第 19 节
作者:冥王      更新:2021-02-19 19:24      字数:8829
  hour is come To end the one of us and would to God Thy name in arms
  were now as great as mine! Prince。 I'll make it greater ere I part from thee;
  And all the budding honours on thy crest I'll crop to make a garland for
  my head。 Hot。 I can no longer brook thy vanities。 They fight。
  Enter Falstaff。
  Fal。 Well said; Hal! to it; Hal! Nay; you shall find no boy's play here;
  I can tell you。
  Enter Douglas。 He fighteth with Falstaff; who falls down as if
  he were dead。 'Exit Douglas。' The Prince killeth Percy。
  Hot。  O  Harry;   thou   hast   robb'd   me   of   my   youth!   I   better brook   the
  loss   of   brittle   life   Than   those   proud   titles   thou   hast   won   of   me。   They
  wound my thoughts worse than thy sword my flesh。 But thoughts the slave;
  of life; and life time's fool; And time; that takes survey of all the world;
  Must have a stop。 O; I could prophesy; But that the earthy and cold hand
  of death Lies on my tongue。 No; Percy; thou art dust; And food for… 'Dies。'
  Prince。   For   worms;   brave   Percy。   Fare   thee   well;   great   heart!   Ill…weav'd
  ambition; how much art thou shrunk! When that this body did contain a
  spirit; A kingdom for it was too small a bound; But now two paces of the
  … Page 98…
  vilest earth Is room enough。 This earth that bears thee dead Bears not alive
  so stout a gentleman。 If thou wert sensible of courtesy; I should not make
  so dear a show of zeal。 But let my favours hide thy  mangled face; And;
  even in thy behalf; I'll thank myself For doing these fair rites of tenderness。
  Adieu; and take thy praise with thee to heaven! Thy ignominy sleep with
  thee in the grave; But not rememb'red in thy epitaph! He spieth Falstaff on
  the   ground。   What;   old   acquaintance?   Could   not   all   this   flesh   Keep   in   a
  little life? Poor Jack; farewell! I could have better spar'd a better man。 O; I
  should   have   a   heavy   miss   of   thee   If   I   were   much   in   love   with   vanity!
  Death   hath   not   struck   so   fat   a   deer   to…day;   Though   many  dearer;   in   this
  bloody fray。 Embowell'd will I see thee by…and…by; Till then in blood by
  noble Percy lie。 Exit。
  Falstaff riseth up。 Fal。 Embowell'd? If thou embowel me to…day; I'll
  give   you   leave   to   powder   me   and   eat   me   too   to…morrow。   'Sblood;   'twas
  time to counterfeit; or that hot termagant Scot had paid me scot and lot too。
  Counterfeit? I lie; I am no counterfeit。 To die is to be a counterfeit; for he
  is   but   the   counterfeit   of   a   man   who   hath   not   the   life   of   a   man;   but   to
  counterfeit dying when a man thereby liveth; is to be no counterfeit; but
  the   true   and   perfect   image   of   life   indeed。   The   better   part   of   valour   is
  discretion;   in   the   which   better   part   I   have   saved   my   life。   Zounds;   I   am
  afraid   of   this   gunpowder   Percy;   though   he   be   dead。   How   if   he   should
  counterfeit   too;   and   rise?   By   my   faith;   I   am   afraid   he   would   prove   the
  better counterfeit。 Therefore I'll make him sure; yea; and I'll swear I kill'd
  him。 Why may not he rise as well as I? Nothing confutes me but eyes; and
  nobody sees me。 Therefore; sirrah 'stabs him'; with a new wound in your
  thigh; come you along with me。
  He   takes    up   Hotspur      on   his   hack。    'Enter    Prince;    and    John    of
  Lancaster。 Prince。 Come; brother John; full bravely hast thou flesh'd Thy
  maiden sword。 John。 But; soft! whom have we here? Did you not tell me
  this   fat   man   was   dead?   Prince。   I   did;   I   saw   him   dead;   Breathless   and
  bleeding on the ground。 Art thou alive; Or is it fantasy that plays upon our
  eyesight?   I   prithee   speak。   We   will   not   trust   our   eyes   Without   our   ears。
  Thou art not what thou seem'st。 Fal。 No; that's certain! I am not a double
  man; but if I be not Jack Falstaff; then am I a Jack。 There 's Percy。 If your
  … Page 99…
  father will do me any honour; so; if not; let him kill the next Percy himself。
  I   look   to   be   either   earl   or   duke;   I   can   assure   you。   Prince。 Why;   Percy   I
  kill'd   myself;   and   saw   thee  dead!   Fal。   Didst   thou?   Lord;   Lord;   how   this
  world is given to lying! I grant you I was down; and out of breath; and so
  was     he;   but   we   rose    both   at  an   instant    and   fought     a  long    hour    by
  Shrewsbury   clock。   If   I   may   be   believ'd;   so;   if   not;   let   them   that   should
  reward valour bear the sin upon their own heads。 I'll take it upon my death;
  I gave him this wound in the thigh。 If the man
  were alive and would deny it; zounds! I would make him eat a piece
  of my sword。 John。 This is the strangest tale that ever I beard。 Prince。 This
  is the strangest fellow; brother John。 Come; bring your luggage nobly on
  your   back。   For   my   part;   if   a   lie   may   do   thee   grace;   I'll   gild   it   with   the
  happiest terms I have。 A retreat is sounded。 The trumpet sounds retreat; the
  day  is   ours。  Come;  brother;   let's to the   highest of   the   field; To   see   what
  friends are living; who are dead。 Exeunt 'Prince Henry and Prince John'。
  Fal。 I'll follow; as they say; for reward。 He that rewards me; God reward
  him! If I do grow great; I'll grow less; for I'll purge; and leave sack; and
  live cleanly; as a nobleman should do。 Exit 'bearing off the body'。
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  SCENE V。 Another part of the field。
  The trumpets sound。  'Enter the King;  Prince of Wales;  Lord John   of
  Lancaster; Earl of Westmoreland; with Worcester and Vernon prisoners。
  King。 Thus ever did rebellion find rebuke。 Ill…spirited Worcester! did
  not we send grace; Pardon; and terms of love to all of you? And wouldst
  thou   turn   our  offers   contrary?   Misuse   the  tenour   of thy  kinsman's   trust?
  Three   knights   upon      our   party   slain   to…day;   A   noble  earl;   and   many   a
  creature else Had been alive this hour; If like a Christian thou hadst truly
  borne   Betwixt   our   armies   true   intelligence。   Wor。   What   I   have   done   my
  safety urg'd me to; And I embrace this fortune patiently; Since not to be
  avoided it fails on me。 King。 Bear Worcester to the death; and Vernon too;
  Other     offenders    we    will  pause    upon。    Exeunt    Worcester      and   Vernon;
  'guarded'。   How   goes   the   field?   Prince。   The   noble   Scot;   Lord   Douglas;
  when   he   saw   The   fortune   of   the   day   quite   turn'd   from   him;   The   Noble
  Percy slain and all his men Upon the foot of fear; fled with the rest; And
  falling from a hill;he was so bruis'd That the pursuers took him。 At my tent
  The   Douglas   is;   and   I   beseech Your   Grace   I   may  dispose   of   him。   King。
  With   all   my   heart。   Prince。   Then   brother   John   of   Lancaster;   to   you   This
  honourable bounty shall belong。 Go to the Douglas and deliver him Up to
  his pleasure; ransomless and free。 His valour shown upon our crests today
  Hath taught us how to cherish such high deeds; Even in the bosom of our
  adversaries。 John。 I thank your Grace for this high courtesy; Which I shall
  give away immediately。 King。 Then this remains; that we divide our power。
  You;   son   John;   and   my   cousin   Westmoreland;   Towards   York   shall   bend
  you   with   your   dearest   speed   To   meet   Northumberland   and   the   prelate
  Scroop; Who; as we hear; are busily in arms。 Myself and you; son Harry;
  will   towards     Wales    To   fight  with   Glendower      and   the   Earl   of  March。
  Rebellion   in   this   laud   shall   lose   his   sway;   Meeting   the   check   of   such
  another day; And since this business so fair is done; Let us not leave till all
  our own be won。 Exeunt。