第 124 节
作者:九米      更新:2021-02-19 21:29      字数:9117
  race beyond the chair or cushion; it is meant to be what infuses the relationships and activities of every waking moment。 When the way we do our work; raise our children; manage our homes; and interact socially becomes increasingly indistinguishable from the way we meditate; then the lesson of this poem will have been fully integrated into our lives。 For this is where meditation takes us beyond the enrichment of life in a bodily form; and into the realm of true immortality; where 〃you are lovingly received into the Heart of Nature forever。〃 As the division between inner and outer; between meditation and living; is dissolved; so is that between form and non…form; until the empty falsehood of death…as…ending is finally discarded。 What then remains is all we need: life beyond time; perpetuated in consciousness。
  In government; objectives are clarified。
  In warfare; objectives are concealed。
  In following the Tao; objectives are discarded。
  How do I know that this is so?
  By feeling it from within。
  With every commandment thrust upon the people;
  They become more impoverished and alienated。
  As the weapons of the state grow ever more destructive;
  The more contagious is the fear that desolates the nation。
  The further science spreads its hegemony of the intellect;
  The more demonic are the products that roll off the assembly line。
  As the precedents of litigation grow; and the statutory codes accumulate;
  The politicians and criminals will proliferate and flourish。
  The counsel of the Sage is different:
  Let your action lack force;
  And there will be spontaneous transformation。
  Let meditation guide you;
  And the natural order will arise。
  Abandon power…
  Lead only by example and consensus;
  And there will be abundance in the land。
  Defeat desire; let innocence be your law;
  And your nation will return
  To its deepest; simple nature。
  Clearly; there are points in this book where Lao Tzu 〃takes the gloves off;〃 and this is one of them。 Yet this verse goes far beyond a mere diatribe against laws and lawyers; armies and weapons; technologies of dull convenience; and the depredations of politicians and corporate tyrants; for the poet again offers a natural alternative to the proliferation of tyranny。 As amazing as it may be to contemplate how little humans appear to have changed in 2;600 years; we must also read this poem with a view to its practical purpose: the gifts of peace; abundance; and true progress that we naturally desire as both individuals and as nations are more readily available to us than we have been led to believe by those who would define them in terms of legislation; power; and the manipulation of Nature。 Drop the struggle; for there is nothing that needs to be fought; let the meditative life described in the previous poem guide you and your nation; lead by example and consensus; not with force or commandment。 This is the way of return that is spoken of throughout this book; and the poet would like us to understand that though it must begin within each individual; it can continue in an entire nation。
  When the government lacks power and brilliance;
  Organic simplicity suffuses the people。
  When the government is intrusive and vigilant;
  Deceit and resentment are the coin of the realm。
  Misfortune enters the life
  That is propped up on success;
  And misery lurks beneath
  The lustrous show of affluence。
  Life that lacks limits lacks duration。
  If it is elevated today;
  It will be tomorrow maligned。
  When everything is changing;
  Nothing is transformed。
  Insight is caked with the ink of the prophets。
  Will there be no end to this delusion?
  Thus; the counsel of the Sage:
  If you are sharp within;
  You needn抰 cut without。
  You can be pointed in your depths;
  But carry neither slings nor arrows。
  Straighten out your inner edges
  Without defining outer boundaries。
  If you can glow like a lantern;
  You won抰 have to shine。
  Affluence and power fail to endure because they require the support of an illusion of success; which is inevitably exposed。 There is no such thing as grandeur; either in being the most powerful nation or the most famous person; there is only an outer display; which needs increasingly greater energy to disguise itself as genuine success。 Thus; the effort of vigilance in maintaining an image is never relaxed: though its presentation may vary; such change is superficial and ephemeral; and will never endure。 In the realm of image…making; therefore; 〃deceit and resentment are the coin;〃 because the shifts in the landscape are confined to the apparent; and leave the inner plane ignored or repressed; thus; the deep and lasting glow of transformation is completely lacking。
  The way of the Sage is to turn within and scrape away the overlaid delusions of grandeur with which the prophets and self…styled seers have obscured the original insight of true nature。 This is the 〃inner cutting〃 which requires no outer sharpness; the inner light that doesn抰 need to shine。 True insight lacks glare; thus; it endures。
  In helping others; be like the sky:
  Without the slightest sense of sacrifice;
  It readily yields the elements
  That make the harvest possible。
  Reflecting nurturance is called
  Continual nourishment of the harvest。
  Continual nourishment arises from Modesty;
  Which is the most bountiful harvest of all。
  Modesty in abundance is indomitable…
  It is indomitable; so who could know
  The limits of its capacity?
  And if its limits cannot be known;
  Couldn抰 it nurture an entire nation?
  Couldn抰 it become the natural Mother
  Of its own enduring consciousness?
  From a firm inner foundation;
  The natural structure flourishes。
  When the Cosmic insight guides;
  Life is endlessly allowed to endure;
  Through the fullness of Form
  And its vibrant potential。
  Here is Lao Tzu's guide to those involved in what are today called 〃the helping professions。〃 If you are a therapist; a counselor; a doctor; a financial advisor; or involved in any work that offers help to others in the form of information and supportive services for the furtherance of physical; psychological; or material well…being; then you may have something to learn from this poem。
  Lao Tzu's first point is crucial: helping others is not about sacrificing yourself。 To 〃give of yourself〃 in the sense of sacrifice is the self…indulgent vanity of the hero; and Lao Tzu would like us to have none of this nonsense; for that is of no help to anyone。
  Helping in the Cosmic Way is more about 〃reflecting nurturance〃梩hat is; allowing oneself to be a 〃camera obscura of help;〃 through which the true source of help reflects itself and is made effective。 This true source of help comes from nature and the universe in their simple and often unseen energy…flows。
  In the I Ching; such supportive currents of nature were known as 揾elpers。?Curiously; and as quaint as it may sound to the modern ear; the term 〃helpers〃 has cognate variants in contemporary English; even within the icily objective field of scientific medicine。 〃Helper T Cells〃 are essential cellular elements of the body's immune system: when they are not present in the bloodstream; or are killed by a viral attack such as that which causes HIV/AIDS; the results can be disastrous for the organism。 In the treatment of cancer; there is a type of therapy known as 〃adjuvant therapy。〃 The word 〃adjuvant〃 is Latin for 〃helping。〃 Other examples could be given; but the point is that the idea of helping presences; even from within ourselves; is not a strange or esoteric notion。 Lao Tzu would like us to keep this in mind wherever we propose to help others; for when we can successfully include these helpers of the Cosmic Consciousness in our daily lives and our professional endeavors; we clear the way for the 〃continual nourishment of the harvest;〃 which can only come (for humans) in the presence of Te; or Modesty。 Modesty; in turn; is present wherever we deny ego; with its intrusive and clumsy interference; any influence in the helping process;。 Modesty enables transformation: it can arouse the helpers and thus be 〃indomitable〃 because it is pure consciousness; which has the quantum ability to reach past time and space; into the subatomic realm where true healing occurs。
  In leading others; use care and restraint;
  As if you were frying a small fish。
  Let the Tao be your guide;
  And the demons of power will return
  To their original nature。
  For their power is a delusion…
  An empty; noisy abstraction。
  All power is harmless
  To one whose true self leads。
  Such a leader can protect the people;
  For he is protected by the Sage;
  And the Sage is protected by the Tao。
  When a follower of Modesty leads;
  Then all are made safe…
  The leader; the people; the nation…
  These unite with the Sage
  In a continual return
  To a deeper understanding。
  Lao Tzu; with his characteristic gentle humor; uses a seem