第 18 节
作者:      更新:2021-02-18 21:16      字数:9318
  with light of life and love of the Father; revealing to mortal minds some
  faint conception of the awful resources and recesses within Nature's star…
  making laboratory; are but the scintillating reflection of life; the reactions
  of   mental   phenomena。   So;   too;   with   the   mental   creative   powers   of   the
  mind of man; for; not a vibration that proceeds from his every thought but
  what   creates   its   correspondence   in   the   creative   realm   of   spirit。   Hence;
  symbolism continues giving to the soul of man; throughout eternity; food
  for thought and contemplation。
  All symbols; then; are objectified ideas; whether human or Divine; and
  as such possess a real meaning; and this meaning is altered; extended and
  … Page 64…
  rendered more complex with every additional thing or influence by which
  we find it surrounded; or with which; we find it correlated。 For instance;
  1。00 means one dollar; add six ciphers to the left 0000001。; and it is still
  the same 1。00; and no more; because their position is previous; or before;
  the 1。 But add the same number of ciphers to the right; 1;000000; and lo!
  we find a wondrous change of force; power; and consequence。 We see all
  the   mighty     power    of  our   million    of  money;    and   the   possibilities   and
  responsibilities with which; in these days; it becomes associated。
  So    it   is   with  everything   else   in  Nature。  Man   pays   the   penalty   by
  increased responsibility; for every step in knowledge that be takes; as well
  as every dollar in gold be procures。 Dollars; as well as talents; have to be
  accounted for; and their usefulness increased tenfold。 The dollars must not
  be buried nor hoarded any more than our talents; but each; unfolded and
  doubled; so that we may be instrumental in helping our coworkers in their
  upward path; in the Cycle of Necessity。 Knowledge is the basic foundation
  in   reading    Nature's    language。     Purity   of  thought;    truth  in  motive;    and
  unselfish   benevolence;   will   lift   the   veil   that   now   lies   between   the   two
  trines; cause and effect; spirit and matter。
  We   have   given   the   key  and explained   the   alphabet of   this   wondrous
  law;   therefore   we   close。   Each   must;   by   the   same   rules;   work   out   the
  special links in the chain for him or herself。 The angle from which each
  take their view determines the  reading and interpretation of the symbols
  presented; whether that be from the apex; the sides or the base; for every
  symbol has its trinity in principles and form。 Cause and effect are but the
  action     and    reaction;    the   result    is  the   symbol      which     reveals    the
  correspondence of both。
  … Page 65…
  What a weird yet strangely pleasing name the term Alchemy is。 It is
  simple; yet   so infilled   and intermixed with   the possible verities   of   exact
  science and the philosophical speculations on the infinite and the unknown;
  as   to   elude   our   mental   grasp;   as   it   were; by  its   own   subtle   essence;   and
  defy the keenest analysis of our profoundest generalizers in science。 And
  yet;   in   spite   of   this   self…evident   truth;   how   fascinating   the   sound   of   the
  word becomes   to   the  mystic   student's   ear;  and bow  pregnant   with   awful
  and mysterious possibilities it becomes; to the immortal powers embodied
  within the complex human organism termed man。
  Words; if we   but knew  it; have   the same   innate; magnetic   influence;
  and   possess   the   same   power   of   affinity   and   antipathy;   that   the   human
  family     possesses;     as   well   as   all  organic    and    inorganic     forms    and
  substances; and   how sad;  to a developed soul;  to witness the  inharmony
  existing in our midst; caused by the misapplication of names。
  Most     human      beings    are   very   conscious     of   personal;    or   human
  magnetism; and its effects。 But they stop right there; and do not dream of
  the   subtle;   silent   influences   emanating   from   a   name;   a   word;   and   the
  power   existing   in   words;   when   properly   used。   The   human   mind   is   so
  absorbed   in   Nature's   manifestations;   which   are   only  the   husks;  that   they
  fail to   see the   true;   hidden   meaning   and   realities;   concealed   beneath   the
  material shell。
  We   will   first   notice   the   meaning   of   the   words   which   constitute   our
  subject;     viz。;   Alchemy;      then    give   a   brief   review     of   its  physical
  correspondence; chemistry; and its true relation to its spiritual counterpart;
  〃Al〃 and 〃Chemy〃 are Arabic…Egyptian words which have much more
  in them than appears upon the surface; and possess a far different meaning
  from the one which the terms usually convey to the average mind。 Terms;
  and the ideas we associate with them; vary according to the age in which
  we live。 So with those; from which the word Alchemy is derived。
  … Page 66…
  Let   us   penetrate   beneath   the   mere   verbal   husk   with   which   linguistic
  usage   and   convenience   have   clothed   them;   and   which;   in   the   course   of
  ages; has become nothing but the dross of decomposed verbiage; and see if
  we can excavate the living germ; that has become buried within。 If we can
  do so; we shall; at the commencement of our study; have attained unto a
  realization     of   the  ancient    meaning      and   real  significance      of  the   terms
  employed。 And this will be no small gain; and will form no unimportant
  part of the equipment in our present research。
  The Arabians; who derived the whole of their Occult arcana from the
  Egyptians;   are   the   most   likely   to   render   us   the   most   truthful   and   direct
  significance of the word; and so we find them。 Thus; 〃Al;〃 meaning 〃the;〃
  and Kimia;〃 which means the hidden; or secret; ergo THE OCCULT; from
  which   are   derived   our   modern   term Alchemy;   more   properly Al   Kimia。
  This is very different from the popular conception to…day; which supposes
  that    the  word     relates   to  the   art  of  artificially   making     gold    by   some
  chemical process; and viewing it only as some sort of magical chemistry;
  forgetting   that;   the   science   of   chemistry   itself   is   also   derived   from   the
  Kimia of Arabian mystics; and was considered as one and the same thing
  by every writer of the Middle Ages。
  At this time; the physical man was not so dense and grasping for husks;
  hence the soul and spiritual part had greater control; and could impart the
  real;    the   alchemical       side;   of   Nature     to   him;     hence    the    Law     of
  Correspondences          was    understood;      and    guided     the   educated     in   their
  considerations; researches; and conclusions。
  Do   you   ask   why;  if   they  were   so   enlightened;  they  have veiled   their
  knowledge from the world at large?
  The power of   mind over matter  was as   potent in those days as now;
  and     the   masses     were    as  correspondingly        corrupt    as   they   are   today。
  Therefore;   to   put   this   knowledge   into   the   hands   of   the   multitude   would
  have   been   generally   disastrous。   So   they   wrote   it   in   mystical   language;
  knowing   that   all   educated   students   in   Nature's   laws;   at   that   time;   would
  understand;   yet   they   little   dreamed   how   much   their   language   would   be
  misunderstood        in   the  centuries    to  follow;    by   those   who    look    to  their
  ancient ancestry for aid on subjects that have become at the present day so
  … Page 67…
  lost in mystery。
  Having       ascertained;      beyond       question;     that    Alchemy       was;     and
  consequently is; the secret science of Occultismnot the philosophy; mind
  you;   but   the   science;   let   us   proceed;   for;   we   shall   find   that   these   two
  aspects   may   often   differ;   or   appear   to   differ;   widely   from   each   other;
  though      they   can    never    do   so   in  reality;   for   the   latter  produces      and
  establishes   the   facts;   while   the   former   occupies   itself   in