第 2 节
作者:别克陆上公务舱      更新:2021-02-19 01:10      字数:1843
  Man could desire; but they concealed the stove。 These window…panes
  would not thaw; and he could see nothing of the stove; which he
  pictured to himself; as if it had been a lovely human being。 The
  snow crackled and the wind whistled around him; it was just the kind
  of frosty weather a Snow Man might thoroughly enjoy。 But he did not
  enjoy it; how; indeed; could he enjoy anything when he was 〃stove
  〃That is terrible disease for a Snow Man;〃 said the yard…dog; 〃I
  have suffered from it myself; but I got over it。 Away; away;〃 he
  barked and then he added; 〃the weather is going to change。〃 And the
  weather did change; it began to thaw。 As the warmth increased; the
  Snow Man decreased。 He said nothing and made no complaint; which is
  a sure sign。 One morning he broke; and sunk down altogether; and;
  behold; where he had stood; something like a broomstick remained
  sticking up in the ground。 It was the pole round which the boys had
  built him up。 〃Ah; now I understand why he had such a great longing
  for the stove;〃 said the yard…dog。 〃Why; there's the shovel that is
  used for cleaning out the stove; fastened to the pole。〃 The Snow Man
  had a stove scraper in his body; that was what moved him so。 〃But it's
  all over now。 Away; away。〃 And soon the winter passed。 〃Away; away;〃
  barked the hoarse yard…dog。 But the girls in the house sang;
  〃Come from your fragrant home; green thyme;
  Stretch your soft branches; willow…tree;
  The months are bringing the sweet spring…time;
  When the lark in the sky sings joyfully。
  Come gentle sun; while the cuckoo sings;
  And I'll mock his note in my wanderings。〃
  And nobody thought any more of the Snow Man。