第 108 节
作者:九米      更新:2021-02-19 21:29      字数:8918
  How preposterous; these questions can be asked for as long as one seeks enlightenment。
  It is to the sage's advantage that he need not fear what others fear。
  But it is to the advantage of most that they can enjoy the feast;
  and celebrate in the terraced parks in the springtime。
  I alone seem tranquil and still amidst the smiling revelers。
  I am as expressionless as an infant before it learns to smile。
  I do not know the minds of other people;
  My mind is that of a fool; muddied and cloudy。
  I am alone; with no true home。
  Other people have enough and to spare;
  I alone seem to have lost everything。
  Other people enjoy all they need and more;
  I alone have left everything behind。
  Other people appear bright;
  I alone seem wrapped in darkness。
  Other people seem razor…sharp;
  I alone am dull。
  Other people are lucid;
  I alone am obscure。
  Everyone seems to know everything;
  I alone have no knowledge。
  I am like a wave on the ocean;
  blowing as aimlessly as the wind; with no place to rest。
  Others have purpose; taste and a sphere of action:
  I alone am purposeless; unrefined and uncentered。
  I do not share the fears of the people;
  For creation nourishes me。
  The form of great virtue is something that only the Tao can follow。
  The Tao as a 〃thing〃 is vague and obscure。
  How obscure! How vague! Yet in it there is form。
  How vague! How obscure! But in it there are things。
  How deep! How dark! In it there is an essence。
  The essence is so realtherein is belief。
  Since before time and space were;
  the Tao IS。
  It is beyond is and is not。
  How do I know this is true?
  I look inside myself and see。
  Yield; and maintain integrity。
  If you want to become whole; let yourself become partial。
  If you want to become straight; let yourself become crooked。
  If you want to become full; let yourself become empty。
  If you want to be reborn; you must let yourself die。
  If you want to be given everything; you must give everything up。
  The sage accepts the world as the world accepts the Way。
  He is free from self…display; and therefore he shines。
  Freed from self…assertion; he is distinguished。
  Removed from self…boasting; his merit is acknowledged。
  removed from self…complacency; he acquires superiority。
  It is because he is free from striving that
  no one in the world is able to strive with him。
  When the ancient Masters said;
  〃If you want to be given everything; give everything up;〃
  they weren't mouthing empty phrases。
  Only in being lived by the Tao can you be truly complete。
  Nature says only a few words:
  To speak little is natural。
  Express yourself completely;
  and then keep quiet。
  Be like the forces of nature:
  a gale seldom blows the whole morning;
  nor does a downpour last a whole day。
  When the clouds pass; the sun shines through。
  If nature's words do not last;
  why should those of man?
  If you open yourself to the Tao;
  you are at one with the Tao
  and you can embody it completely。
  If you open yourself to insight;
  you are at one with insight
  and you can use it completely。
  If you open yourself to loss;
  you are at one with loss
  and you can accept it completely。
  The Tao accepts this accordance gladly。
  Virtue accepts this accordance gladly。
  Loss also accepts this accordance gladly。
  He who does not have trust in others
  should not himself be trusted。
  He who stands on his tiptoes does not stand firm
  he who travels at a speed beyond his means;
  cannot maintain his pace。
  He who tries to shine dims his own light。
  If you boast; you will have no merit。
  Pride yourself and you will not endure。
  These behaviors are wasteful and indulgent;
  so they attract disfavor;
  therefore those who pursue
  the Tao do not accept and allow them。
  There is a mystery; something formless and perfect
  before the universe was born。
  It is tranquil。 Empty。
  Solitary。 Unchanging。
  Infinite。 Eternally present。
  It is the mother of everything。
  I don't know its name。
  Hence; when forced to name it; I call it 〃Tao。〃 (the Way)。
  When attempting to categorize it; I call it 〃great。〃
  Being great it flows through all things;inside and outside。
  And being limitless it returns to the origin of all things。
  The Tao is great。
  The universe is great。
  Earth is great。
  Man is great。
  These are the four great powers。
  Man follows the laws of the earth。
  Earth follows the laws of the universe。
  The universe follows the laws of the Tao。
  The law of the Tao is in being what it is。
  The heavy is the root of the light。
  Composure is the ruler of instability。
  An experienced traveler will journey all day; watching over his belongings;
  Though there may be spectacles to see
  He easily passes them by。
  However splendid the views;
  he stays serenely in himself。
  Why should the lord of the country
  flit about like a fool?
  If he is unstable; he will lose his rulership。
  Rather than glitter like jade
  He must stand like common stone。
  The sage follows the natural way。
  Like an experienced tracker。。。he himself leaves no tracks。
  Like a good speaker。。。his language lacks flaws and rebuke。
  Like an experienced counter he needs no calculator。
  He is like a well…made door; which needs no lock。
  He is the perfect knot; leaving no end to be unraveled。
  He attends to every detail。
  It is in this way that the sage is skilful at saving men;
  and so he does not cast away any man。
  He is always skilful at saving things; and so he does not cast away anything。
  This is called embodying the light。
  It is in this way that the skillful master is the teacher of the one without skill。
  And the one without skill is the charge and responsibility of the master。
  From the teachings of the master; all might learn who wish to listen。
  Not respecting the teacher; nor valuing the student; you will see confusion; no matter how intelligent you are。
  This is called the Essential Subtlety。
  Know your male qualities;
  Yet know how to use the female abilities。
  Be like a channel for the world's waters;
  Open and flowing; like the mind of a child。
  Full of virtue; harmony and excellence。
  Know the light;
  But understand the dark。
  Be an example for the world。
  Act with honor; and retain humility。
  Return to the state of the uncarved wooden block。
  Do you wish to change the world?
  If you wish to change the world
  and adjust it to your desires;
  you cannot succeed。
  The world is shaped by the Way;
  the self cannot shape it。
  If you tamper with it; you'll ruin it。
  If you treat it like an object; you'll lose it。
  The world is as it is; so;
  Some will be leaders;
  while others will be followers。
  Some will be warm; others cold。
  Some will be strong; others weak。
  Some will get where they are going;
  While others will fall by the side of the road。
  The Master sees things as they are;
  without trying to control them。
  He lets them go their own way;
  and resides at the center of the path。
  If you guide your nation by use of the Tao;
  You will not rule it by use of military arms。
  For even well…intentioned aggression
  Has a way of returning to oneself。
  Thorns and brambles grow thickly where an army has camped。
  And years of destitution are likely after a great war。
  When necessary; the skillful leader will strike a decisive blow and achieve a lasting victory。
  He will guard against vain; boastful or arrogant thoughts in the aftermath of the destruction。
  He will accomplish only the killing and destruction that is necessary;
  and not the least bit more。
  Things flourish; and then they decline;
  This is the way of the Tao。
  Instruments of war; however splendidly built can cause destruction and horror。
  They should be regarded as inauspicious instruments; the use of which should be avoided in all but the direst necessity; and utilized with the utmost restraint。
  The King looks to His minister of Peace on His left; and leans to His General on His right。
  On happy occasions the left is the prized position; in times of war the right is honored。
  Peace and stillness are dear to the heart of the followers of Tao;
  Do not rejoice in victory; for such is to delight in the slaughter of men。
  Enter a battle gravely; for the dead come from the people; and deep and great will be their lamentation。
  A battle should be regarded as the beginning of the funeral。
  The Tao is forever nameless; formless and shapeless。
  Being so; it is like the uncarved wooden block; its value is not easily perceived。
  No King can make the wooden block His subject;