第 7 节
作者:风雅颂      更新:2021-02-19 17:15      字数:4625
  apartment where he found all the doors open; he went down to the
  courtyard。 He had a horse brought to him and rode off into the
  country led only by his feelings of hopelessness。 The Prince de
  Montpensier; seeing that his wife did not recover from her faint;
  left her to her women and retired to his own quarters greatly
  The Duc de Guise having got out of the park; hardly knowing what
  he was doing being in such a state of turmoil; put several
  leagues between himself and Champigny; but could go no further
  without news of the Princess。 He stopped in the forest and sent
  his squire to find out from the Comte de Chabannes what had
  happened。 The squire found no trace of Chabannes but was told by
  others that the Princess was seriously ill。 The Duc's inquietude
  was increased by what the squire had told him; but as he could do
  nothing he was constrained to go back to his uncle's in order not
  to raise suspicions by too long an absence。
  The Duc's squire had been correct when he said that the Princess
  was seriously ill; for as soon as her women had put her to bed
  she was seized by a violent fever with horrible phantasies; so
  that by the second day her life was despaired of。 The Prince
  pretended that he himself was ill so that no one should be
  surprised that he did not visit his wife's room。 The order which
  he received to return to the Court; to which all the Catholic
  princes were being recalled in preparation for the massacre of
  the Huguenots; relieved him of his embarrassment。 He went off to
  Paris without knowing what he had to hope or fear about his
  wife's illness。 He had hardly arrived there when the assault on
  the Huguenots was signalised by the attack on Admiral de
  Chatillon。 Two days later came the disgraceful massacre; now so
  well known throughout Europe。
  The poor Comte de Chabanne; who had gone to hide himself away in
  one of the outer suburbs of Paris to abandon himself to his
  misery; was caught up in the ruin of the Huguenots。 The people to
  whose house he had retired; having recognised him; and having
  recalled that he had once been suspected of being of that
  persuasion; murdered him on the same night which was fatal to so
  many people。 The next day the Prince de Montpensier; who was in
  that area on duty; passed along the street where the body of the
  Comte lay。 He was at first shocked by this pitiful sight and;
  recalling his past friendship; was grieved; but then the memory
  of the offence; which he believed the Comte had committed; made
  him feel pleased that he had been avenged by the hand of chance。
  The Duc de Guise who had used the opportunity of the massacre to
  take ample revenge for the death of his father; gradually took
  less and less interest in the Condition of the Princess of
  Montpensier; and having met the Marquise de Noirmoutier; a woman
  of wit and beauty; and one who promised more than the Princess de
  Montpensier; he attached himself to her; an attachment which
  lasted a lifetime。
  The Princess's illness reached a crisis and then began to remit。
  She recovered her senses and was somewhat relieved by the absence
  of her husband。 She was expected to live; but her health
  recovered very slowly because of her low spirits; which were
  further depressed by the realisation that she had received no
  news of the Duc de Guise during all her illness。 She asked her
  women if they had not seen anyone; if they had not had any
  letters; and finding that there had been nothing; she saw herself
  as the most wretched of women; one who had risked all for a man
  who had abandoned her。 A fresh blow was the news of the death of
  the Comte de Chabannes; which her husband made sure she heard
  about as soon as possible。 The ingratitude of the Duc de Guise
  made her feel even more deeply the loss of a man whose fidelity
  she knew so well。 These disappointments weighed heavily upon her
  and reduced her to a state as serious as that from which she had
  recently recovered。 Madame de Noirmoutier was a woman who took as
  much care to publicise her affairs as others do to conceal them。
  Her relations with the Duc de Guise were so open that; even
  though far away and ill; the Princess heard so much about it that
  she was left in no doubt。 This was the final straw。 She had lost
  the regard of her husband; the heart of her lover; and the most
  loyal of her friends。 She took to her bed; and died not long
  after in the flower of her youth。 She was one of the loveliest of
  women and could have been one of the happiest if she had not
  strayed so far from the path of prudence and virtue。