第 24 节
作者:      更新:2021-02-18 21:16      字数:9320
  and we are so blind that the darkness is not felt。 KNOWLEDGE OF THIS
  KIND CANNOT BE ATTAINED; it is labor lost and TIME wasted to go
  in search of it。 True; hypotheses may be easily conceived; so may straws
  be gathered   from the   surface of   the stream。   But what   are either   of them
  worth? There is this difference between themstraws may amuse children;
  and hypotheses are sure to mislead physicians。〃
  It is when the Occult Initiate observes to what helpless conditions the
  practice   of   medicine     has   fallen;  that;   he   would;  if   be  could   with  any
  possibility of success; implore the angelic guardian of the human race to
  open the spiritual sight of men; that they might see; as he sees; the Divine
  relationship;     and   spiritual   correspondence;      of   everything    in  the   wide
  universe to man。
  … Page 84…
  Nature's   laws   move   slowly   and   imperceptibly;   yet   surely   and   exact;
  and     the   time    will   certainly    come     when     man     will   be   forced    into
  consciousness of these laws; whether he will or no。 Nature is no respecter
  of persons; and those who will not move and progress; in harmony with
  her laws of advancement; must; of necessity; pass out with the old。
  Alchemy; as it relates to the healing art; is the most noble in its object
  and beneficial in its effects; of all the many subdivisions of the sciences;
  because;      it  alleviates    the   pains   and    morbid     afflictions    of   suffering
  humanity。 We have given quite sufficient of its astrological aspect in the
  second   part   of   〃The   Light   of   Egypt;〃   Vol。   I;   wherein   the   four   ancient
  elements   are   translated   into   their   chemical   correspondences   of   oxygen;
  hydrogen;   nitrogen   and   carbon;   which   still   constitute   the   four   primary
  elements of the most advanced chemistry to…day。 They enter more or less
  into    every    organic    form    and   substance;     which    is  known;     in   various
  combinations        and    proportions。      The    human      organism      is  principally
  composed of them; so; likewise; is the food that supports physical life; and
  the air we breathe is but modifications of the same atoms。
  As man's constitution embraces a microscopic atom of all the essences
  and elements; corresponding to the whole; so does the air; and much; that
  we depend upon our food to supply; can be extracted from the atmosphere
  by breathing。 Every breath we breathe is new life; or death。
  Herein   is   the   secret   of   success   or   failure;   in   certain   localities;   and
  under  certain   conditions。  If   we have   iron   within us;   could   we   extract   or
  attract iron from Saturn's district? Or; if the element within us could attract
  gold; could we obtain it from the coal fields?
  Therefore; it is only natural that the medical remedies we employ to
  restore the organism; when afflicted with disease; should group themselves
  into similar correspondences; and so; in a general sense; we find them; for
  we note that the brain; the circulation; the lungs; and the stomach; are the
  four chief citadels of the body; the heart; of course; representing the center
  of circulation。 And this also explains; further; if that were necessary; why
  the principal remedies of the homeopathic system are so speedy and direct
  in their action。 The four principal drugs; which stand as representatives of
  their   class;   are   aconite;   belladonna;     phosphorus;      and   pulsatilla。   These
  … Page 85…
  represent the quadrant; for light is not more nicely adjusted to the eye; nor
  sound to the ear; than aconite to the circulation; belladonna to the brain;
  phosphorus to the lungs; and pulsatilla to the stomach; while ramifying in
  the   seven    directions    indicated    by   the  seven    primary    planets;   we    find
  stimulants; tonics; narcotics; nervines; alteratives; cathartics and diuretics;
  as the natural material correspondences thereof。
  That   we   assign   phosphorus   to   the   lungs   may   appear   startling   to   the
  orthodox      student;    especially     when;    he   calls   to   mind    the   fact   that
  phosphorus has long been recognized in medical science as a brain food
  and    medicine。     Anticipating      such   mental     questions;    we    reply   that  in
  medicine; from the alchemical view; we are occupying a wholly different
  standpoint; i。e。; the power of controlling the functional action of the body;
  in this view of the case; and the fact that; the lungs and the brain are in the
  most perfect affinity; there will remain no mystery upon the subject。
  The Alchemy of stones and gems attracts our next attention。 Affinites
  and    antipathies     to  the  human     constitution;     are  to  be   found    in  these
  crystallized   representatives   of   the   subtle;   invisible   influences   emanating
  from our planetary system。 They are the mediums for the transmission of
  corresponding attributes and influences of existing powers and potencies;
  and if carried or worn upon the person; they will bring the person in direct
  rapport with the invisible forces within the universal system。
  Here again Hahnemann's scientific philosophy would prove effectual;
  that   〃Similia   similibus   curantur。〃   Would   the   fiery   influence   of   a   topaz
  attract   much   from   the   realms   of   a   chrysolite?   Or;   the   crystallized;   airy
  forces of a sapphire be a suitable medium for the earthly forces of a jasper?
  Gems and stones are dead or living realities。 They live; slumber and die;
  and have their potent existence as do the organic forms of matter。 They are;
  usually; imbued with the vivifying spark of Divinity; and shine forth and
  exert   their   influence   through   the   magical   powers   attracted   to   them   from
  the forces of Nature。 A real; living entity abides within them that can be
  seen by the clairvoyant vision; and to the trained student in Occult lore;
  this entity can be made to become an obedient servant; giving warning of
  the approach of danger; impressions of men and things; and warding off
  discordant influences surrounding us; or that; which we may contact from
  … Page 86…
  the   magnetic   and   personal   environments   in   our   relations   in   the   social
  world; or that which may be projected to us from the invisible realms of
  Think   you   the   pryamids   would   be   intact   to…day;   if   the   stones   from
  which      they    were    built   had   been    promiscuously        selected?     They     were
  chosen by Adepts in the knowledge of the Laws of Correspondence and
  antipathy and affinity。 The sphinx also stand as monuments to the heights
  of wisdom that man can attain。
  Metals   also   can   be   followed   out   on   the   same   lines   as   the   gems   and
  Much   as   we   would   like   to   continue;   we   are   compelled   to   bring   this
  discourse to a close; even though in doing so we must of necessity omit
  much of vital interest to the student。 We will; therefore; only add that the
  seven      basic    metals    stand    as   the   crystallized     representatives      of   their
  respective groups: Gold for the Sun; Silver for the Moon; Tin for Jupiter;
  Copper   for   Venus;   Quicksilver   for   Mercury   and   Lead   for   Saturn。   Each
  finds   it   own   sphere   of   action   within   the   temporary   abiding   place   of   the
  human       soul    on    earththe     physical     body。    So;    likewise;     the   twelve
  constellations   and   their   corresponding   talismanic   gems;   representing   in
  their    glittering    array   the   anatomical      Zodiac    of   the   human     frame;    and
  typifying   the   spiritual   quality   of   the   atoms;   there   congregated;   in   every
  degree   of   life。  These;   and   a   thousand   other   mysteries;   had   we   the   time;
  might be unfolded to the student's view with considerable advantage; but
  we are compelled to refrain。 The philosopher's stone is near at hand。 Seek
  it not in remote spheres or distant parts of the earth; for it is ever around
  you     and   within;    and   becomes      the   golden     key   of  true   wisdom;      which
  prepares the soul for its higher life and brighter destiny。 It is the still; small
  voice of the awakened soul; that purges the conscience from suffering; and
  the   spiritual   body   from   earthy   dross。   It   is   that;   which   treasures   not