第 4 节
作者:南方网      更新:2021-02-19 00:19      字数:9322
  generally followed them。  Sometimes; even her father had his
  cup of strong coffee alone in his study; so the first meal of
  the day was usually; as perhaps it ought to be; a selfishly…
  silent one。  〃Too much enthusiasm and chattering at breakfast;
  are like too much red at sunrise;〃 the doctor always said; 〃a
  dull; bad day follows it〃and Antonia's observation had
  turned the little maxim into a superstition。
  In the Senora's room; the precept was either denied; or
  defied。  Antonia heard the laughter and conversation through
  the closed door; and easily divined the subject of it。  It
  was; but natural。  The child had a triumph; one that appealed
  strongly to her mother's pride and predilections。  It was a
  pleasant sight to see them in the shaded sunshine exulting
  themselves happily in it。
  The Senora; plump and still pretty; reclined upon a large
  gilded bed。  Its splendid silk coverlet and pillows cased in
  embroidery and lace made an effective background for her。  She
  leaned with a luxurious indolence among them; sipping
  chocolate and smoking a cigarrito。  Isabel was on a couch of
  the same description。  She wore a satin petticoat; and a loose
  linen waist richly trimmed with lace。  It showed her beautiful
  shoulders and arms to perfection。  Her hands were folded above
  her head。  Her tiny feet; shod in satin; were quivering like
  a bird's wings; as if they were keeping time with the
  restlessness of her spirit。
  She had large eyes; dark and bright; strong eyebrows; a pale
  complexion with a flood of brilliant color in the checks;
  dazzling even teeth; and a small; handsome mouth。  Her black
  hair was loose and flowing; and caressed her cheeks and
  temples in numberless little curls and tendrils。  Her face was
  one flush of joy and youth。  She had a look half…earnest and
  half…childlike; and altogether charming。  Antonia adored her;
  and she was pleased to listen to the child; telling over
  again the pretty things that had been said to her。
  〃Only Don Luis was not there at all; Antonia。  There is always
  something wanting;〃 and her voice fell with those sad
  inflections that are often only the very excess of delight。
  The Senora looked sharply at her。  〃Don Luis was not
  desirable。  He was better awaymuch better!〃
  〃But why?〃
  〃Because; Antonia; he is suspected。  There is an American
  called Houston。  Don Luis met him in Nacogdoches。  He has
  given his soul to him; I think。  He would have fought Morello
  about him; if the captain could have drawn his sword in such
  a quarrel。  I should not have known about the affair had not
  Senora Valdez told me。  Your father says nothing against the
  〃Perhaps; then; he knows nothing against them。〃
  〃You will excuse me; Antonia; not only the living but the dead
  must have heard of their wickedness。  They are a nation of
  ingrates。  Ingrates are cowards。  It was these words Captain
  Morello said; when Don Luis drew his sword; made a circle
  with its point and stood it upright in the centre。  It was a
  challenge to the whole garrigon; and about this fellow
  Houston; whom be calls his friend!  Holy Virgin preserve us
  from such Mexicans!〃
  〃It is easier to talk than to fight。  Morello's tongue is
  sharper than his sword。〃
  〃Captain Morello was placing his sword beside that of Don
  Luis; when the Commandant interfered。  He would not permit his
  officers to fight in such a quarrel。  ‘Santo Dios!' he said;
  ‘you shall all have your opportunity very soon; gentlemen。'
  Just reflect upon the folly of a boy like Don Luis;
  challenging a soldier like Morello!〃
  〃He was in no danger; mother;〃 said Antonia scornfully。
  〃Morello is a bully; who wears the  pavement out with his
  spurs and sabre。  His weapons are for show。  Americans; at
  least; wear their arms for use; and not for ornament。〃
  〃Listen; Antonia!  I will not have them spoken of。  They are
  Jewsor at least infidels; all of them!the devil himself is
  their fatherthe bishop; when he was here last confirmation;
  told me so。〃
  〃At least they are unbaptized Christians; Antonia。  If you are
  not baptized; the devil sends you to do his work。  As for Don
  Luis; he is a very Judas!  Ah; Maria Santissima! how I do pity
  his good mother!〃
  〃Poor Don Luis!〃 said Isabel plaintively。
  He is so handsome; and he sings like a very angel。  And he
  loves my father; he wanted to be a doctor; so that he could
  always be with him。  I dare say this man called Houston is no
  better than a Jew; and perhaps very ugly beside。  Let us talk
  no more about him and the Americans。  I am weary of them; as
  Tia Rachella says; ‘they have their spoon in every one's
  And  Antonia; whose heart was burning; only stooped down and
  closed her sister's pretty mouth with a kiss。  Her tongue was
  impatient to speak for the father; and grandmother; and the
  friends; so dear to her; but she possessed great discretion;
  and also a large share of that rarest of all womanly graces;
  the power under provocation; of 〃putting on Patience the
  〃Methinks I see in my mind a noble and puissant nation rousing
  herself like a strong man after sleep and shaking her
  invincible locks。  Methinks I see her as an eagle mewing her
  mighty youth and kindling her undazzled eye in the full mid…
  day beam。〃MILTON。
  〃And from these grounds; concluding as we doe;
  Warres causes diuerse; so by consequence
  Diuerse we must conclude their natures too:
  For war proceeding from Omnipotence;
  No doubt is holy; wise; and without error;
  The sword; of justice and of sin; the terror。〃
  It is the fashion now to live for the present but the men of
  fifty years ago; the men who builded the nation; they
  reverenced the past; and therefore they could work for the
  future。  As Robert Worth rode through the streets of San
  Antonio that afternoon; he was thinking; not of his own life;
  but of his children's and of the generations which should come
  after them。
  The city was flooded with sunshine; and crowded with
  a pack…train going to Sonora; the animals restlessly
  protesting against the heat and flies; their Mexican drivers
  in the pulqueria; spending their last peso with their
  compadres; or with the escort of soldiers which was to
  accompany thema little squad of small; lithe men; with
  round; yellow; beardless faces; bearing in a singular degree
  the stamp of being native to the soil。  Their lieutenant; a
  gorgeously clad officer with a very distinguished air; was
  coming slowly down the street to join them。  He bowed; and
  smiled pleasantly to the doctor as he passed him; and then in
  a few moments the word of command and the shouting of men and
  the clatter of hoofs invaded the enchanted atmosphere like an
  But the tumult scarcely jarred with the thoughts of his mind。
  They had been altogether of war and rumors of war。  Every hour
  that subtile consciousness of coming events; which makes whole
  communities at times prescient; was becoming stronger。  〃If
  the powers of the air have anything to do with the destinies
  of men;〃 he muttered; 〃there must be unseen battalions around
  me。  The air I am breathing is charged with the feeling of
  After leaving the city there were only a few Mexican huts on
  the shady road leading to his own house。  All within them were
  asleep; even the fighting cocks tied outside were dozing on
  their perches。  He was unusually weary; he had been riding
  since dawn; and his heart had not been in sympathy with his
  body; it had said no good cheer to it; whispered no word of
  courage or promise。
  All at once his physical endurance seemed exhausted; and he
  saw the white wall and arched gateway of his garden and the
  turrets of his home with an inexpressible relief。  But it was
  the hour of siesta; and he was always careful not to let the
  requirements of his profession disturb his household。  So he
  rode quietly to the rear; where he found a peon nodding within
  the stable door。  He opened his eyes unnaturally wide; and
  rose to serve his master。
  〃See thou rub the mare well down; and give her corn and
  〃To be sure; Senior; that is to be done。  A stranger has been
  here to…day; an American。〃
  〃What did he say to thee?〃
  〃That he would call again; Senor。〃
  The incident was not an unusual one; and it did not trouble
  the doctor's mind。  There was on the side of the house a low
  extension containing two rooms。  These rooms belonged
  exclusively to him。  One was his study; his office; his
  covert; the place to which he went when he wanted to be alone
  with his own soul。  There were a bed and bath and refreshments
  in the other room。  He went directly to it; and after eating
  and washing; fell into a profound sleep。
  At the hour before Angelus the house was as noisy and busy as
  if it had been an inn。  The servants were running hither and
  thither; all of them expressing themselves in voluble Spanish。
  The cooks were quarrelling in the kitchen。  Antonia was
  showing the table men; as she had to do afresh every day; how
  to lay the cloth and serve the dishes in the American fashion。
  When the duty was completed; she went into the garden to
  listen for the Angelus。  The young ladies