第 38 节
作者:低诉      更新:2021-02-18 23:48      字数:9322
  … Page 129…
  rapidly gathering darkness set… tled down。
  Hands   in   pockets   and   collar   up;   I   marched   forward   at   a  good   round
  pace for an hour; constantly straining eyes for a sight of the hill and ears
  for some indications of living beings in the deathly hush of the shrouded
  woods; and at the end of that time; feeling sure habitations must now be
  near; arrived at what looked like a little open space; some… how seeming
  rather familiar in its vague outlines。
  Where had I seen such a place before? Sauntering round the margin; a
  bush   with   a   broken   branch   sud…   denly   attracted   my   attentiona   broken
  bush with a long slide in the mud below it; and the stamp of Navy boots in
  the    soft  turf!    I   glared    at  those   signs    for   a  moment;      then   with    an
  exclamation   of   chagrin   recognised   them   only   too   wellit   was   the   bush
  whence I had picked the fruit; and the mark of my fall。                     An hour's hard
  walking   round   some   accursed   woodland   track   had   brought   me   exactly
  back to the point I had started fromI was lost!
  It   really   seemed      to  get   twenty     per   cent   darker    as   I  made     that
  abominable   discovery;   and   the   position   dawned   in   all   its   uncomfortable
  intensity。     There was nothing for it but to start off again; this time judging
  my direction only by a light breath of air drifting the mist tangles before it;
  and   therein   I   made   a   great   mistake;   for   the   breeze   had   shifted   several
  points from the quarter whence it blew in the morning。
  Knowing         nothing      of    this;   I    went     forward      with     as    much
  lightheartedness   as   could   be   managed;   humming   a   song   to   myself;   and
  carefully   putting   aside   thoughts   of   warmth   and   supper;   while   the   dusk
  increased and the great forest vegetation seemed to grow ranker and closer
  at every step
  Another      disconcerting      thing   was    that  the   ground     sloped    gradually
  downwards; not upwards as it should have done; till it seemed the path lay
  across   the   flats   of   a   forest…covered   plain;   which   did   not   conform   to   my
  wish   of   striking   a   road   on   the   foot…hills   of   the   mountain。   However;   I
  plodded   on;  drawing   some   small   comfort   from   the   fact   that   as   darkness
  came   the   mist   rose   from   the   ground   and   appeared   to   con…   dense   in   a
  ghostly   curtain   twenty   feet   overhead;   where   it   hung   between   me   and   a
  clear night sky; presently illum… ined by starlight with the strangest effect。
  … Page 130…
  Tired; footsore; and dejected; I struggled on a little further。                  Oh for a
  cab;   I   laughed   bitterly   to   myself。     Oh   for   even   the   humble   necessary
  omnibus of civilisation。          Oh for the humblest tuck…shop where a mug of
  hot   coffee   and   a   snack   could   be   had   by   a   homeless   wanderer;   and   as   I
  thought and plodded savagely on; collar up; hands in pockets; through the
  black tangles of that endless wood; suddenly the sound of wailing children
  caught my ear!
  It   was   the   softest;   saddest   music   ever   mortal   listened   to。    It   was   as
  though scores of   babes in pain were dropping  to sleep   on their  mothers'
  breasts;   and   all   hushing   their   sor…   rows   with   one   accord   in   a   common
  melancholy   chorus。         I   stood   spell…bound   at   that   elfin   wailing;   the   first
  sound to break the deathly stillness of the road for an hour or more; and
  my blood tingled as I listened to it。              Nevertheless; here was what I was
  looking for; where there were weeping children there must be habitations;
  and     shelter;   andsplendid       thought!supper。        Poor      little  babes!    their
  crying was the deadliest; sweetest thing in sorrows I ever listened to。                     If it
  was   cholicwhy;   I   knew   a   little   of   medicine;   and   in   gratitude   for   that
  prospective supper; I had a soul big enough to cure a thousand; and if they
  were in disgrace; and by some quaint Martian fashion had suffered simul…
  taneous punishment for baby offences; I would plead for them。
  In fact; I fairly set off at the run towards the sobbing; in the black; wet;
  night air ahead; and; tripping as I ran; looked down and saw in the filtering
  starlight that the forest grass had given place to an ancient roadway; paved
  with moss…grown flag…stones; such as they still used in Seth。
  Without   stopping   to   think   what   that   might   mean   I   hur…   ried   on;   the
  wailing   now   right   ahead;   a   tremulous   tumult   of   gentle   grief   rising   and
  falling   on   the   night   air   like   the   sound   of   a   sea   after   a   storm;   and   so;
  presently; in a minute or two; came upon a ruined archway spanning the
  lonely   road;   held   together   by   great   masses   of   black…fingered   creep…   ers;
  gaunt and ghostly in the shadows; an extraordinary and unexpected vision;
  and as I stopped with a jerk under that forbidding gateway and glared at its
  tumbled masonry and great portals hanging rotten at their hinges; suddenly
  the truth   flashed   upon   me。       I   had   taken the   forbidden   road after   all。      I
  was in the ancient; ghost…haunted city of Queen Yang!
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  The dark forest seemed to shut behind as I entered the gateway of the
  deserted   Hither   town;   against   which   my   wood…cutter   friend   had   warned
  me; while inside the soft mist hung in the starlight like grey drapery over
  endless   vistas   of   ruins。   What   was   I   to   do?   Without   all   was   black   and
  cheerless;   inside   there   was   at   least   shelter。 Wet   and   cold;   my   courage
  was   not   to   be   put   down   by  the   stories   of   a   silly  savage;   I   would   go   on
  whatever   happened。        Besides;   the   soft   sound   of   crying;   now   apparently
  all about; seemed companionable; and I had heard so much of ghosts of
  late; the sharp edge of fear at their presence was wearing off。
  So    in  I  went:    up   a  broad;   decayed     street;  its  flagstones    heaved
  everywhere by the  roots of gnarled trees;  and finding   nothing save   ruin;
  tried   to   rest   under   a   wall。 But   the   night   air   was   chilly   and   the   shelter
  poor; so out I came again; with the wailing in the shadows so close about
  now that I stopped; and mustering up courage called aloud:
  〃Hullo;   you   who   weep   there   in   the   dark;   are   you   living   or   dead?〃
  And after a minute from the hollows of the empty hearths around came the
  sad little responsive echo:
  〃Are you living or dead?〃          It was very delusive and un… satisfactory;
  and I was wondering what to do next when a slant of warmer wind came
  up behind me under the mist; and immediately little tongues of blue flame
  blossomed with… out visible cause in every darksome crevice; pale flickers
  of miasmic light rising pallid from every lurking nook and corner in the
  black desolation as though a thousand lamps were lit by unseen   fingers;
  and;   knee   high;   floated   out   into   the   thoroughfare   where   they   oscillated
  gently in airy grace; and then; forming into procession; began drifting be…
  fore the tepid air towards the city centre。           At once I thought of what the
  woodcutter had seen; but was too wet and sulky by this time to care。                   The
  fascination of the place was on me; and dropping into rear of the march; I
  went forward with it。        By this time the wailing had stopped; though now
  and then it seemed a dark form moved in the empty door… ways on either
  hand;     while   the   mist;   parting   into   gossamers     before    the   wind;   took
  marvellously human forms in every alley and lane we passed。
  … Page 133…
  Thus I; a sodden giant; led by those elfin torches; paced through the
  city until we came to an open square with a great lumber of ruins in the
  centre all marred and spoiled by vegetation; and here the lights wavered;
  and went out by scores and hundreds; just as the petals drop from spent