第 20 节
作者:孤悟      更新:2021-02-19 21:15      字数:9321
  up to him; glad to grasp his hand; slightly troubled with remorse;
  no doubt; at the recollection of his adventure of to…day。  It
  almost seemed to him that from beneath his half…closed lids
  Blakeney had shot a quick inquiring glance upon him。  The quick
  flash seemed to light up the young man's soul from within; and to
  reveal it; naked; to his friend。
  It was all over in a moment; and Armand thought that mayhap his
  conscience had played him a trick: there was nothing apparent in
  himof this he was surethat could possibly divulge his secret
  just yet。
  〃I am rather late; I fear;〃 he said。  〃I wandered about the
  streets in the late afternoon and lost my way in the dark。 I hope
  I have not kept you all waiting。〃
  They all pulled chairs closely round the fire; except Blakeney;
  who preferred to stand。  He waited awhile until they were all
  comfortably settled; and all ready to listen; then:
  〃It is about the Dauphin;〃 he said abruptly without further
  They understood。  All of them had guessed it; almost before the
  summons came that had brought them to Paris two days ago。  Sir
  Andrew Ffoulkes had left his young wife because of that; and
  Armand had demanded it as a right to join hands in this noble
  work。  Blakeney had not left France for over three months now。
  Backwards and forwards between Paris; or Nantes; or Orleans to the
  coast; where his friends would meet him to receive those
  unfortunates whom one man's whole…hearted devotion had rescued
  from death; backwards and forwards into the very hearts of those
  cities wherein an army of sleuth…hounds were on his track; and the
  guillotine was stretching out her arms to catch the foolhardy
  Now it was about the Dauphin。  They all waited; breathless and
  eager; the fire of a noble enthusiasm burning in their hearts。
  They waited in silence; their eyes fixed on the leader; lest one
  single word from him should fail to reach their ears。
  The full magnetism of the man was apparent now。  As he held these
  four men at this moment; he could have held a crowd。  The man of
  the worldthe fastidious dandyhad shed his mask; there stood
  the leader; calm; serene in the very face of the most deadly
  danger that had ever encompassed any man; looking that danger
  fully in the face; not striving to belittle it or to exaggerate
  it; but weighing it in the balance with what there was to
  accomplish: the rescue of a martyred; innocent child from the
  hands of fiends who were destroying his very soul even more
  completely than his body。
  〃Everything; I think; is prepared;〃 resumed Sir Percy after a
  slight pause。  〃The Simons have been summarily dismissed; I
  learned that to…day。  They remove from the Temple on Sunday next;
  the nineteenth。  Obviously that is the one day most likely to help
  us in our operations。  As far as I am concerned; I cannot make any
  hard…and…fast plans。  Chance at the last moment will have to
  dictate。  But from every one of you I must have co…operation; and
  it can only be by your following my directions implicitly that we
  can even remotely hope to succeed。〃
  He crossed and recrossed the room once or twice before he spoke
  again; pausing now and again in his walk in front of a large map
  of Paris and its environs that hung upon the wall; his tall figure
  erect; his hands behind his back; his eyes fixed before him as if
  he saw right through the walls of this squalid room; and across
  the darkness that overhung the city; through the grim bastions of
  the mighty building far away; where the descendant of an hundred
  kings lived at the mercy of human fiends who worked for his
  The man's face now was that of a seer and a visionary; the firm
  lines were set and rigid as those of an image carved in stonethe
  statue of heart…whole devotion; with the self…imposed task
  beckoning sternly to follow; there where lurked danger and death。
  〃The way; I think; in which we could best succeed would be this;〃
  he resumed after a while; sitting now on the edge of the table and
  directly facing his four friends。  The light from the lamp which
  stood upon the table behind him fell full upon those four glowing
  faces fixed eagerly upon him; but he himself was in shadow; a
  massive silhouette broadly cut out against the light…coloured map
  on the wall beyond。
  〃I remain here; of course; until Sunday;〃 he said; 〃and will
  closely watch my opportunity; when I can with the greatest amount
  of safety enter the Temple building and take possession of the
  child。  I shall; of course choose the moment when the Simons are
  actually on the move; with their successors probably coming in at
  about the same time。  God alone knows;〃 he added earnestly; 〃how I
  shall contrive to get possession of the child; at the moment I am
  just as much in the dark about that as you are。〃
  He paused a moment; and suddenly his grave face seemed flooded
  with sunshine; a kind of lazy merriment danced in his eyes;
  effacing all trace of solemnity within them。
  〃La!〃 he said lightly; 〃on one point I am not at all in the dark;
  and that is that His Majesty King Louis XVII will come out of that
  ugly house in my company next Sunday; the nineteenth day of
  January in this year of grace seventeen hundred and ninety…four;
  and this; too; do I knowthat those murderous blackguards shall
  not lay hands on me whilst that precious burden is in my keeping。
  So I pray you; my good Armand; do not look so glum;〃 he added with
  his pleasant; merry laugh; 〃you'll need all your wits about you to
  help us in our undertaking。〃
  〃What do you wish me to do; Percy?〃 said the young man simply。
  〃In one moment I will tell you。  I want you all to understand the
  situation first。  The child will be out of the Temple on Sunday;
  but at what hour I know not。  The later it will be the better
  would it suit my purpose; for I cannot get him out of Paris before
  evening with any chance of safety。  Here we must risk nothing; the
  child is far better off as he is now than he would be if he were
  dragged back after an abortive attempt at rescue。  But at this
  hour of the night; between nine and ten o'clock; I can arrange to
  get him out of Paris by the Villette gate; and that is where I
  want you; Ffoulkes; and you; Tony; to be; with some kind of
  covered cart; yourselves in any disguise your ingenuity will
  suggest。  Here are a few certificates of safety; I have been
  making a collection of them for some time; as they are always
  He dived into the wide pocket of his coat and drew forth a number
  of cards; greasy; much…fingered documents of the usual pattern
  which the Committee of General Security delivered to the free
  citizens of the new republic; and without which  no one could
  enter or leave any town or country commune without being detained
  as 〃suspect。〃  He glanced at them and handed them over to
  〃Choose your own identity for the occasion; my good friend;〃 he
  said lightly; 〃and you too; Tony。  You may be stonemasons or
  coal…carriers; chimney…sweeps or farm…labourers; I care not which
  so long as you look sufficiently grimy and wretched to be
  unrecognisable; and so long as you can procure a cart without
  arousing suspicions; and can wait for me punctually at the
  appointed spot。〃
  Ffoulkes turned over the cards; and with a laugh handed them over
  to Lord Tony。  The two fastidious gentlemen discussed for awhile
  the respective merits of a chimney…sweep's uniform as against that
  of a coal…carrier。
  〃You can carry more grime if you are a sweep;〃 suggested Blakeney;
  〃and if the soot gets into your eyes it does not make them smart
  like coal does。〃
  〃But soot adheres more closely;〃 argued Tony solemnly; 〃and I know
  that we shan't get a bath for at least a week afterwards。〃
  〃Certainly you won't; you sybarite!〃 asserted Sir Percy with a
  〃After a week soot might become permanent;〃 mused Sir Andrew;
  wondering what; under the circumstance; my lady would say to him。
  〃If you are both so fastidious;〃 retorted Blakeney; shrugging his
  broad shoulders; 〃I'll turn one of you into a reddleman; and the
  other into a dyer。  Then one of you will be bright scarlet to the
  end of his days; as the reddle never comes off the skin at all;
  and the other will have to soak in turpentine before the dye will
  consent to move。。。。  In either case 。。。 oh; my dear Tony! 。。。 the
  He laughed like a schoolboy in anticipation of a prank; and held
  his scented handkerchief to his nose。  My Lord Hastings chuckled
  audibly; and Tony punched him for this unseemly display of mirth。
  Armand watched the little scene in utter amazement。  He had been
  in England over a year; and yet he could not understand these
  Englishmen。  Surely they were the queerest; most inconsequent
  people in the world;  Here were these men; who were engaged at
  this very moment in an enterprise which for cool…headed courage
  and foolhardy daring had probably no parallel in history。  They
  were literally taking their lives in their hands; in all
  probability facing certain death; and yet they now sat chaffing
  and fighting like a crowd of third…form schoolboys; talking utter;
  silly nonsense; and making foolish jokes that would have shamed a
  Frenchman in his teens。  Vaguely he wondered what