soft and accepting as an infant
  Know perfection; but let imperfection be
  You will be like a valley in which all manner of things aregrown
  Fertile ground for every thought; every action
  Hold to this virtue; and you'll be as full of potential as uncarvedwood
  Know brightness; but let yourself be dark
  You will become a model of common sense and propriety
  Quiet and respected
  Hold to this virtue; and you'll live till the mother calls you back
  Others become tools; carved into shapes that fit their functions
  The taoist lets himself be used however is needed
  Leads without a destination in mind
  By not being shaped; the world shapes itself around him
  Would you try to improve the way the world works?
  You won't succeed
  The way the world works is the mold by which it continues working
  Nothing else can make it work
  You can follow it and you can use it
  But try to mold it; and it will slip through your fingers
  Some things are fast and some are slow
  Some are hot and some cold
  Some are strong and some weak
  Some rise and some sink
  So the taoist allows for all these things
  Preferring none over the other
  Whoever the tao aids in leading the people
  Does not rely on weapons and violence
  Armies consume; and destroy; and nothing more
  A true leader uses them only at need
  Lives with the destruction they create only as long it is needed
  And so achieves his ends without using force
  When armies are used for gaining profit; or pride; or glory;
  Or to show the martial prowess of leader and nation
  They serve only to fill heads and empty bellies
  This is imbalanced; and must be held like that at great cost
  This is not the way; sooner or later will collapse of itself
  Weapons are dangerous tools for all concerned
  Natural creature do not use them
  If you must use them; don't let them take hold of your mind
  At peace it is the earth that is important; the feminine principle
  At war it is heaven; the essence of the male
  Therefore weapons and war are not the tools of the taoist
  If you must use them remain calm and detached
  Never look upon them as things of beauty
  To do so would mean that you delight in the slaughter of men
  You would never be able to lead the land properly
  In happy events we honor the richness of the earth
  In sad ones we turn our eyes to heaven
  Since every soldier's mind; and every general's; is on the weather
  It is clearly an occasion of sadness
  Whenever multitudes are killed; the taoist grieves
  Victory or defeat; it's all a funeral to him
  The tao is ever nameless
  Though it naturally seems small; no one would dare to try and captureit
  If the leaders of the world could be one with it
  All the creatures of the earth would bow down before them
  And manna would spring from heaven and earth equally for all
  Though no one insisted upon it
  Failing that; of course; things must be named and put in some kind oforder
  As soon as you start to establish order; however
  You must know when it's time to stop; so nothing can go wrong
  The great tao flows into the world
  As water flows into streams; then rivers; then oceans
  There comes a point when it's self…defeating to try and control it