第 22 节
作者:爱之冰点      更新:2021-02-19 17:04      字数:9322
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  War of the Classes
  Evolution is no longer a mere tentative hypothesis。 One by one; step
  by    step;  each   division    and   subdivision    of  science    has   contributed    its
  evidence; until now the case is complete and the verdict rendered。 While
  there is still discussion as to the method of evolution; none the less; as a
  process sufficient to explain all biological phenomena; all differentiations
  of life into widely diverse species; families; and even kingdoms; evolution
  is   flatly   accepted。   Likewise   has   been   accepted   its   law   of   development:
  FIT    AND     THE     PROGENY         OF   THE     STRONG        AND     FIT   HAVE      A
  It   is   in   the   struggle   of   the   species   with   other   species   and   against   all
  other hostile forces in the environment; that this law operates; also in the
  struggle   between   the   individuals   of   the   same   species。   In   this   struggle;
  which   is   for   food   and   shelter;   the   weak   individuals   must   obviously   win
  less   food   and   shelter  than   the  strong。   Because  of   this;  their  hold   on   life
  relaxes and they are eliminated。 And for the same reason that they may not
  win   for   themselves   adequate   food   and   shelter;   the   weak   cannot   give   to
  their progeny the chance for survival that the strong give。 And thus; since
  the weak are prone to beget weakness; the species is constantly purged of
  its inefficient members。
  Because of this; a premium is placed upon strength; and so long as the
  struggle for food and shelter obtains; just so long will the average strength
  of   each   generation     increase。   On   the  other   hand;   should    conditions    so
  change that all; and the progeny of all; the weak as well as the strong; have
  an equal chance for survival; then; at once; the average strength of each
  generation will begin to diminish。 Never yet; however; in animal life; has
  there been such a state of affairs。 Natural selection has always obtained。
  The   strong   and   their   progeny;   at   the   expense   of   the   weak;   have   always
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  survived。 This law of development has operated down all the past upon all
  life; it so operates today; and it is not rash to say that it will continue to
  operate in the futureat least upon all life existing in a state of nature。
  Man;   preeminent        though     he  is  in  the   animal    kingdom;      capable    of
  reacting      upon      and     making      suitable     an     unsuitable      environment;
  nevertheless   remains   the   creature   of   this   same   law   of   development。  The
  social selection to which he is subject is merely another form of natural
  selection。 True; within certain narrow limits he modifies the struggle for
  existence and renders less precarious the tenure of life for the weak。 The
  extremely       weak;    diseased;    and   inefficient    are  housed     in  hospitals    and
  asylums。 The strength of the viciously strong; when inimical to society; is
  tempered by penal institutions and by the gallows。 The short…sighted are
  provided with spectacles; and the sickly (when they can pay for it) with
  sanitariums。   Pestilential   marshes   are   drained;   plagues   are   checked;   and
  disasters averted。 Yet; for all that; the strong and the progeny of the strong
  survive; and the weak are crushed out。 The men strong of brain are masters
  as of yore。 They dominate society and gather to themselves the wealth of
  society。     With    this   wealth    they    maintain     themselves      and    equip    their
  progeny   for      the  struggle。    They    build   their   homes     in  healthful    places;
  purchase the best fruits; meats; and vegetables the market affords; and buy
  themselves       the   ministrations     of  the   most    brilliant   and   learned    of   the
  professional classes。 The weak man; as of yore; is the servant; the doer of
  things at the master's call。 The weaker and less efficient he is; the poorer is
  his reward。 The weakest work for a living wage; (when they can get work);
  live in unsanitary slums; on vile and insufficient food; at the lowest depths
  of   human      degradation。     Their    grasp    on  life  is  indeed    precarious;     their
  mortality excessive; their infant death…rate appalling。
  That   some   should   be   born   to   preferment   and   others   to   ignominy   in
  order that the race may progress; is cruel and sad; but none the less they
  are so born。 The weeding out of human souls; some for fatness and smiles;
  some   for   leanness   and   tears;   is   surely   a   heartless   selective   processas
  heartless   as   it   is   natural。   And   the   human   family;   for   all   its   wonderful
  record of adventure and achievement; has not yet succeeded in avoiding
  this process。 That it is incapable of doing this is not to be hazarded。 Not
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  only is it capable; but the whole trend of society is in that direction。 All the
  social forces are driving man on to a time when the old selective law will
  be    annulled。     There     is  no   escaping      it;  save   by    the   intervention      of
  catastrophes       and   cataclysms      quite   unthinkable。      It  is  inexorable。     It  is
  inexorable because the common   man demands   it。 The twentieth   century;
  the common man says; is his day; the common man's day; or; rather; the
  dawning of the common man's day。
  Nor can it be denied。 The evidence is with him。 The previous centuries;
  and more notably the nineteenth; have marked the rise of the common man。
  From   chattel   slavery   to   serfdom;   and   from   serfdom   to   what   he   bitterly
  terms 〃wage slavery;〃 he has risen。 Never was he so strong as he is today;
  and     never   so   menacing。      He    does   the   work     of  the   world;    and   he   is
  beginning to know it。 The world   cannot get along without him; and   this
  also he is beginning to know。 All the human knowledge of the past; all the
  scientific      discovery;      governmental         experiment;        and    invention       of
  machinery;   have   tended   to   his   advancement。   His   standard   of   living   is
  higher。 His common school education would shame princes ten centuries
  past。 His civil and religious liberty makes him a free man; and his ballot
  the   peer   of   his   betters。 And   all   this   has   tended   to   make   him   conscious;
  conscious   of   himself;   conscious   of   his   class。   He   looks   about   him   and
  questions   that   ancient   law   of   development。   It   is   cruel   and   wrong;   he   is
  beginning      to   declare。   It  is  an  anachronism。       Let   it  be  abolished。     Why
  should   there   be one   empty  belly  in   all   the   world;   when the   work   of   ten
  men can feed a hundred? What if my brother be not so strong as I? He has
  not   sinned。 Wherefore should   he   hunger…  …he   and   his   sinless   little   ones?
  Away with the old law。 There is food and shelter for all; therefore let all
  receive food and shelter。
  As fast as labor has become conscious it has organized。 The ambition
  of these class…conscious men is that the movement shall become general;
  that all labor shall become conscious of itself and its class interests。 And
  the   day   that   witnesses   the   solidarity   of   labor;   they   triumphantly   affirm;
  will     be   a    day    when     labor     dominates       the   world。     This     growing
  consciousness has led to the organization of two movements; both separate
  and distinct; but both converging   toward a common   goalone; the labor
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  movement; known as Trade Unionism; the other; the political movement;
  known   as   Socialism。   Both   are   grim   and   silent   forces;   unheralded           and
  virtually   unknown   to   the   general   public   save   in   moments   of   stress。   The
  sleeping labor giant   receives little   notice  from  the  capitalistic  press;   and
  when      he  stirs  uneasily;    a  column      of  surprise;   indignation;      and   horror
  It   is   only  now   and   then;   after   long   periods   of   silence;   that   the   labor