第 10 节
作者:小秋      更新:2021-02-17 23:16      字数:9320
  much time; he cooped them up together in one place; to the number of
  twelve thousand men; and gave order for the execution of them all; his
  own host alone excepted。 But he; brave man; telling him he could not
  accept the obligation of life from the hands of one who had been the
  ruin of his country; went in among the rest; and submitted willingly
  to the stroke。 What Lucius Catilina did was thought to exceed all
  other acts。 For having; before matters came to an issue; made away
  with his brother; he besought Sylla to place him in the list of
  proscription; as though he had been alive; which was done; and
  Catiline; to return the kind office; assassinated a certain Marcus
  Marius; one of the adverse party; and brought the head to Sylla; as he
  was sitting in the forum; and then going to the holy water of
  Apollo; which was nigh; washed his hands。
  There were other things; besides this bloodshed; which gave offence。
  For Sylla had declared himself dictator; an office which had then been
  laid aside for the space of one hundred and twenty years。 There was;
  likewise; an act of grace passed on his behalf; granting indemnity for
  what was passed; and for the future intrusting him with the power of
  life and death; confiscation; division of lands; erecting and
  demolishing of cities; taking away of kingdoms; and bestowing them
  at pleasure。 He conducted the sale of confiscated property after
  such an arbitrary; imperious way; from the tribunal; that his gifts
  excited greater odium even than his usurpations; women; mimes; and
  musicians; and the lowest of the freed slaves had presents made them
  of the territories of nations and the revenues of cities: and women of
  rank were married against their will to some of them。 Wishing to
  insure the fidelity of Pompey the Great by a nearer tie of blood; he
  bade him divorce his present wife; and forcing Aemilia; the daughter
  of Scaurus and Metella; his own wife; to leave her husband; Manius
  Glabrio; he bestowed her; though then with child; on Pompey; and she
  died in childbirth at his house。
  When Lucretius Ofella; the same who reduced Marius by siege; offered
  himself for the consulship; he first forbade him; then; seeing he
  could not restrain him; on his coming down into the forum with a
  numerous train of followers; he sent one of the centurions who were
  immediately about him; and slew him; himself sitting on the tribunal
  in the temple of Castor; and beholding the murder from above。 The
  citizens apprehending the centurion; and dragging him to the tribunal;
  he bade them cease their clamouring and let the centurion go; for he
  had commanded it。
  His triumph was; in itself; exceedingly splendid; and
  distinguished by the rarity and magnificence of the royal spoils;
  but its yet greatest glory was the noble spectacle of the exiles。
  For in the rear followed the most eminent and most potent of the
  citizens; crowned with garlands; and calling Sylla saviour and father;
  by whose means they were restored to their own country; and again
  enjoyed their wives and children。 When the solemnity was over; and the
  time come to render an account of his actions; addressing the public
  assembly; he was as profuse in enumerating the lucky chances of war as
  any of his own military merits。 And; finally; from this felicity he
  requested to receive the surname of Felix。 In writing and
  transacting business with the Greeks; he styled himself
  Epaphroditus; and on his trophies which are still extant with us the
  name is given Lucius Cornelius Sylla Epaphroditus。 Moreover; when
  his wife had brought him forth twins; he named the male Faustus and
  the female Fausta; the Roman words for what is auspicious and of happy
  omen。 The confidence which he reposed in his good genius; rather
  than in any abilities of his own; emboldened him; though deeply
  involved in bloodshed; and though he had been the author of such great
  changes and revolutions of state; to lay down his authority; and place
  the right of consular elections once more in the hands of the
  people。 And when they were held; he not only declined to seek that
  office; but in the forum exposed his person publicly to the people;
  walking up and down as a private man。 And contrary to his will; a
  certain bold man and his enemy; Marcus Lepidus; was expected to become
  consul; not so much by his own interest; as by the power and
  solicitation of Pompey; whom the people were willing to oblige。 When
  the business was over; seeing Pompey going home overjoyed with the
  success; he called him to him and said; 〃What a polite act; young man;
  to pass by Catulus; the best of men; and choose Lepidus; the worst! It
  will be well for you to be vigilant; now that you have strengthened
  your opponent against yourself。〃 Sylla spoke this; it may seem; by a
  prophetic instinct; for; not long after; Lepidus grew insolent and
  broke into open hostility to Pompey and his friends。
  Sylla; consecrating the tenth of his whole substance to Hercules;
  entertained the people with sumptuous feastings。 The provision was
  so much above what was necessary; that they were forced daily to throw
  great quantities of meat into the river; and they drank wine forty
  years old and upwards。 In the midst of the banqueting; which lasted
  many days; Metella died of a disease。 And because that the priest
  forbade him to visit the sick; or suffer his house to be polluted with
  mourning; he drew up an act of divorce and caused her to be removed
  into another house whilst alive。 Thus far; out of religious
  apprehension; he observed the strict rule to the very letter; but in
  the funeral expenses he transgressed the law he himself had made;
  limiting the amount; and spared no cost。 He transgressed; likewise;
  his own sumptuary laws respecting expenditure in banquets; thinking to
  allay his grief by luxurious drinking parties and revellings with
  common buffoons。
  Some few months after; at a show of gladiators; when men and women
  sat promiscuously in the theatre; no distinct places being as yet
  appointed; there sat down by Sylla a beautiful woman of high birth; by
  name Valeria; daughter of Messala; and sister to Hortensius the
  orator。 Now it happened that she had been lately divorced from her
  husband。 Passing along behind Sylla; she leaned on him with her
  hand; and plucking a bit of wool from his garment; so proceeded to her
  seat。 And on Sylla looking up and wondering what it meant; 〃What harm;
  mighty sir;〃 said she; 〃if I also was desirous to partake a little
  in your felicity?〃 It appeared at once that Sylla was not
  displeased; but even tickled in his fancy; for he sent out to
  inquire her name; her birth; and past life。 From this time there
  passed between them many side glances; each continually turning
  round to look at the other; and frequently interchanging smiles。 In
  the end; overtures were made; and a marriage concluded on。 All which
  was innocent; perhaps; on the lady's side; but; though she had been
  never so modest and virtuous; it was scarcely a temperate and worthy
  occasion of marriage on the part of Sylla; to take fire; as a boy
  might; at a face and a bold look; incentives not seldom to the most
  disorderly and shameless passions。
  Notwithstanding this marriage; he kept company with actresses;
  musicians; and dancers; drinking with them on couches night and day。
  His chief favourites were Roscius the comedian; Sorex the arch mime;
  and Metrobius the player; for whom; though past his prime; he still
  professed a passionate fondness。 By these courses he encouraged a
  disease which had begun from unimportant cause; and for a long time he
  failed to observe that his bowels were ulcerated; till at length the
  corrupted flesh broke out into lice。 Many were employed day and
  night in destroying them; but the work so multiplied under their
  hands; that not only his clothes; baths; basins; but his very meat was
  polluted with that flux and contagion; they came swarming out in
  such numbers。 He went frequently by day into the bath to scour and
  cleanse his body; but all in vain; the evil generated too rapidly
  and too abundantly for any ablutions to overcome it。 There died of
  this disease; amongst those of the most ancient times; Acastus; the
  son of Pelias; of later date; Alcman the poet; Pherecydes the
  theologian; Callisthenes the Olynthian; in the time of his
  imprisonment; as also Mucius the lawyer; and if we may mention
  ignoble; but notorious names; Eunus the fugitive; who stirred up the
  slaves of Sicily to rebel against their masters; after he was
  brought captive to Rome; died of this creeping sickness。
  Sylla not only foresaw his end; but may be also said to have written
  of it。 For in the two…and…twentieth book of his Memoirs; which he
  finished two days before his death; he writes that the Chaldeans
  foretold him; that after he had led a life of honour; he should
  conclude it in fulness of prosperity。 He declares; moreover; that in a
  vision he had seen his son; who had died not long before Metella;
  stand by in mourning attire; and beseech his father to cast off
  further care; and come along with him to his mother Metella; there
  to live at ease and quietness with her。 However; he could not
  refrain from intermeddling in public affairs。 For; ten days before his