第 41 节
作者:击水三千      更新:2021-02-18 22:45      字数:9322
  though she trembled inwardly at the thought of again entering the vile and
  hideous village of the raiders she saw no better course than that which her
  companion had suggested。
  Calling   aloud   to   those   who   tended   the   gates;   Werper;   grasping   Jane
  Clayton      by  the   arm;   walked     boldly   across    the  clearing。    Those      who
  opened the gates to him permitted their surprise to show clearly in their
  expressions。       That   the   discredited   and   hunted   lieutenant   should   be   thus
  returning fearlessly of his own volition; seemed to disarm them quite   as
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  effectually as his manner toward Lady Greystoke had deceived her。
  The sentries at the gate returned Werper's salutations; and viewed with
  astonishment the prisoner whom he brought into the village with him。
  Immediately the Belgian sought the Arab who had been left in charge
  of    the  camp     during    Achmet      Zek's   absence;    and    again   his   boldness
  disarmed suspicion and won the acceptance of his false explanation of his
  return。 The   fact   that   he   had   brought   back   with   him  the   woman   prisoner
  who   had   escaped;   added   strength   to   his   claims;   and   Mohammed   Beyd
  soon found himself fraternizing good…naturedly with the very man whom
  he would have slain without compunction had he discovered him alone in
  the jungle a half hour before。
  Jane   Clayton   was   again   confined   to   the   prison   hut   she   had   formerly
  occupied;   but   as   she   realized   that   this   was   but   a   part   of   the   deception
  which   she   and   Frecoult   were   playing   upon   the   credulous   raiders;   it   was
  with quite a different sensation that she again entered the vile and filthy
  interior; from that which she had previously experienced; when hope was
  so far away。
  Once more she was bound and sentries placed before the door of her
  prison; but before Werper left her he whispered words of cheer into her ear。
  Then he left; and made his way back to the tent of Mohammed Beyd。 He
  had   been   wondering   how   long   it   would   be   before   the   raiders   who   had
  ridden out with Achmet Zek would return with the murdered body of their
  chief;    and   the  more    he  thought    upon    the   matter   the  greater    his  fears
  became; that without accomplices his plan would fail。
  What;     even;   if  he  got   away    from    the  camp     in  safety   before   any
  returned     with   the   true  story   of  his   guilt  of   what   value    would    this
  advantage be other than to protract for a few days his mental torture and
  his life?     These hard riders; familiar with every trail and bypath; would
  get him long before he could hope to reach the coast。
  As these thoughts passed through his mind he entered the tent where
  Mohammed          Beyd    sat  cross…legged     upon    a  rug;   smoking。      The     Arab
  looked up as the European came into his presence。
  〃Greetings; O Brother!〃 he said。
  〃Greetings!〃 replied Werper。
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  For a while neither spoke further。         The Arab was the first to break the
  〃And my master; Achmet Zek; was well when last you saw him?〃 he
  〃Never was he safer from the sins and dangers of mortality;〃 replied
  the Belgian。
  〃It is well;〃 said Mohammed Beyd; blowing a little puff of blue smoke
  straight out before him。
  Again there was silence for several minutes。
  〃And if he were dead?〃 asked the Belgian; determined to lead up to the
  truth; and attempt to bribe Mohammed Beyd into his service。
  The   Arab's   eyes   narrowed   and   he   leaned   forward;   his   gaze   boring
  straight into the eyes of the Belgian。
  〃I   have     been    thinking    much;     Werper;     since    you    returned    so
  unexpectedly to the camp of the man whom you had deceived; and who
  sought you with death in his heart。 I have been with Achmet Zek for many
  yearshis own mother never knew him so well as I。 He never forgives
  much less would he again trust a man who had once betrayed him; that I
  〃I   have   thought   much;   as   I   said;   and   the   result   of   my   thinking   has
  assured me that Achmet Zek is deadfor otherwise you would never have
  dared return to his   camp; unless   you   be either   a braver   man or   a   bigger
  fool than I have imagined。          And; if this evidence of my judgment is not
  sufficient;   I   have   but   just   now   received   from   your   own   lips   even   more
  confirmatory   witnessfor   did   you   not   say   that   Achmet   Zek   was   never
  more safe from the sins and dangers of mortality?
  〃Achmet Zek is deadyou need not deny it。               I was not his mother; or
  his mistress; so do not fear that my wailings shall disturb you。                 Tell me
  why you have come back here。 Tell me what you want; and; Werper; if you
  still possess the jewels of which Achmet Zek told me; there is no reason
  why you and I should not ride north together and divide the ransom of the
  white woman and the contents of the pouch you wear about your person。
  The    evil  eyes   narrowed;     a  vicious;    thin…lipped    smile   tortured   the
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  villainous face;   as Mohammed   Beyd grinned   knowingly into   the face   of
  the Belgian。
  Werper was both relieved and disturbed by the Arab's attitude。                      The
  complacency        with    which    he   accepted    the   death   of   his  chief   lifted   a
  considerable burden of apprehension from the shoulders of Achmet Zek's
  assassin;   but   his   demand   for   a   share   of   the   jewels   boded   ill   for   Werper
  when Mohammed Beyd should have learned that the precious stones were
  no longer in the Belgian's possession。
  To   acknowledge   that   he   had   lost   the   jewels   might   be   to   arouse   the
  wrath or suspicion of the Arab to such an extent as would jeopardize his
  new…found       chances     of  escape。    His    one   hope    seemed;     then;   to  lie  in
  fostering     Mohammed         Beyd's    belief   that   the   jewels   were    still  in  his
  possession; and depend upon the accidents of the future to open an avenue
  of escape。
  Could   he   contrive   to   tent   with   the   Arab   upon   the   march   north;   he
  might   find   opportunity   in   plenty   to   remove   this   menace   to   his   life   and
  libertyit was worth trying; and; further; there seemed no other way out of
  his difficulty。
  〃Yes;〃     he  said;   〃Achmet      Zek    is  dead。    He    fell  in  battle   with    a
  company of Abyssinian cavalry that held me captive。                   During the fighting
  I escaped; but I doubt if any of Achmet Zek's men live; and the gold they
  sought     is  in  the   possession     of  the  Abyssinians。       Even     now    they   are
  doubtless marching on this camp; for they were sent by Menelek to punish
  Achmet   Zek   and   his   followers   for   a   raid   upon   an   Abyssinian   village。
  There are many of them; and if we do not make haste to escape we shall
  all suffer the same fate as Achmet Zek。〃
  Mohammed Beyd listened in silence。                How much of the unbeliever's
  story he might safely believe he did not know; but as it afforded him an
  excuse   for   deserting   the   village   and   making   for   the   north   he   was   not
  inclined to cross…question the Belgian too minutely。
  〃And if I ride north with you;〃 he asked; 〃half the jewels and half the
  ransom of the woman shall be mine?〃
  〃Yes;〃 replied Werper。
  〃Good;〃 said Mohammed Beyd。                 〃I go now to give the order for the
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  breaking of camp early on the morrow;〃 and he rose to leave the tent。
  Werper laid a detaining hand upon his arm。
  〃Wait;〃 he said; 〃let us determine how many shall accompany us。                         It
  is   not   well   that   we   be   burdened   by   the   women   and   children;   for   then
  indeed we might be overtaken by the Abyssinians。                    It would be far better
  to select a small guard of your bravest men; and leave word behind that we
  are   riding   WEST。       Then;   when   the Abyssinians   come   they   will   be   put
  upon the wrong trail should the