第 141 节
作者:左思右想      更新:2021-02-19 19:48      字数:9322
  although I have a shrewd idea that it is a humbug;
  so an uninitiated man cannot take upon himself to
  portray the great world accurately; and had best keep his
  opinions to himself; whatever they are。
  Becky has often spoken in subsequent years of this
  season of her life; when she moved among the very
  greatest circles of the London fashion。  Her success
  excited; elated; and then bored her。  At first no occupation
  was more pleasant than to invent and procure (the latter
  a work of no small trouble and ingenuity; by the way; in
  a person of Mrs。 Rawdon Crawley's very narrow means)
  to procure; we say; the prettiest new dresses and
  ornaments; to drive to fine dinner parties; where she was
  welcomed by great people; and from the fine dinner
  parties to fine assemblies; whither the same people came
  with whom she had been dining; whom she had met the
  night before; and would see on the morrowthe young
  men faultlessly appointed; handsomely cravatted; with
  the neatest glossy boots and white glovesthe elders
  portly; brass…buttoned; noble…looking; polite; and prosy
  the young ladies blonde; timid; and in pinkthe
  mothers grand; beautiful; sumptuous; solemn; and in
  diamonds。  They talked in English; not in bad French; as
  they do in the novels。  They talked about each others'
  houses; and characters; and familiesjust as the Joneses
  do about the Smiths。  Becky's former acquaintances hated
  and envied her; the poor woman herself was yawning in
  spirit。  〃I wish I were out of it;〃 she said to herself。  〃I
  would rather be a parson's wife and teach a Sunday
  school than this; or a sergeant's lady and ride in the
  regimental waggon; or; oh; how much gayer it would be
  to wear spangles and trousers and dance before a booth
  at a fair。〃
  〃You would do it very well;〃 said Lord Steyne; laughing。
  She used to tell the great man her ennuis and
  perplexities in her artless waythey amused him。
  〃Rawdon would make a very good EcuyerMaster of
  the Ceremonieswhat do you call himthe man in the
  large boots and the uniform; who goes round the ring
  cracking the whip? He is large; heavy; and of a military
  figure。  I recollect;〃 Becky continued pensively; 〃my
  father took me to see a show at Brookgreen Fair when I
  was a child; and when we came home; I made myself a
  pair of stilts and danced in the studio to the wonder of
  all the pupils。〃
  〃I should have liked to see it;〃 said Lord Steyne。
  〃I should like to do it now;〃 Becky continued。  〃How
  Lady Blinkey would open her eyes; and Lady Grizzel
  Macbeth would stare!  Hush! silence! there is Pasta
  beginning to sing。〃 Becky always made a point of being
  conspicuously polite to the professional ladies and
  gentlemen who attended at these aristocratic partiesof
  following them into the corners where they sat in silence;
  and shaking hands with them; and smiling in the view of
  all persons。  She was an artist herself; as she said very
  truly; there was a frankness and humility in the manner
  in which she acknowledged her origin; which provoked;
  or disarmed; or amused lookers…on; as the case might
  be。  〃How cool that woman is;〃 said one; 〃what airs of
  independence she assumes; where she ought to sit still
  and be thankful if anybody speaks to her!〃 〃What an
  honest and good…natured soul she is!〃 said another。
  〃What an artful little minx〃 said a third。  They were all
  right very likely; but Becky went her own way; and so
  fascinated the professional personages that they would
  leave off their sore throats in order to sing at her parties
  and give her lessons for nothing。
  Yes; she gave parties in the little house in Curzon
  Street。  Many scores of carriages; with blazing lamps;
  blocked up the street; to the disgust of No。  100; who
  could not rest for the thunder of the knocking; and of
  102; who could not sleep for envy。  The gigantic footmen
  who accompanied the vehicles were too big to be
  contained in Becky's little hall; and were billeted off in the
  neighbouring public…houses; whence; when they were
  wanted; call…boys summoned them from their beer。
  Scores of the great dandies of London squeezed and
  trod on each other on the little stairs; laughing to find
  themselves there; and many spotless and severe ladies of
  ton were seated in the little drawing…room; listening to
  the professional singers; who were singing according to
  their wont; and as if they wished to blow the windows
  down。  And the day after; there appeared among the
  fashionable reunions in the Morning Post a paragraph
  to the following effect:
  〃Yesterday; Colonel and Mrs。 Crawley entertained a
  select party at dinner at their house in May Fair。  Their
  Excellencies the Prince and Princess of Peterwaradin;
  H。  E。  Papoosh Pasha; the Turkish Ambassador (attended
  by Kibob Bey; dragoman of the mission); the Marquess
  of Steyne; Earl of Southdown; Sir Pitt and Lady
  Jane Crawley; Mr。 Wagg; &c。  After dinner Mrs。 Crawley
  had an assembly which was attended by the Duchess
  (Dowager) of Stilton; Duc de la Gruyere; Marchioness
  of Cheshire; Marchese Alessandro Strachino; Comte de
  Brie; Baron Schapzuger; Chevalier Tosti; Countess of
  Slingstone; and Lady F。  Macadam; Major…General and
  Lady G。  Macbeth; and (2) Miss Macbeths; Viscount
  Paddington; Sir Horace Fogey; Hon。  Sands Bedwin;
  Bobachy Bahawder;〃 and an &c。; which the reader may fill
  at his pleasure through a dozen close lines of small type。
  And in her commerce with the great our dear friend
  showed the same frankness which distinguished her
  transactions with the lowly in station。  On one occasion;
  when out at a very fine house; Rebecca was (perhaps
  rather ostentatiously) holding a conversation in the
  French language with a celebrated tenor singer of that
  nation; while the Lady Grizzel Macbeth looked over her
  shoulder scowling at the pair。
  〃How very well you speak French;〃 Lady Grizzel said;
  who herself spoke the tongue in an Edinburgh accent
  most remarkable to hear。
  〃I ought to know it;〃 Becky modestly said; casting
  down her eyes。  〃I taught it in a school; and my mother
  was a Frenchwoman。〃
  Lady Grizzel was won by her humility and was
  mollified towards the little woman。  She deplored the fatal
  levelling tendencies of the age; which admitted persons
  of all classes into the society of their superiors; but her
  ladyship owned that this one at least was well behaved
  and never forgot her place in life。  She was a very good
  woman:  good to the poor; stupid; blameless; unsuspicious。
  It is not her ladyship's fault that she fancies herself
  better than you and me。  The skirts of her ancestors'
  garments have been kissed for centuries; it is a thousand
  years; they say; since the tartans of the head of the
  family were embraced by the defunct Duncan's lords and
  councillors; when the great ancestor of the House
  became King of Scotland。
  Lady Steyne; after the music scene; succumbed before
  Becky; and perhaps was not disinclined to her。  The
  younger ladies of the house of Gaunt were also
  compelled into submission。  Once or twice they set people at
  her; but they failed。  The brilliant Lady Stunnington tried
  a passage of arms with her; but was routed with great
  slaughter by the intrepid little Becky。  When attacked
  sometimes; Becky had a knack of adopting a demure
  ingenue air; under which she was most dangerous。  She
  said the wickedest things with the most simple unaffected
  air when in this mood; and would take care artlessly to
  apologize for her blunders; so that all the world should
  know that she had made them。
  Mr。 Wagg; the celebrated wit; and a led captain and
  trencher…man of my Lord Steyne; was caused by the
  ladies to charge her; and the worthy fellow; leering at his
  patronesses and giving them a wink; as much as to say;
  〃Now look out for sport;〃 one evening began an assault
  upon Becky; who was unsuspiciously eating her dinner。
  The little woman; attacked on a sudden; but never
  without arms; lighted up in an instant; parried and riposted
  with a home…thrust; which made Wagg's face tingle with
  shame; then she returned to her soup with the most
  perfect calm and a quiet smile on her face。  Wagg's great
  patron; who gave him dinners and lent him a little money
  sometimes; and whose election; newspaper; and other
  jobs Wagg did; gave the luckless fellow such a savage
  glance with the eyes as almost made him sink under the
  table and burst into tears。  He looked piteously at my
  lord; who never spoke to him during dinner; and at the
  ladies; who disowned him。  At last Becky herself took
  compassion upon him and tried to engage him in talk。
  He was not asked to dinner again for six weeks; and
  Fiche; my lord's confidential man; to whom Wagg
  naturally paid a good deal of court; was instructed to tell
  him that if he ever dared to say a rude thing to Mrs。
  Crawley again; or make her the butt of his stupid jokes;
  Milor would put every one of his notes of hand into his
  lawyer's hands and sell him up without mercy。  Wagg
  wept before Fiche and implored his dear friend to intercede
  for him。  He wrote a poem in favour of Mrs。 R。  C。;
  which appeared in the very next number of the Harum…
  scarum Magazine; which he conducted。  He implored her
  good…will at parties where he met her。  He cringed and
  coaxed Rawdon at the club。  He was allowed to come back
  to G