第 8 节
作者:点绛唇      更新:2021-02-19 16:48      字数:9321
  The explanation; however; was much simpler。  The horse had been
  taken by the luxurious and indolent Billings unknown to his
  companions。  Overcome at the dreadful prospect of walking home in
  that weather; this perfect product of lethargic Sidon had artfully
  allowed Peters and Wingate to precede him; and; cautiously
  unloosing the tethered animal; had safely passed them in the
  darkness。  When he gained his own inclosure he had lazily
  dismounted; and; with a sharp cut on the mustang's haunches; sent
  him galloping back to rejoin his master; with what result has been
  already told by the unsuspecting Peters in the preceding chapter。
  Yet no conception of this possibility entered 'Lige Curtis's
  alcoholized consciousness; part of whose morbid phantasy it was to
  distort or exaggerate all natural phenomena。  He had a vague idea
  that he could not go back to Harkutt's; already his visit seemed to
  have happened long; long ago; and could not be repeated。  He would
  walk on; enwrapped in this uncompromising darkness which concealed
  everything; suggested everything; and was responsible for
  It was very dark; for the wind; having lulled; no longer thinned
  the veil of clouds above; nor dissipated a steaming mist that
  appeared to rise from the sodden plain。  Yet he moved easily
  through the darkness; seeming to be upheld by it as something
  tangible; upon which he might lean。  At times he thought he heard
  voices;not a particular voice he was thinking of; but strange
  voicesof course unreal to his present fancy。  And then he heard
  one of these voices; unlike any voice in Sidon; and very faint and
  far off; asking if it 〃was anywhere near Sidon?〃evidently some
  one lost like himself。  He answered in a voice that seemed quite as
  unreal and as faint; and turned in the direction from which it
  came。  There was a light moving like a will…o'…the…wisp far before
  him; yet below him as if coming out of the depths of the earth。  It
  must be fancy; but he would seeah!
  He had fallen violently forward; and at the same moment felt his
  revolver leap from his breast pocket like a living thing; and an
  instant after explode upon the rock where it struck; blindingly
  illuminating the declivity down which he was plunging。  The
  sulphurous sting of burning powder was in his eyes and nose; yet in
  that swift revealing flash he had time to clutch the stems of a
  trailing vine beside him; but not to save his head from sharp
  contact with the same rocky ledge that had caught his pistol。  The
  pain and shock gave way to a sickening sense of warmth at the roots
  of his hair。  Giddy and faint; his fingers relaxed; he felt himself
  sinking; with a languor that was half acquiescence; down; down;
  until; with another shock; a wild gasping for air; and a swift
  reaction; he awoke in the cold; rushing water!
  Clear and perfectly conscious now; though frantically fighting for
  existence with the current; he could dimly see a floating black
  object shooting by the shore; at times striking the projections of
  the bank; until in its recoil it swung half round and drifted
  broadside on towards him。  He was near enough to catch the frayed
  ends of a trailing rope that fastened the structure; which seemed
  to be a few logs; together。  With a convulsive effort he at last
  gained a footing upon it; and then fell fainting along its length。
  It was the raft which the surveyors from the embarcadero had just
  He did not know this; nor would he have thought it otherwise
  strange that a raft might be a part of the drift of the overflow;
  even had he been entirely conscious; but his senses were failing;
  though he was still able to keep a secure position on the raft; and
  to vaguely believe that it would carry him to some relief and
  succor。  How long he lay unconscious he never knew; in his after…
  recollections of that night; it seemed to have been haunted by
  dreams of passing dim banks and strange places; of a face and voice
  that had been pleasant to him; of a terror coming upon him as he
  appeared to be nearing a place like that home that he had abandoned
  in the lonely tules。  He was roused at last by a violent headache;
  as if his soft felt hat had been changed into a tightening crown of
  iron。  Lifting his hand to his head to tear off its covering; he
  was surprised to find that he was wearing no hat; but that his
  matted hair; stiffened and dried with blood and ooze; was clinging
  like a cap to his skull in the hot morning sunlight。  His eyelids
  and lashes were glued together and weighted down by the same
  sanguinary plaster。  He crawled to the edge of his frail raft; not
  without difficulty; for it oscillated and rocked strangely; and
  dipped his hand in the current。  When he had cleared his eyes he
  lifted them with a shock of amazement。  Creeks; banks; and plain
  had disappeared; he was alone on a bend of the tossing bay of San
  His first and only sensecleared by fasting and quickened by
  reactionwas one of infinite relief。  He was not only free from
  the vague terrors of the preceding days and nights; but his whole
  past seemed to be lost and sunk forever in this illimitable
  expanse。  The low plain of Tasajara; with its steadfast monotony of
  light and shadow; had sunk beneath another level; but one that
  glistened; sparkled; was instinct with varying life; and moved and
  even danced below him。  The low palisades of regularly recurring
  tules that had fenced in; impeded; but never relieved the blankness
  of his horizon; were forever swallowed up behind him。  All trail of
  past degradation; all record of pain and suffering; all footprints
  of his wandering and misguided feet were smoothly wiped out in that
  obliterating sea。  He was physically helpless; and he felt it; he
  was in danger; and he knew it;but he was free!
  Happily there was but little wind and the sea was slight。  The raft
  was still intact so far as he could judge; but even in his
  ignorance he knew it would scarcely stand the surges of the lower
  bay。  Like most Californians who had passed the straits of
  Carquinez at night in a steamer; he did not recognize the locality;
  nor even the distant peak of Tamalpais。  There were a few dotting
  sails that seemed as remote; as uncertain; and as unfriendly as sea
  birds。  The raft was motionless; almost as motionless as he was in
  his cramped limbs and sun…dried; stiffened clothes。  Too weak to
  keep an upright position; without mast; stick; or oar to lift a
  signal above that vast expanse; it seemed impossible for him to
  attract attention。  Even his pistol was gone。
  Suddenly; in an attempt to raise himself; he was struck by a flash
  so blinding that it seemed to pierce his aching eyes and brain and
  turned him sick。  It appeared to come from a crevice between the
  logs at the further end of the raft。  Creeping painfully towards it
  he saw that it was a triangular slip of highly polished metal that
  he had hitherto overlooked。  He did not know that it was a
  〃flashing〃 mirror used in topographical observation; which had
  slipped from the surveyors' instruments when they abandoned the
  raft; but his excited faculties instinctively detected its value to
  him。  He lifted it; and; facing the sun; raised it at different
  angles with his feeble arms。  But the effort was too much for him;
  the raft presently seemed to be whirling with his movement; and he
  again fell。
  。        。        。        。        。        。
  〃Ahoy there!〃
  The voice was close uponin his very ears。  He opened his eyes。
  The sea still stretched emptily before him; the dotting sails still
  unchanged and distant。  Yet a strange shadow lay upon the raft。  He
  turned his head with difficulty。  On the opposite sideso close
  upon him as to be almost over his headthe great white sails of a
  schooner hovered above him like the wings of some enormous sea
  bird。  Then a heavy boom swung across the raft; so low that it
  would have swept him away had he been in an upright position; the
  sides of the vessel grazed the raft and she fell slowly off。  A
  terrible fear of abandonment took possession of him; he tried to
  speak; but could not。  The vessel moved further away; but the raft
  followed!  He could see now it was being held by a boat…hook;
  could see the odd; eager curiosity on two faces that were raised
  above the taffrail; and with that sense of relief his eyes again
  closed in unconsciousness。
  A feeling of chilliness; followed by a grateful sensation of
  drawing closer under some warm covering; a stinging taste in his
  mouth of fiery liquor and the aromatic steam of hot coffee; were
  his first returning sensations。  His head and neck were swathed in
  coarse bandages; and his skin stiffened and smarting with soap。  He
  was lying in a rude berth under a half…deck from which he could see
  the sky and the bellying sail; and presently a bearded face filled
  with rough and practical concern that peered down upon him。