第 16 节
作者:风雅颂      更新:2021-02-19 00:22      字数:9322
  hath the   presumption to accuse the Jews for making this war against   Physco; when he ought to have commended them for the   same。 This man also makes mention of Cleopatra; the last   queen of Alexandria; and abuses us; because she was   ungrateful to us; whereas he ought to have reproved her; who   indulged herself in all kinds of injustice and wicked practices;   both with regard to her nearest relations and husbands who   had loved her; and; indeed; in general with regard to all the   Romans; and those emperors that were her benefactors; who   also had her sister Arsinoe slain in a temple; when she had   done her no harm: moreover; she had her brother slain by   private treachery; and she destroyed the gods of her country   and the sepulchers of her progenitors; and while she had   received her kingdom from the first Caesar; she had the   impudence to rebel against his son: (7) and successor; nay;   she corrupted Antony with her love…tricks; and rendered him   an enemy to his country; and made him treacherous to his   friends; and 'by his means' despoiled some of their royal   authority; and forced others in her madness to act wickedly。   But what need I enlarge upon this head any further; when   she left Antony in his fight at sea; though he were her   husband; and the father of their common children; and   compelled him to resign up his government; with the army;   and to follow her 'into Egypt'? nay; when last of all Caesar   had taken Alexandria; she came to that pitch of cruelty; that   she declared she had some hope of preserving her affairs still;   in case she could kill the Jews; though it were with her own   hand; to such a degree of barbarity and perfidiousness had   she arrived。 And doth any one think that we cannot boast   ourselves of any thing; if; as Apion says; this queen did not at   a time of famine distribute wheat among us? However; she at   length met with the punishment she deserved。 As for us Jews;   we appeal to the great Caesar what assistance we brought   him; and what fidelity we showed to him against the   Egyptians; as also to the senate and its decrees; and the   epistles of Augustus Caesar; whereby our merits 'to the   Romans' are justified。 Apion ought to have looked upon   those epistles; and in particular to have examined the   testimonies given on our behalf; under Alexander and all the   Ptolemies; and the decrees of the senate and of the greatest   Roman emperors。 And if Germanicus was not able to make a   distribution of corn to all the inhabitants of Alexandria; that   only shows what a barren time it was; and how great a want   there was then of corn; but tends nothing to the accusation of   the Jews; for what all the emperors have thought of the   Alexandrian Jews is well known; for this distribution of wheat   was no otherwise omitted with regard to the Jews; than it was   with regard to the other inhabitants of Alexandria。 But they   still were desirous to preserve what the kings had formerly   intrusted to their care; I mean the custody of the river; nor   did those kings think them unworthy of having the entire   custody thereof; upon all occasions。      6。 But besides this; Apion objects to us thus: 〃If the Jews   (says he) be citizens of Alexandria; why do they not worship   the same gods with the Alexandrians?〃 To which I give this   answer: Since you are yourselves Egyptians; why do you fight   it out one against another; and have implacable wars about   your religion? At this rate we must not call you all Egyptians;   nor indeed in general men; because you breed up with great   care beasts of a nature quite contrary to that of men;   although the nature of all men seems to be one and the   same。 Now if there be such differences in opinion among you   Egyptians; why are you surprised that those who came to   Alexandria from another country; and had original laws of   their own before; should persevere in the observance of those   laws? But still he charges us with being the authors of   sedition; which accusation; if it be a just one; why is it not   laid against us all; since we are known to be all of one mind。   Moreover; those that search into such matters will soon   discover that the authors of sedition have been such citizens   of Alexandria as Apion is; for while they were the Grecians   and Macedonians who were ill possession of this city; there   was no sedition raised against us; and we were permitted to   observe our ancient solemnities; but when the number of the   Egyptians therein came to be considerable; the times grew   confused; and then these seditions brake out still more and   more; while our people continued uncorrupted。 These   Egyptians; therefore; were the authors of these troubles; who   having not the constancy of Macedonians; nor the prudence   of Grecians; indulged all of them the evil manners of the   Egyptians; and continued their ancient hatred against us; for   what is here so presumptuously charged upon us; is owing to   the differences that are amongst themselves; while many of   them have not obtained the privileges of citizens in proper   times; but style those who are well known to have had that   privilege extended to them all no other than foreigners: for it   does not appear that any of the kings have ever formerly   bestowed those privileges of citizens upon Egyptians; no more   than have the emperors done it more lately; while it was   Alexander who introduced us into this city at first; the kings   augmented our privileges therein; and the Romans have been   pleased to preserve them always inviolable。 Moreover; Apion   would lay a blot upon us; because we do not erect images for   our emperors; as if those emperors did not know this before;   or stood in need of Apion as their defender; whereas he   ought rather to have admired the magnanimity and modesty   of the Romans; whereby they do not compel those that are   subject to them to transgress the laws of their countries; but   are willing to receive the honors due to them after such a   manner as those who are to pay them esteem consistent with   piety and with their own laws; for they do not thank people   for conferring honors upon them; When they are compelled   by violence so to do。 Accordingly; since the Grecians and   some other nations think it a right thing to make images; nay;   when they have painted the pictures of their parents; and   wives; and children; they exult for joy; and some there are   who take pictures for themselves of such persons as were no   way related to them; nay; some take the pictures of such   servants as they were fond of; what wonder is it then if such   as these appear willing to pay the same respect to their   princes and lords? But then our legislator hath forbidden us   to make images; not by way of denunciation beforehand; that   the Roman authority was not to be honored; but as despising   a thing that was neither necessary nor useful for either God   or man; and he forbade them; as we shall prove hereafter; to   make these images for any part of the animal creation; and   much less for God himself; who is no part of such animal   creation。 Yet hath our legislator no where forbidden us to   pay honors to worthy men; provided they be of another kind;   and inferior to those we pay to God; with which honors we   willingly testify our respect to our emperors; and to the   people of Rome; we also offer perpetual sacrifices for them;   nor do we only offer them every day at the common expenses   of all the Jews; but although we offer no other such sacrifices   out of our common expenses; no; not for our own children;   yet do we this as a peculiar honor to the emperors; and to   them alone; while we do the same to no other person   whomsoever。 And let this suffice for an answer in general to   Apion; as to what he says with relation to the Alexandrian   Jews。      7。 However; I cannot but admire those other authors who   furnished this man with such his materials; I mean   Possidonius and Apollonius 'the son of' Molo; (8) who; while   they accuse us for not worshipping the same gods whom   others worship; they think themselves not guilty of impiety   when they tell lies of us; and frame absurd and reproachful   stories about our temple; whereas it is a most shameful thing   for freemen to forge lies on any occasion; and much more so   to forge them about our temple; which was so famous over   all the world; and was preserved so sacred by us; for Apion   hath the impudence to pretend that〃 the Jews placed an ass's   head in their holy place;〃 and he affirms that this was   discovered when Antiochus Epiphanes spoiled our temple;   and found that ass's head there made of gold; and worth a   great deal of money。 To this my first answer shall be this;   that had there been any such thing among us; an Egyptian   ought by no means to have thrown it in our teeth; since an   ass is not a more contemptible animal than   (9) and goats;   and other such creatures; which among them are gods。 But   besides this answer; I say further; how comes it about that   Apion does not understand this to be no other than a   palpable lie; and to be confuted by the thing itself as utterly   incredible? For we Jews are always governed by the same   laws; in which we constantly perse