第 10 节
作者:      更新:2021-02-18 21:16      字数:9322
  attainment of selfish ends。 What could be more natural?
  XI。 Aquarius
  〃And from Aquarius' urn a flood o'erflows。〃
  The   soul;   released   from   its   crystallized   cycle   of   matter;   now   rapidly
  evolves into states; though material; yet entirely different。 Its previous arc;
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  from Libra to Capricorn; has been amid inorganic matter。 It is now rushing
  with   lightning   speed   upon   its   weird;   toilsome;   upward;   journey   through
  purely organic forms; from vegetable to animal; and; as all organic forms
  have their   primary  origin in   water;  so does   this   celestial urn   express the
  primary  conception   of   this   physical   state。   Further;   to   more   fully  express
  this; Aquarius is typical of man; as prototype of the last grand goal of the
  soul's   future   material   statein other   words;   the   last   quadrant   of   the   four
  elements; viz。: Bull; Lion; Eagle; Man。
  There is something exceedingly significant in all this; and the more we
  ponder on this spiritual allegory of the shining constellation; the more we
  are impressed with the divine wisdom of those early instructors of our race;
  who thus preserved truth in an incorruptible form。
  From this weird; but beautiful constellation; we learn how the soul has
  progressed; finding innumerable avenues of expression of its latent forces;
  the   manifestation      of  its  powers    in  the  various    chemical     changes;    and
  development of functions expressed through countless forms; on the lower
  planes of existence。 The sacrifice of its angelic innocence; the imperious
  defiance   and   deathless   courage;   symbolized   by   Leo;   have   obtained   the
  victory over the lower kingdoms; which will be incorporated into his vast
  empire。 Yet; unstable as water; it cannot excel; or; in other words; cannot
  rise to a higher state within this are; of its progressive life。
  We find that the astrological expression of this constellation; the sign
  Aquarius; governs the legs; and is the natural emblem of the changeable;
  moveable; migratory forces; of the body; forming a perfect parallel with its
  interior    symbol。    There    is  a  great  deal   contained    in  this  zodiacal    sign
  worthy of deep study and reflection。
  XII。 Pisces
  〃Near their loved waves cold Pisces take their seat; With Aries join;
  and make the round complete。〃
  Once more a reactionthe last scene of the soul's impersonal drama。
  The constellation (if Pisces is the symbol of rest and expectation。 The soul
  has now completed the first round; or rung; in the Cycle of Necessity; and
  its next state is that of incarnated man。 It has triumphed over every sphere
  below; and defied; in turn; every power above; and is now within that sixth
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  state of the embryonic soul…world that transforms all its past knowledge;
  sorrow; and suffering; into experience; and produces the impersonal man。
  It has traveled through constellated states within matter and spirit; and;
  as   a   human   soul;   with   reason;   intuition;   and   responsibility;   it   will;   in   its
  next   state;   become   subject   to   those   same   powers   when   reflected   from   a
  different     plane。   The   twelve     constellations     of  its  soul  will   manifest     a
  complete rapport with the twelve signs of solar light and power。
  With   this   we   close。   The   mystic   sign   of   this   constellation   is   {};   or
  completion; a seal and a sign of its past labors。
  And;     as  we    have    seen;   the   shining    constellations     are   the   soul's
  progressive   history   from   its   genesis;   to   its   appearance   within   embodied
  conditions as man; and so; by correspondence; are the twelve solar signs
  symbols of man and his material destiny。 The foundation has been laid; the
  material and resources are at hand; for his kingdom is exclusive。 With his
  own hands   he   must build his   temple (the   symbol   of   the   perfected   man);
  each stone accurately measured; cut; polished; and in its proper place; the
  proportions symmetrical; hence; harmonious; the keystone of whose arch
  is WILL; its foundation love。 This accomplished; be will have completed
  the second round of the great Cycle of Necessity。
  And who; after contemplating the wondrous harmony of this beautiful
  system; and the complete accord of each part; can refuse to agree with the
  truly inspired Addison that
  〃Ever moving as they shine; The hand that made us is divine。〃
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  As    a   sequel    to   the   foregoing      subjects;    viz。;  the    Zodiac    and
  constellations; we will add the spiritual interpretation of the twelve houses
  of an horoscope; which completes the triune expression of these celestial
  symbols of eternal truths。
  In   revealing   this   mystery;   we   would   impress   upon   the   mind   of   the
  student   that   the   order   of   the   Zodiac   is   the   reverse   of   the   external;   in   its
  spiritual application; to the twelve houses of the horoscope。
  As   the   four   cardinal   signs;   viz。; Aries;   Cancer;   Libra   and   Capricorn;
  correspond to the four angles of a natal figure; it is our purpose to explain;
  first;  the   symbology  of   the   four   angles; or   cardinal   points;   believing   the
  whole revelation will thus become clear and forcible。
  The four angles of the horoscope correspond to the four elements; the
  four    triplicities;  and   the  four   cardinal   points;   or  epochs;    in  the  soul's
  involution from pure spirit to the crystallizing; inert; mineral state。
  The   first   angle   is   the   ascendant;   or   House   of   Life。   It   is   the   eastern
  horizon; and symbolized by Aries。 Upon the interior; this first angle stands
  for   the   birth;   or   differentiation;   of   the   Divine   Ego;   as   the   result   of   the
  creative action; or impulse; of the Deific mind。
  The Ego rises upon the eastern horizon of celestial states; a glowing;
  scintillating atom of pure intelligence; an absolute; eternal Ego; rising out
  of the ocean of Infinite Love。
  The South angle; meridian; or Tenth House; pertaining to honor; etc。; is
  symbolized by Cancer; the highest point in the arc of the soul's involution;
  as a differentiated atom of Deity within angelic spheres。
  Having evolved the first dual expression of its (the Ego's) self; the twin
  soulsSensation       and   Aspiration;    or   Love    and   Wisdom;     the   Ego   rests
  awhile; radiant with celestial love   and wisdom; and inspiring the   Divine
  breath of life。
  Again the restless impulse of the creative purpose arouses the Ego to
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  further   action。   The   culminating   point   has   been   reached;   and   now   must
  begin an apparent downward course toward the western horizon。
  The seventh angle; or House of Marriage; etc。; is represented by Libra
  (the Balance); or point of equilibrium; where the two souls are still one;
  balanced upon   the western horizon。 The   alluring temptations   of   material
  illusions draw the souls downward; and; divorced from their celestial state;
  the    radiance     of  Divine     love   becomes      obscured;     until   the  twilight    of
  consciousness        of   that   former     state   is  lost   in  the   night    of  material
  This house signifies; also; law; and open enemies; and (Libra) justice。
  Sex     is   the   law。   The    antagonism       is  surely    too   apparent     to   require
  The fourth angle; or Nadir; the point opposite the M。 C。; signifies the
  frozen   North;   and   is   symbolized   by  Capricorn;   the   crystallizing   point   in
  the soul's involution。 It is death; inertia; that is; crystallization of the soul's
  spiritual forces。 It is the lowest point of the are in the monad's downward
  journey。 It is the night; before the awakening of a new day upon a higher
  plane of existence。
  The   remaining   houses   are   the   lights   and   shadows   that;   fill   out   and
  complete the picture; upon this; the first round of the Cyclic Ladder。
  The     Twelfth     House;      symbolized      by    Taurus;    represe