第 15 节
作者:低诉      更新:2021-02-18 23:48      字数:9322
  And as I looked back; the dance was certainly ebbing now with such
  smoothly decreasing undulations; that every heart began to beat calmer in
  response。      There was a minute or two of such slow cessation; and then to
  … Page 50…
  say she stopped were too gross a description。                 Motion rather died away
  from her; and the priestess grounded as smoothly as a ship grounds in fine
  weather   on   a   sandy   bank。     There   she   was   at   last;   crouched   behind   the
  tripod;   one   corner   of   the   cloth   covering   it   grasped   in   her   hand;   and   her
  eyes fixed on the shining round just poised upon the distant run。
  Keenly      the  girl  watched      it  slide  into   zenith;   then   the   cloth   was
  snatched   from   the   tripod…top。       As   it   fell   it   un…   covered   a   beautiful   and
  perfect globe of clear white glass; a foot or so in diameter; and obviously
  filled   with    the  thin…   nest;  most    limpid    water    imaginable。      At   first  it
  seemed to me; who stood near to the priestess of Mars; with that beaming
  sphere directly between us; and the newly risen world; that its smooth and
  flawless face   was   absolutely  devoid of   sign or   colouring。            Then;   as the
  distant planet became stronger in the magnifying Martian air; or my eyes
  better accustomed to that sudden nucleus of brilliancy; a delicate and in…
  finitely   lovely   network   of   colours   came   upon   it。      They   were   like   the
  radiant   prisms   that   sometimes   flush   the   surface   of   a   bubble   more   than
  aught else for a time。        But as I watched that mosaic of yellow and purple
  creep softly to and fro upon the globe it seemed they slowly took form and
  meaning。       Another minute or two and they had certainly con… gealed into
  a settled plan; and then; as I stared and wondered; it burst upon me in a
  minute that I was looking upon a picture; faithful in every detail; of the
  world   I   stood   on;   all   its   ruddy   forests;   its   sapphire   sea;   both   broad   and
  narrow ones; its white peaked mountains; and unnumbered islands being
  mapped out with startling clearness for a spell upon that beaming orb。
  Then a strange thing happened。             Heru; who had been crouching in a
  tremulous heap by the tripod; rose stealthily and passed her hands a few
  times   across   the   sphere。    Colour   and   picture   vanished   at   her   touch   like
  breath from a mirror。 Again all was clear and pellucid。
  〃Now;〃 said my companion; 〃now listen!                 For Heru reads the destiny;
  the   whiter   the   globe   stays   the   better   for   us〃   and   then   I   felt   her   hand
  tighten on mine with a startled grasp as the words died away upon her lips。
  Even as the girl spoke; the sphere; which had been beam… ing in the
  centre of the silent square like a mighty white jewel; began to flush with
  angry     red。   Redder      and   redder    grew    the   gleama     fiery  glow    which
  … Page 51…
  seemed curdling in the interior of the round as though it were filled with
  flame; redder and redder; until the princess; staring into it; seemed turned
  against the jet…black night behind; into a form of molten metal。                  A spasm
  of terror passed across her as she stared; her limbs stiffened; her frightened
  hands   were   clutched   in   front;   and   she   stood   cowering   under   that   great
  crimson nucleus like one bereft of power and life; and lost to every sense
  but   that   of   agony。  Not   a   syllable   came   from   her   lips;   not   a   movement
  stirred her body; only that dumb; stupid stare of horror; at the something
  she saw in the globe。 What could I do?               I could not sit and see her soul
  come out at her frightened eyes; and not a Martian moved a finger to her
  rescue; the red shine gleamed on empty faces; tier above tier; and flung its
  broad flush over the endless rank of open…mouthed spectators; then back I
  looked to Heruthat winsome little lady for whom; you will re… member; I
  had already more than a passing fancyand saw with a thrill of emotion
  that while she still kept her eyes on the flaming globe like one in a horrible
  dream her hands were slowly; very slowly; rising in supplication to ME! It
  was    not   vanity。   There     was   no   mistaking     the  direction    of  that  silent;
  imploring appeal。
  Not   a   man   of   her   countrymen   moved;  not   even   black   Hath!      There
  was not a sound in the world; it seemed; but the noisy clatter of my own
  shoenails on the marble flags。           In the great red eye of that unholy globe
  the Martians glimmered like a picture multitude under the red cliff of their
  ruined palace。       I glared round at them with contempt for a minute; then
  sprang   forward   and   snatched   the   prin…   cess   up。     It   was   like   pulling   a
  flower up by the roots。        She was stiff and stark when I lay hold of her; but
  when   I   tore   her   from   the   magic   ground   she   suddenly   gave   a   piercing
  shriek; and fainted in my arms。
  Then   as   I   turned   upon   my   heels   with   her   upon   my   breast   my   foot
  caught upon the cloths still wound about the tripod of the sphere。                    Over
  went that implement of a thousand years of sorcery; and out went the red
  fire。   But little I caredthe princess was safe!            And up the palace steps;
  amidst a low; wailing hum of consternation from the re… covering Martians;
  I bore that bundle of limp and senseless loveliness up into the pale shine of
  her   own   porch;   and   there;   laying   her   down   upon   a   couch;   watched   her
  … Page 52…
  recover    presently  amongst    her  women    with  a  varied   assortment   of
  emotions tingling in my veins。
  … Page 53…
  Beyond the first flutter of surprise; the Martians had shown no interest
  in the abrupt termination of the year's divinations。             They melted away; a
  trifle more silently per… haps than usual; when I shattered the magic globe;
  but   with   their   invariable   indifference;   and   having   handed   the   reviving
  Heru   over   to   some   women   who   led   her   away;   apparently   already   half
  forgetful   of   the   things   that   had   just   happened;   I   was   left   alone   on   the
  palace steps; not even An beside me; and only the shadow of a passerby
  now and then to break the solitude。             Whereon   a great lone…   liness took
  hold upon me; and; pacing to and fro along the ancient terrace with bent
  head and folded arms; I bewailed my fate。              To and fro I walked; heedless
  and melancholy; thinking of the old world; that was so far and this near
  world so distant from me in everything making life worth living; thinking;
  as I strode gloomily here and there; how gladly  I would exchange these
  poor puppets and the mockery of a town they dwelt in; for a sight of my
  com… rades and a corner in the poorest wine…shop salon in New York or
  'Frisco; idly speculating why; and how; I came here; as I sauntered down
  amongst   the   glistening;   shell…like   fragments   of   the   shattered   globe;   and
  finding no answer。 How could I?            It was too fair; I thought; standing there
  in the open; there was a fatal sweetness in the air; a deadly sufficiency in
  the beauty of everything around falling on the lax senses like some sleepy
  draught of pleasure。        Not a leaf stirred; the wide purple roof of the   sky
  was   unbroken   by   the   healthy   promise   of   a   cloud   from   rim   to   rim;   the
  splendid     country;    teeming     with   its  spring…time    richness;    lay  in   rank
  perfection   everywhere;   and   just   as   rank   and   sleek   and   passionless   were
  those who owned it。
  Why; even I; who yesterday was strong; began to come under the spell
  of it。   But yesterday the spirit of the old world was still strong within me;
  yet   how    much     things   were   now    changing。     The     well…strung    muscles
  loosening; the heart beating a slower measure; the busy mind drowsing off
  to listlessness。     Was   I;  too;  destined to become   like these? Was the   red
  stuff   in  my    veins   to  be   watered    down    to  pallid   Martian    sap?    Was
  ambition   and   hope   to   desert   me;   and   idleness