第 400 节
作者:九米      更新:2021-02-19 21:32      字数:8838
  The more numerous the laws;
  The more criminals there are。
  Therefore; the sage says:
  I take no action;
  Yet people transform by themselves。
  I prefer to remain calm;
  Yet people by themselves become correct。
  I refrain from meddling;
  Yet people by themselves begin to prosper。
  I have no desires;
  Yet people by themselves become simple
  Like uncut wood。
  When the government is dull and not meddlesome
  The people are pure and honest。
  When the government is shrewd and meddlesome
  The people are restless and poor。
  Good fortune leans on disaster。
  Disaster lurks in good fate。
  Is there a way to end this?
  Is there a norm of what's right?
  What's normal becomes abnormal。
  What's good becomes evil。
  With each passing day people grow more confused。
  That is why the sage is sharp but he does not cut。
  He burnishes but he does not harm。
  He straightens but he does not break。
  He shines but he does not dazzle。
  While ruling the people
  And serving heaven
  Build up a store。
  If you've built up a store
  You can adhere to Tao early。
  If you've adhered to Tao early
  You can amass virtue。
  When you've amassed virtue
  There is nothing you cannot do。
  When there is nothing you cannot do
  Your capacity has no bounds。
  Having boundless capacity
  You're ready to rule the realm。
  Leaning on the mother of the realm
  You can last through all time。
  You've been firmly established。
  You have a strong support。
  This is the Tao of long life。
  This is the Tao of farsightedness。
  Rule a big country
  The way you'd cook a small fish。
  If Tao is used to govern the world
  Evil spirits have no power。
  Their power is not gone
  But it does not harm the people。
  Their power does not harm the people
  And it does not harm the sage。
  As they suffer no harm
  Their virtues unite and return to them。
  A big country is like a low…lying land。
  It's like the meeting ground of the world。
  It's like the female of the world。
  The female always defeats the male with calmness。
  Because she is calm; she remains low。
  Thus if the big country is below the small country
  It conquers the small country。
  And if the small country is below the big country
  It conquers the big country。
  Thus some win by becoming low
  And some win by remaining low。
  What the big country wants
  Is to unite people and nourish them。
  What the small country wants
  Is to serve people and find shelter for them。
  Both can get what they want
  If it's the big country that becomes low。
  Tao is the source of the myriad things。
  It is the treasure of those who are good。
  It is the refuge of those who are bad。
  Fine words can buy honor。
  Fine deeds can serve as a gift。
  Why reject those who are bad?
  So when the emperor is installed;
  And his ministers appointed;
  Do not offer them precious stones and horses
  But remain calm; offer the Tao。
  Why did the ancients pay tribute to Tao?
  Did they not use to say:
  〃Those who seek get what they seek thanks to Tao。
  Thanks to Tao the offenders are saved〃?
  That is why Tao is the treasure to the world。
  Act without taking action。
  Be busy without busy…ness。
  Taste what cannot be tasted。
  Magnify the small
  Multiply the few。
  Repay injury with kindness。
  Prepare for the difficult while it is still easy。
  Work on the big thing while it is still small。
  The difficult things of the world are initially easy。
  The big things of the world are initially small。
  The sage does not strive to achieve great things
  So he is able achieve greatness。
  Those who are quick to make promises
  Are bound not to be trusted。
  What may seem easy
  Is bound to become hard。
  The sage accepts his tasks as difficult。
  Therefore they all become easy for him。
  What is at rest is easy to hold。
  What has not yet begun is easy to stop。
  That which is flimsy is easy to shatter。
  That which is tiny is easy to scatter。
  Confront the events before they begin。
  Set things in order before there is trouble。
  A tree bigger than a grown man's embrace
  Was once a tiny sprout。
  A tower nine stories high
  Was built on a lump of dirt。
  A journey of a thousand miles
  Begins right under your feet。
  It's those who take action that fail。
  It's those who hold on to things that lose them。
  Therefore the sage takes no action;
  And so he does not fail。
  He doesn't hold on to things;
  And so he doesn't lose them。
  People always fail when their work is nearly done。
  So be cautious when you start
  And be cautious when you finish。
  That is why the sage desires not to desire
  And does not value rare things。
  He learns what cannot be learnt
  And returns to what others pass by。
  He could help the myriad things
  Follow their true nature
  Yet he dares not do it。
  The ancients who excelled at following Tao
  Did not enlighten people
  But kept them free from cleverness。
  If people are too clever they are difficult to rule。
  To rule the state with cleverness
  Is to rob the state;
  But to rule the state without cleverness
  Is to benefit the state。
  These are the two forms of rulership。
  To remain aware of them is to have the secret virtue。
  The secret virtue reaches far and touches all。
  It leads all things back to the great accord。
  How can rivers and oceans be king of one hundred valleys?
  They excel in staying below them。
  That is why they can become their king。
  Thus if the sage wishes to be the people's master
  He has to talk to them like their servant。
  If he wishes to lead them
  He has to follow behind them。
  This way he can be their master
  Without oppressing them。
  He can precede them
  Without blocking their way。
  That is why the whole world is willing to praise him
  And never tires of doing so。
  He contends with no one;
  So no one can contend with him。
  The whole world says:
  〃What you teach is great yet unlike anything else。〃
  It is its greatness that makes it unlike anything else。
  Were it like everything else
  It would have become trivial a long time ago。
  I have three treasures which I hold and keep safe。
  The first is compassion。
  The second economy。
  The third not daring to take the lead。
  If you're compassionate you can be fearless。
  If you're not wasteful you can be giving。
  If you're afraid to lead you can attain the highest honors。
  Today people renounce compassion and try to be brave。
  They are wasteful in extreme and try to be giving。
  They refuse to be follow and they try to take the lead。
  They are certainly doomed。
  Compassion gives you victory in battle
  And strength in defense。
  When heaven comes to your rescue
  With its compassion it keeps you safe。
  The best soldier is not violent。
  The best fighter does not fly into rage。
  The best winner does not engage the opponent。
  The best employer does not put himself above others。
  This is the virtue of non…contending。
  This is the ability of managing people。
  This is the finest way of matching heaven。
  Experts in warfare have a saying:
  〃I dare not launch an attack。
  I'd rather mount a defense。
  I dare not advance a foot;
  I'd rather retreat a mile。〃
  This is called:
  Moving forward without moving forward。
  Removing the sleeves without baring the arms。
  Being armed without holding a weapon。
  Seizing the enemy without confronting him。
  There is no worse disaster than to have no enemy。
  If I have no enemy my treasure is as good as lost。
  Thus when the battle begins
  And the opponents are evenly matched
  It is the grieving side that wins。
  My words are easy to understand
  And it is easy to follow them。
  Yet they can be grasped by no one in the world
  And there is no one who can follow them。
  My words are of an ancient origin。
  My actions are guided by reason。
  Yet this remains unknown;
  So I remain unknown; too。
  Those who know me are few
  This is what honors me。
  The sage wears plain clothing。
  His true wealth is concealed in his heart。
  If you know that you're ignorant you are fine。
  If you don't know that you're ignorant you are flawed。
  Only when you recognize your flaws
  Will you become flawless。
  The sage is free from flaws。
  He's flawless because he knows his flaws。
  When people have no fear of what they should fear。
  Something really fearsome will come on them。
  Do not constrict their living space。
  Do not reduce their means of livelihood。
  If they抮e not pestered