第 299 节
作者:九米      更新:2021-02-19 21:31      字数:9152
  They look alike because they are both human; within humanity is the key to the door of creation。
  Whenever the most beautiful is perceived; ugliness arises; the least beautiful。 Whenever good is perceived; evil exists; its natural opposite。
  Thus; perception involves opposites; reality and fantasy are opposing thoughts; difficult and simple oppose in degree; long and short oppose in distance; high and low oppose in height; shrill and deep oppose in tone; before and after oppose in sequence。
  The truly wise accept this and they work diligently without allegiance to words。 They teach by doing; not by saying; are genuinely helpful; not discriminating; are positive; not possessive; do not proclaim their accomplishments; and because they do not proclaim them; credit for them can never be taken away。
  Leaders Work Humbly
  Leaders should not seek power or status; people will not then crave power or status。 If scarce good are not valued highly; people will have no need to steal them。 If there is nothing available to arouse passion; people will remain content and satisfied。
  The truly wise lead by instilling humility and open…mindedness; by providing for fair livelihoods; by discouraging personal ambition; and by helping people to be upright。
  The wise avoid evil and radical reform; thus the foolish do not obstruct them。 They work serenely; with inner quiet。
  Tao is a vast immeasurable void。 It can be used to infinity; it is truly inexhaustible。
  Like nature; it appears to be the origin of everything。 In it; conflicts (sharp edges) are satisfied (rounded); differences (tangles) are resolved (united); observations (light) are clarified (tempered); disturbances (turmoil) are quieted (submerged)。
  It is like a deep; dark pool。 I do not know its source。 It is like a prelude to nature; a preface to God。
  Nature is indifferent to life。 It realizes everything is as a straw dog。 The truly wise are also indifferent to life。 They realize humanity is as a straw dog。
  The universe is like a bellows: empty; yet quite full。 As it proceeds; it produces。
  Much talk; much exhaustion。 Keep your thoughts within!
  The concept of Yin is ever present。 It is the Mystic Female from whom the heavens and earth originate。
  Constantly; continuously; enduring always。
  Use her!
  The heavens endure; the earth is very old。 Why?
  Because they do not exist for themselves; they therefore have long life。
  The truly wise are content to be last; they are therefore first。 They are indifferent to themselves; they are therefore self…confident。
  Perhaps it is because they do not exist for themselves that they find complete fulfillment。
  The highest motive is to be like water: water is essential to all life; yet it does not demand a fee or proclaim its importance。 Rather; it flows humbly to the lowest level; and in so doing it is much like Tao。
  In the home the truly wise love the humble earth; the foundation on which the home is built; in the heart they love what is genuine; in friendship they are compassionate; in words they are sincere; in government they foster peace and good will; in business they work with quiet efficiency。
  Serenity is the goal of Tao; through it nothing is lost。
  There is a danger in extremes: pull a bowstring too far and you wish you had let go before; hone a sword…edge too sharp and the edge will wear too soon; fill your house with gold and jade and you invite thieves; be proud and arrogant over good fortune and you prepare for your own downfall。
  When you have reached your goal; be satisfied to go no further。 This is the way of Tao。
  Can you control your mind so that it never strays from the way of Tao?
  Can you control your breathing so that it is soft and gentle like a new…born babe?
  Can you purify yourself so that you are perfect? Can you love all the people; rule them; and remain unknown? And do so without interference?
  Can you play the same role always?
  Give birth; provide nourishment; do this without being possessive。 Give help without obligation。 Lead without dominating。 This is the Mystic Virtue (Teh)。
  Thirty spokes unite at the hub but the ultimate use of the wheel depends on the part where nothing exists。
  Clay is molded into a vessel but the ultimate use of the vessel depends upon the part where nothing exists。
  Doors and windows are cut out of the walls of a house but the ultimate use of the house depends upon the parts where nothing exists。
  So; there is advantage in using what can be seen; what exists。 And there is also advantage in using what cannot be seen; what is non…existent。
  The five colors blind the eye; the five notes deafen the ear; the five tastes dull the tongue。 Reckless ambition will unbalance the mind; striving for earthly good produces unhealthy tension。 Therefore the truly wise satisfy the inner self and ignore the external。 They accept one and avoid the other。
  It is said: 擝oth good fortune and misfortune cause tension。 The creative and the destructive exist equally in the mind。?br》
  What is ment by 擥ood fortune and misfortune cause tension? Those with good fortune are tense anticipating their gift; those with misfortune are tense lamenting their loss。
  What is ment by 擳he creative and the destructive exist equally in the mind? Tension exists because we have a mind; a self; with dual purposes。 If we can be selfless; indifferent to the mind; how then can tension exist?
  Thus; one who views the world as he views himself is best suited to govern the world; one who loves humanity as he loves himself can be entrusted with the world。
  Looked for it cannot be seen; it is invisible。 Listened for it cannot be heard; it is inaudible。 Reached for it cannot be touched; it is intangible。 These three are beyond analysis; these three are one。
  It rises; like the sun; but does not illuminate; it sets; like the sun; but does not darken。 Without beginning; without end; infinite; indefinable。 It is the form of the formless; it is existence in non…existence; it is the greatest mystery。 Meet it and it has no face; follow it and it has no back。
  Hold close to the ancient Tao and be master of your present existence。 Knowing the present you mirror the past。 This is the clue to Tao。
  The Tao of the Ancients
  The ancient followers of Tao: so wise; so subtle; so profound; so deeply understanding that they were themselves misunderstood。 They must therefore be described:
  Cautious; like crossing a stream in mid…winter; observant; like moving in fear through hostile land; modest; retiring like ice beginning to melt; dignified; like an honored guest; genuine; like natural; untouched wood; receptive; like an inviting; open valley; friendly; like muddied water; freely mixing。
  Who can make sense of a world like cloudy water? Left alone and still; it becomes clear。 Should this stillness be maintained? Moving hastily will surely cloud it again。 How then can one move and not become clouded? Accept Tao and achieve without being selfish; being unselfish one endures the world抯 wear; and needs no change of pace。
  Achieve the highest goal by being passive; hold close to a state of perfect serenity。
  Everything comes into existence; but observe; returns to its source。 Thus; vegetation flourishes and grows; but returns to the soil whence it came。
  Returning to the source is serenity; it is to realize one抯 destiny。 To realize one抯 destiny is to know the Eternal Constant。 To know the Eternal Constant is to be enlightened。 To be ignorant of this is blindness that begets evil。
  Whoever knows the Eternal Constant is open?minded。 Being open?minded is to be impartial; being impartial is to be above nations and laws; being above nations and laws is to be in accord with nature; being in accord with nature is to be in accord with Tao; being in accord with Tao is to be eternal。 Although your body dies and decays you live forever。
  The Best Leader
  As for the best leaders; the people do not notice their existence。 The next best; the people honor and praise。 The next; the people fear; and the next; the people hate。
  If you have no faith people will have no faith in you; and you must resort to oaths。
  When the best leader抯 work is done the people say: 擶e did it ourselves!?br》
  When Tao is lost; words like 攈umanity?and 攋ustice?become official doctrines。 Then 攌nowledge?and 攚isdom?become official goals。 With all this great hypocrisy comes。
  When family life is no longer harmonious; obedient children and devoted parents are praised; when a nation has corruption and inefficiency; there is official praise for 攍oyal citizens?
  Wherever there is Tao there is peace and balance。 When Tao is lost; divisiveness and differences emerge and grow。
  On Real Education
  Do away with learning; the same with wisdom; the people will gain a hundredfold。 Do away with 攈umani