第 26 节
作者:向前      更新:2021-02-18 21:59      字数:9322
  himself。  His work was always clever and original; but it was the
  work of an invalid。
  〃I shall never be great;〃 he said to me once。  〃I have such
  wonderful dreams; but when it comes to working them out there is
  something that hampers me。  It always seems to me as if at the last
  moment a hand was stretched out that clutched me by the feet。  I
  long so; but I have not the strength。  It is terrible to be one of
  the weaklings。〃
  It clung to me; that word he had used。  For a man to know he is
  weak; it sounds a paradox; but a man must be strong to know that。
  And dwelling upon this; and upon his patience and his gentleness;
  there came to me suddenly remembrance of that postscript; the
  significance of which I had not understood。
  He was a young man of about three… or four…and…twenty at the time。
  His father had died; and he was living in poor lodgings in the south
  of London; supporting himself and his mother by strenuous; ill…paid
  〃I want you to come with me for a few days' holiday;〃 I told him。
  I had some difficulty in getting him to accept my help; for he was
  very proud in his sensitive; apologetic way。  But I succeeded
  eventually; persuading him it would be good for his work。
  Physically the journey must have cost him dear; for he could never
  move his body without pain; but the changing landscapes and the
  strange cities more than repaid him; and when one morning I woke him
  early and he saw for the first time the distant mountains clothed in
  dawn; there came a new light into his eyes。
  We reached the hut late in the afternoon。  I had made my
  arrangements so that we should be there alone。  Our needs were
  simple; and in various wanderings I had learnt to be independent。  I
  did not tell him why I had brought him there; beyond the beauty and
  stillness of the place。  Purposely I left him much alone there;
  making ever…lengthening walks my excuse; and though he was always
  glad of my return I felt that the desire was growing upon him to be
  there by himself。
  One evening; having climbed farther than I had intended; I lost my
  way。  It was not safe in that neighbourhood to try new pathways in
  the dark; and chancing upon a deserted shelter; I made myself a bed
  upon the straw。
  I found him seated outside the hut when I returned; and he greeted
  me as if he had been expecting me just at that moment and not
  before。  He guessed just what had happened; he told me; and had not
  been alarmed。  During the day I found him watching me; and in the
  evening; as we sat in his favourite place outside the hut; he turned
  to me。
  〃You think it true?〃 he said。  〃That you and I sat here years ago
  and talked?〃
  〃I cannot tell;〃 I answered。  〃I only know that he died here; if
  there be such a thing as deaththat no one has ever lived here
  since。  I doubt if the door has ever been opened till we came。〃
  〃They have always been with me;〃 he continued; 〃these dreams。  But I
  have always dismissed them。  They seemed so ludicrous。  Always there
  came to me wealth; power; victory。  Life was so easy。〃
  He laid his thin hand on mine。  A strange new look came into his
  eyesa look of hope; almost of joy。
  〃Do you know what it seems to me?〃 he said。  〃You will laugh
  perhaps; but the thought has come to me up here that God has some
  fine use for me。  Success was making me feeble。  He has given me
  weakness and failure that I may learn strength。  The great thing is
  to be strong。〃
  Old Ab Herrick; so most people called him。  Not that he was actually
  old; the term was an expression of liking rather than any reflection
  on his years。  He lived in an old…fashioned houseold…fashioned;
  that is; for New Yorkon the south side of West Twentieth Street:
  once upon a time; but that was long ago; quite a fashionable
  quarter。  The house; together with Mrs。 Travers; had been left him
  by a maiden aunt。  An 〃apartment〃 would; of course; have been more
  suitable to a bachelor of simple habits; but the situation was
  convenient from a journalistic point of view; and for fifteen years
  Abner Herrick had lived and worked there。
  Then one evening; after a three days' absence; Abner Herrick
  returned to West Twentieth Street; bringing with him a little girl
  wrapped up in a shawl; and a wooden box tied with a piece of cord。
  He put the box on the table; and the young lady; loosening her
  shawl; walked to the window and sat down facing the room。
  Mrs。 Travers took the box off the table and put it on the floorit
  was quite a little boxand waited。
  〃This young lady;〃 explained Abner Herrick; 〃is Miss Ann Kavanagh;
  daughter ofof an old friend of mine。〃
  〃Oh!〃 said Mrs。 Travers; and remained still expectant。
  〃Miss Kavanagh;〃 continued Abner Herrick; 〃will be staying with us
  for〃  He appeared to be uncertain of the length of Miss Kavanagh's
  visit。  He left the sentence unfinished and took refuge in more
  pressing questions。
  〃What about the bedroom on the second floor?  Is it ready?  Sheets
  airedall that sort of thing?〃
  〃It can be;〃 replied Mrs。 Travers。  The tone was suggestive of
  judgment reserved。
  〃I think; if you don't mind; Mrs。 Travers; that we'd like to go to
  bed as soon as possible。〃  From force of habit Abner S。 Herrick in
  speaking employed as a rule the editorial 〃we。〃  〃We have been
  travelling all day and we are very tired。  To…morrow morning〃
  〃I'd like some supper;〃 said Miss Kavanagh from her seat in the
  window; without moving。
  〃Of course;〃 agreed Miss Kavanagh's host; with a feeble pretence
  that the subject had been on the tip of his tongue。  As a matter of
  fact; he really had forgotten all about it。  〃We might have it up
  here while the room is being got ready。  Perhaps a little〃
  〃A soft boiled egg and a glass of milk; if you please; Mrs。
  Travers;〃 interrupted Miss Kavanagh; still from her seat at the
  〃I'll see about it;〃 said Mrs。 Travers; and went out; taking the
  quite small box with her。
  Such was the coming into this story of Ann Kavanagh at the age of
  eight years; or; as Miss Kavanagh herself would have explained; had
  the question been put to her; eight years and seven months; for Ann
  Kavanagh was a precise young lady。  She was not beautifulnot then。
  She was much too sharp featured; the little pointed chin protruding
  into space to quite a dangerous extent。  Her large dark eyes were
  her one redeeming feature。  But the level brows above them were much
  too ready with their frown。  A sallow complexion and nondescript
  hair deprived her of that charm of colouring on which youth can
  generally depend for attraction; whatever its faults of form。  Nor
  could it truthfully be said that sweetness of disposition afforded
  〃A self…willed; cantankerous little imp I call her;〃 was Mrs。
  Travers's comment; expressed after one of the many trials of
  strength between them; from which Miss Kavanagh had as usual emerged
  〃It's her father;〃 explained Abner Herrick; feeling himself unable
  to contradict。
  〃It's unfortunate;〃 answered Mrs。 Travers; 〃whatever it is。〃
  To Uncle Ab himself; as she had come to call him; she could on
  occasion be yielding and affectionate; but that; as Mrs。 Travers
  took care to point out to her; was a small thing to her credit。
  〃If you had the instincts of an ordinary Christian child;〃 explained
  Mrs。 Travers to her; 〃you'd be thinking twenty…four hours a day of
  what you could do to repay him for all his loving kindness to you;
  instead of causing him; as you know you do; a dozen heartaches in a
  week。  You're an ungrateful little monkey; and when he's gone
  Upon which Miss Kavanagh; not waiting to hear more; flew upstairs
  and; locking herself in her own room; gave herself up to howling and
  remorse; but was careful not to emerge until she felt bad tempered
  again; and able; should opportunity present itself; to renew the
  contest with Mrs。 Travers unhampered by sentiment。
  But Mrs。 Travers's words had sunk in deeper than that good lady
  herself had hoped for; and one evening; when Abner Herrick was
  seated at his desk penning a scathing indictment of the President
  for lack of firmness and decision on the tariff question; Ann;
  putting her thin arms round his neck and rubbing her little sallow
  face against his right…hand whisker; took him to task on the
  〃You're not bringing me up properlynot as you ought to;〃 explained
  Ann。  〃You give way to me too much; and you never scold me。〃
  〃Not scold you!〃 exclaimed Abner with a certain warmth of
  indignation。  〃Why; I'm doing it all〃
  〃Not what _I_ call scolding;〃 continued Ann。  〃It's very wrong of
  you。  I shall grow up horrid if you don't help me。〃
  As Ann with great clearness pointed out to him; there was no one
  else to undertake the job with any chance of success。  If Abner
  failed her; then she supposed there was no hope for her:  she would
  end by becoming a wicked woman; and everybody; including herself;
  would hate her。  It was a sad prospect。  The contemplation of it
  brought tears to Ann's eyes。
  He saw the justice of her complaint and promised to turn over a new
  leaf。  He honestly meant to do so; but; like many another repentant
  sinner; found himself feeble before the difficulties of perf