第 20 节
作者:花旗      更新:2021-02-18 23:51      字数:9322
  smile; that she did not require from him any explicit defence。  While
  they talked she was righting herself in an undercurrent of drama with
  Miss Triscoe; and explaining to her that they could not possibly wait
  over for her and her father in Weimar; but must be off that day for
  Berlin; as they had made all their plans。  It was not easy; even in drama
  where one has everything one's own way; to prove that she could not
  without impiety so far interfere with the course of Providence as to
  prevent Miss Triscoe's coming with her father to the same hotel where
  Burnamy was staying。  She contrived; indeed; to persuade her that she had
  not known he was staying there when she telegraphed them where to come;
  and that in the absence of any open confidence from Miss Triscoe she was
  not obliged to suppose that his presence would be embarrassing。
  March proposed leaving her with Burnamy while he went up into the town
  and interviewed the house of Schiller; which he had not done yet; and as
  soon as he got himself away she came to business; breaking altogether
  from the inner drama with Miss Triscoe and devoting herself to Burnamy。
  They had already got so far as to have mentioned the meeting with the
  Triscoes in Wurzburg; and she said: 〃Did Mr。 March tell you they were
  coming here?  Or; no!  We hadn't heard then。  Yes; they are coming to…
  morrow。  They may be going to stay some time。  She talked of Weimar when
  we first spoke of Germany on the ship。〃  Burnamy said nothing; and she
  suddenly added; with a sharp glance; 〃They wanted us to get them rooms;
  and we advised their coming to this house。〃  He started very
  satisfactorily; and 〃Do you think they would be comfortable; here?〃 she
  〃Oh; yes; very。  They can have my room; it's southeast; I shall be going
  into other quarters。〃  She did not say anything; and 〃Mrs。 March;〃 he
  began again; 〃what is the use of my beating about the bush?  You must
  know what I went back to Carlsbad for; that night〃
  〃No one ever told〃
  〃Well; you must have made a pretty good guess。  But it was a failure。  I
  ought to have failed; and I did。  She said that unless her father liked
  it And apparently he hasn't liked it。〃  Burnamy smiled ruefully。
  〃How do you know?  She didn't know where you were!〃
  〃She could have got word to me if she had had good news for me。  They've
  forwarded other letters from Pupp's。  But it's all right; I had no
  business to go back to Carlsbad。  Of course you didn't know I was in this
  house when you told them to come; and I must clear out。  I had better
  clear out of Weimar; too。〃
  〃No; I don't think so; I have no right to pry into your affairs; but〃
  〃Oh; they're wide enough open!〃
  〃And you may have changed your mind。  I thought you might; when I saw you
  yesterday at Belvedere〃
  〃I was only trying to make bad worse。〃
  〃Then I think the situation has changed entirely through what Mr。 Stoller
  said to Mr。 March。〃
  〃I can't see how it has。  I committed an act of shabby treachery; and I'm
  as much to blame as if he still wanted to punish me for it。〃
  〃Did Mr。 March say that to you?〃
  〃No; I said that to Mr。 March; and he couldn't answer it; and you can't。
  You're very good; and very kind; but you can't answer it。〃
  〃I can answer it very well;〃 she boasted; but she could find nothing
  better to say than; 〃It's your duty to her to see her and let her know。〃
  〃Doesn't she know already?〃
  〃She has a right to know it from you。  I think you are morbid; Mr。
  Burnamy。  You know very well I didn't like your doing that to Mr。
  Stoller。  I didn't say so at the time; because you seemed to feel it
  enough yourself。  But I did like your owning up to it;〃 and here Mrs。
  March thought it time to trot out her borrowed battle…horse again。  〃My
  husband always says that if a person owns up to an error; fully and
  faithfully; as you've always done; they make it the same in its
  consequences to them as if it had never been done。〃
  〃Does Mr。 March say that?〃 asked Burnamy with a relenting smile。
  〃Indeed he does!〃
  Burnamy hesitated; then he asked; gloomily again:
  〃And what about the consequences to the; other fellow?〃
  〃A woman;〃 said Mrs。 March; 〃has no concern with them。  And besides; I
  think you've done all you could to save Mr。 Stoller from the
  〃I haven't done anything。〃
  〃No matter。  You would if you could。  I wonder;〃 she broke off; to
  prevent his persistence at a point where her nerves were beginning to
  give way; 〃what can be keeping Mr。 March?〃
  Nothing much more important; it appeared later; than the pleasure of
  sauntering through the streets on the way to the house of Schiller; and
  looking at the pretty children going to school; with books under their
  arms。  It was the day for the schools to open after the long summer
  vacation; and there was a freshness of expectation in the shining faces
  which; if it could not light up his own graybeard visage; could at least
  touch his heart:
  When he reached the Schiller house he found that it was really not the
  Schiller house; but the Schiller flat; of three or four rooms; one flight
  up; whose windows look out upon the street named after the poet。  The
  whole place is bare and clean; in one corner of the large room fronting
  the street stands Schiller's writing…table; with his chair before it;
  with the foot extending toward this there stands; in another corner; the
  narrow bed on which he died; some withered wreaths on the pillow frame a
  picture of his deathmask; which at first glance is like his dead face
  lying there。  It is all rather tasteless; and all rather touching; and
  the place with its meagre appointments; as compared with the rich Goethe
  house; suggests that personal competition with Goethe in which Schiller
  is always falling into the second place。  Whether it will be finally so
  with him in literature it is too early to ask of time; and upon other
  points eternity will not be interrogated。  〃The great; Goethe and the
  good Schiller;〃 they remain; and yet; March reasoned; there was something
  good in Goethe and something great; in Schiller。
  He was so full of the pathos of their inequality before the world that he
  did not heed the warning on the door of the pastry…shop near the Schiller
  house; and on opening it he bedaubed his hand with the fresh paint on it。
  He was then in such a state; that he could not bring his mind to bear
  upon the question of which cakes his wife would probably prefer; and he
  stood helplessly holding up his hand till the good woman behind the
  counter discovered his plight; and uttered a loud cry of compassion。
  She ran and got a wet napkin; which she rubbed with soap; and then she
  instructed him by word and gesture to rub his hand upon it; and she did
  not leave him till his rescue was complete。  He let her choose a variety
  of the cakes for him; and came away with a gay paper bag full of them;
  and with the feeling that he had been in more intimate relations with the
  life of Weimar than travellers are often privileged to be。  He argued
  from the instant and intelligent sympathy of the pastry woman a high
  grade of culture in all classes; and he conceived the notion of
  pretending to Mrs。 March that he had got these cakes from; a descendant
  of Schiller。
  His deceit availed with her for the brief moment in which she always;
  after so many years' experience of his duplicity; believed anything he
  told her。  They dined merrily together at their hotel; and then Burnamy
  came down to the station with them and was very comfortable to March in
  helping him to get their tickets and their baggage registered。  The train
  which was to take them to Halle; where they were to change for Berlin;
  was rather late; and they had but ten minutes after it came in before it
  would start again。  Mrs。 March was watching impatiently at the window of
  the waiting…room for the dismounting passengers to clear the platform and
  allow the doors to be opened; suddenly she gave a cry; and turned and ran
  into the passage by which the new arrivals were pouring out toward the
  superabundant omnibuses。  March and Burnamy; who had been talking apart;
  mechanically rushed after her and found her kissing Miss Triscoe and
  shaking hands with the general amidst a tempest of questions and answers;
  from which it appeared that the Triscoes had got tired of staying in
  Wurzburg; and had simply come on to Weimar a day sooner than they had
  The; general was rather much bundled up for a day which was mild for a
  German summer day; and he coughed out an explanation that he had taken an
  abominable cold at that ridiculous parade; and had not shaken it off yet。
  He had a notion that change of air would be better for him; it could not
  be worse。
  He seemed a little vague as to Burnamy; rather than inimical。  While the
  ladies were still talking eagerly together in proffer and acceptance of
  Mrs。 March's lamentations that she should be going away just as Miss
  Triscoe was coming; he asked if the omnibus for their hotel was there。
  He by no means resented Burnamy's assurance that it was; and he did not
  refuse to let him order their baggage; little and large; loaded upon it。
  By the time this was done; Mrs。 March and Miss Triscoe had so far
  detached them