第 18 节
作者:这就是结局      更新:2021-02-18 21:45      字数:9318
  It was not so very long; after all; before Billy
  came in to greet her guest。  She was not stately
  and imposing in royally sumptuous blue velvet
  and ermine; nor yet was she cozy and homy in
  bronze…gold crpe de Chine and swan's…down。
  She was just herself in a pretty little morning
  house gown of blue gingham。  She was minus the
  dust…cap and the ruffled apron; but she had a dab
  of flour on the left cheek; and a smutch of crock
  on her forehead。  She had; too; a cut finger on her
  right hand; and a burned thumb on her left。  But
  she was Billyand being Billy; she advanced
  with a bright smile and held out a cordial hand
  not even wincing when the cut finger came under
  Calderwell's hearty clasp。
  ‘‘I'm glad to see you;'' she welcomed him。
  ‘‘You'll excuse my not appearing sooner; I'm
  sure; fordidn't Bertram tell you?I'm playing
  Bridget to…night。  But dinner is ready now;
  and we'll go down; please;'' she smiled; as she
  laid a light hand on her guest's arm。
  Behind her; Bertram; remembering the scene
  in the kitchen; stared in sheer amazement。  Bertram;
  it might be mentioned again; had been
  married six months; not six years。
  What Billy had intended to serve for a ‘‘simple
  dinner'' that night was: grapefruit with cherries;
  oyster stew; boiled halibut with egg sauce; chicken
  pie; squash; onions; and potatoes; peach fritters;
  a ‘‘lettuce and stuff'' salad; and some new pie
  or pudding。  What she did serve was: grapefruit
  (without the cherries); cold roast lamb; potatoes
  (a mush of sogginess); tomatoes (canned; and
  slightly burned); corn (canned; and very much
  burned); lettuce (plain); and for dessert; preserved
  peaches and cake (the latter rather dry and
  stale)。  Such was Billy's dinner。
  The grapefruit everybody ate。  The cold lamb
  too; met with a hearty reception; especially after
  the potatoes; corn; and tomatoes were served
  and tasted。  Outwardly; through it all; Billy was
  gayety itself。  Inwardly she was burning up with
  anger and mortification。  And because she was
  all this; there was; apparently; no limit to her
  laughter and sparkling repartee as she talked
  with Calderwell; her guestthe guest who;
  according to her original plans; was to be shown how
  happy she and Bertram were; what a good wife
  she made; and how devoted and _satisfied_ Bertram
  was in his home。
  William; picking at his dinneras only a
  hungry man can pick at a dinner that is uneatable
  watched Billy with a puzzled; uneasy
  frown。  Bertram; choking over the few mouthfuls
  he ate; marked his wife's animated face and
  Calderwell's absorbed attention; and settled into
  gloomy silence。
  But it could not continue forever。  The preserved
  peaches were eaten at last; and the stale
  cake left。  (Billy had forgotten the coffee
  which was just as well; perhaps。)  Then the four
  trailed up…stairs to the drawing…room。
  At nine o'clock an anxious Eliza and a remorseful;
  apologetic Pete came home and descended
  to the horror the once orderly kitchen and dining…
  room had become。  At ten; Calderwell; with very
  evident reluctance; tore himself away from Billy's
  gay badinage; and said good night。  At two
  minutes past ten; an exhausted; nerve…racked Billy
  was trying to cry on the shoulders of both Uncle
  William and Bertram at once。
  ‘‘There; there; child; don't!  It went off all
  right;'' patted Uncle William。
  ‘‘Billy; darling;'' pleaded Bertram; ‘‘please
  don't cry so!  As if I'd ever let you step foot in
  that kitchen again!''
  At this Billy raised a tear…wet face; aflame with
  indignant determination。
  ‘‘As if I'd ever let you keep me _from_ it; Bertram
  Henshaw; after this!'' she contested。  ‘‘I'm
  not going to do another thing in all my life but
  _cook!_  When I think of the stuff we had to eat;
  after all the time I took to get it; I'm simply crazy!
  Do you think I'd run the risk of such a thing as
  this ever happening again?''
  On the day after his dinner with Mr。 and Mrs。
  Bertram Henshaw; Hugh Calderwell left Boston
  and did not return until more than a month had
  passed。  One of his first acts; when he did come;
  was to look up Mr。 M。 J。 Arkwright at the address
  which Billy had given him。
  Calderwell had not seen Arkwright since they
  parted in Paris some two years before; after a six…
  months tramp through Europe together。  Calderwell
  liked Arkwright then; greatly; and he lost
  no time now in renewing the acquaintance。
  The address; as given by Billy; proved to be an
  attractive but modest apartment hotel near the
  Conservatory of Music; and Calderwell was
  delighted to find Arkwright at home in his
  comfortable little bachelor suite。
  Arkwright greeted him most cordially。
  ‘‘Well; well;'' he cried; ‘‘if it isn't Calderwell!
  And how's Mont Blanc?  Or is it the Killarney
  Lakes this time; or maybe the Sphinx that I
  should inquire for; eh?''
  ‘‘Guess again;'' laughed Calderwell; throwing
  off his heavy coat and settling himself comfortably
  in the inviting…looking morris chair his
  friend pulled forward。
  ‘‘Sha'n't do it;'' retorted Arkwright; with a
  smile。  ‘‘I never gamble on palpable uncertainties;
  except for a chance throw or two; as I gave
  a minute ago。  Your movements are altogether
  too erratic; and too far…reaching; for ordinary
  mortals to keep track of。''
  ‘‘Well; maybe you're right;'' grinned Calderwell;
  appreciatively。  ‘‘Anyhow; you would have
  lost this time; sure thing; for I've been working。''
  ‘‘Seen the doctor yet?'' queried Arkwright;
  coolly; pushing the cigars across the table。
  ‘‘Thanksfor both;'' sniffed Calderwell; with
  a reproachful glance; helping himself。  ‘‘Your
  good judgment in some matters is still unimpaired;
  I see;'' he observed; tapping the little gilded band
  which had told him the cigar was an old favorite。
  ‘‘As to other matters; however;you're wrong
  again; my friend; in your surmise。  I am not sick;
  and I have been working。''
  ‘‘So?  Well; I'm told they have very good
  specialists here。  Some one of them ought to
  hit your case。  Stillhow long has it been
  running?''  Arkwright's face showed only grave
  ‘‘Oh; come; let up; Arkwright;'' snapped
  Calderwell; striking his match alight with a vigorous
  jerk。  ‘‘I'll admit I haven't ever given any _special_
  indication of an absorbing passion for work。  But
  what can you expect of a fellow born with a
  whole dozen silver spoons in his mouth?  And
  that's what I was; according to Bertram Henshaw。
  According to him again; it's a wonder I
  ever tried to feed myself; and perhaps he's right
  with my mouth already so full。''
  ‘‘I should say so;'' laughed Arkwright。
  ‘‘Well; be that as it may。  I'm going to feed
  myself; and I'm going to earn my feed; too。  I
  haven't climbed a mountain or paddled a canoe;
  for a year。  I've been in Chicago cultivating the
  acquaintance of John Doe and Richard Roe。''
  ‘‘You meanlaw?''
  ‘‘Sure。  I studied it here for a while; before
  that bout of ours a couple of years ago。  Billy
  drove me away; then。''
  ‘‘Billy!erMrs。 Henshaw?''
  ‘‘Yes。  I thought I told you。  She turned down
  my tenth…dozen proposal so emphatically that I
  lost all interest in Boston and took to the tall
  timber again。  But I've come back。  A friend of
  my father's wrote me to come on and consider a
  good opening there was in his law office。  I came
  on a month ago; and considered。  Then I went
  back to pack up。  Now I've come for good; and
  here I am。  You have my history to date。  Now
  tell me of yourself。  You're looking as fit as a
  penny from the mint; even though you have
  discarded that ‘lovely' brown beard。  Was that
  a concession toer_Mary Jane_?''
  Arkwright lifted a quick hand of protest。
  ‘‘ ‘Michael Jeremiah;' please。  There is no
  ‘Mary Jane;' now;'' he said a bit stiffly。
  The other stared a little。  Then he gave a low
  ‘‘ ‘Michael Jeremiah;' '' he repeated musingly;
  eyeing the glowing tip of his cigar。  ‘‘And to
  think how that mysterious ‘M。 J。' used to
  tantalize me!  Do you mean;'' he added; turning
  slowly; ‘‘that no one calls you ‘Mary Jane'
  ‘‘Not if they know what is best for them。''
  ‘‘Oh!'' Calderwell noted the smouldering fire
  in the other's eyes a little curiously。  ‘‘Very
  well。  I'll take the hintMichael Jeremiah。''
  ‘‘Thanks。''  Arkwright relaxed a little。  ‘‘To
  tell the truth; I've had quite enough nowof
  Mary Jane。''
  ‘‘Very good。  So be it;'' nodded the other; still
  regarding his friend thoughtfully。  ‘‘But tell me
  what of yourself?''
  Arkwright shrugged his shoulders。
  ‘‘There's nothing to tell。  You've seen。  I'm
  ‘‘Humph!  Very pretty;'' scoffed Calderwell。
  ‘‘Then if _you_ won't tell; I _will_。  I saw Billy a
  month ago; you see。  It seems you've hit the t