第 1 节
作者:雨来不躲      更新:2024-04-18 10:46      字数:9322
  A Reading of Life; and Other Poems
  by George Meredith
  A Reading of Life … The Vital Choice
  A Reading of Life … With The Huntress
  A Reading of Life … With The Persuader
  A Reading of Life … The Test Of Manhood
  The Cageing Of Ares
  The Night…Walk
  The Hueless Love
  Song In The Songless
  Union In Disseverance
  The Burden Of Strength
  The Main Regret
  At The Close
  Forest History
  A Garden Idyl
  Foresight And Patience
  The Invective Of Achilles
  The Invective of Achilles … V。 225。
  Marshalling Of The Achaians
  Agamemnon In The Fight
  Paris And Diomedes
  Hypnos On Ida
  Clash In Arms Of The Achaians And Trojans
  The Horses Of Achilles
  The Mares Of The Camargue
  Poem: A Reading of Life … The vital choice
  Or shall we run with Artemis
  Or yield the breast to Aphrodite?
  Both are mighty;
  Both give bliss;
  Each can torture if divided;
  Each claims worship undivided;
  In her wake would have us wallow。
  Youth must offer on bent knees
  Homage unto one or other;
  Earth; the mother;
  This decrees;
  And unto the pallid Scyther
  Either points us shun we either
  Shun or too devoutly follow。
  Poem: A Reading of Life … With The Huntress
  Through the water…eye of night;
  Midway between eve and dawn;
  See the chase; the rout; the flight
  In deep forest; oread; faun;
  Goat…foot; antlers laid on neck;
  Ravenous all the line for speed。
  See yon wavy sparkle beck
  Sign of the Virgin Lady's lead。
  Down her course a serpent star
  Coils and shatters at her heels;
  Peals the horn exulting; peals
  Plaintive; is it near or far。
  Huntress; arrowy to pursue;
  In and out of woody glen;
  Under cliffs that tear the blue;
  Over torrent; over fen;
  She and forest; where she skims
  Feathery; darken and relume:
  Those are her white…lightning limbs
  Cleaving loads of leafy gloom。
  Mountains hear her and call back;
  Shrewd with night:  a frosty wail
  Distant:  her the emerald vale
  Folds; and wonders in her track。
  Now her retinue is lean;
  Many rearward; streams the chase
  Eager forth of covert; seen
  One hot tide the rapturous race。
  Quiver…charged and crescent…crowned;
  Up on a flash the lighted mound
  Leaps she; bow to shoulder; shaft
  Strung to barb with archer's craft;
  Legs like plaited lyre…chords; feet
  Songs to see; past pitch of sweet。
  Fearful swiftness they outrun;
  Shaggy wildness; grey or dun;
  Challenge; charge of tusks elude:
  Theirs the dance to tame the rude;
  Beast; and beast in manhood tame;
  Follow we their silver flame。
  Pride of flesh from bondage free;
  Reaping vigour of its waste;
  Marks her servitors; and she
  Sanctifies the unembraced。
  Nought of perilous she reeks;
  Valour clothes her open breast;
  Sweet beyond the thrill of sex;
  Hallowed by the sex confessed。
  Huntress arrowy to pursue;
  Colder she than sunless dew;
  She; that breath of upper air;
  Ay; but never lyrist sang;
  Draught of Bacchus never sprang
  Blood the bliss of Gods to share;
  High o'er sweep of eagle wings;
  Like the run with her; when rings
  Clear her rally; and her dart;
  In the forest's cavern heart;
  Tells of her victorious aim。
  Then is pause and chatter; cheer;
  Laughter at some satyr lame;
  Looks upon the fallen deer;
  Measuring his noble crest;
  Here a favourite in her train;
  Foremost mid her nymphs; caressed;
  All applauded。  Shall she reign
  Worshipped?  O to be with her there!
  She; that breath of nimble air;
  Lifts the breast to giant power。
  Maid and man; and man and maid;
  Who each other would devour
  Elsewhere; by the chase betrayed;
  There are comrades; led by her;
  Maid…preserver; man…maker。
  Poem: A Reading of Life … With The Persuader
  Who murmurs; hither; hither:  who
  Where nought is audible so fills the ear?
  Where nought is visible can make appear
  A veil with eyes that waver through;
  Like twilight's pledge of blessed night to come;
  Or day most golden?  All unseen and dumb;
  She breathes; she moves; inviting flees;
  Is lost; and leaves the thrilled desire
  To clasp and strike a slackened lyre;
  Till over smiles of hyacinth seas;
  Flame in a crystal vessel sails
  Beneath a dome of jewelled spray;
  For land that drops the rosy day
  On nights of throbbing nightingales。
  Landward did the wonder flit;
  Or heart's desire of her; all earth in it。
  We saw the heavens fling down their rose;
  On rapturous waves we saw her glide;
  The pearly sea…shell half enclose;
  The shoal of sea…nymphs flush the tide;
  And we; afire to kiss her feet; no more
  Behold than tracks along a startled shore;
  With brightened edges of dark leaves that feign
  An ambush hoped; as heartless night remain。
  More closely; warmly:  hither; hither! she;
  The very she called forth by ripened blood
  For its next breath of being; murmurs; she;
  Allurement; she; fulfilment; she;
  The stream within us urged to flood;
  Man's cry; earth's answer; heaven's consent; O she;
  Maid; woman and divinity;
  Our over…earthly; inner…earthly mate
  Unmated; she; our hunger and our fruit
  Untasted; she our written fate
  Unread; Life's flowering; Life's root:
  Unread; divined; unseen; beheld;
  The evanescent; ever…present she;
  Great Nature's stern necessity
  In radiance clothed; to softness quelled;
  With a sword's edge of sweetness keen to take
  Our breath for bliss; our hearts for fulness break。
  The murmur hushes down; the veil is rent。
  Man's cry; earth's answer; heaven's consent;
  Her form is given to pardoned sight;
  And lets our mortal eyes receive
  The sovereign loveliness of celestial white;
  Adored by them who solitarily pace;
  In dusk of the underworld's perpetual eve;
  The paths among the meadow asphodel;
  Remembering。  Never there her face
  Is planetary; reddens to shore sea…shell
  Around such whiteness the enamoured air
  Of noon that clothes her; never there。
  Daughter of light; the joyful light;
  She stands unveiled to nuptial sight;
  Sweet in her disregard of aid
  Divine to conquer or persuade。
  A fountain jets from moss; a flower
  Bends gently where her sunset tresses shower。
  By guerdon of her brilliance may be seen
  With eyelids unabashed the passion's Queen。
  Shorn of attendant Graces she can use
  Her natural snares to make her will supreme。
  A simple nymph it is; inclined to muse
  Before the leader foot shall dip in stream:
  One arm at curve along a rounded thigh;
  Her firm new breasts each pointing its own way
  A knee half bent to shade its fellow shy;
  Where innocence; not nature; signals nay。
  The bud of fresh virginity awaits
  The wooer; and all roseate will she burst:
  She touches on the hour of happy mates;
  Still is she unaware she wakens thirst。
  And while commanding blissful sight believe
  It holds her as a body strained to breast;
  Down on the underworld's perpetual eve
  She plunges the possessor dispossessed;
  And bids believe that image; heaving warm;
  Is lost to float like torch…smoke after flame;
  The phantom any breeze blows out of form;
  A thirst's delusion; a defeated aim。
  The rapture shed the torture weaves;
  The direst blow on human heart she deals:
  The pain to know the seen deceives;
  Nought true but what insufferably feels。
  And stabs of her delicious note;
  That is as heavenly light to hearing; heard
  Through shelter leaves; the laughter from her throat;
  We answer as the midnight's morning's bird。
  She laughs; she wakens gleeful cries;
  In her delicious laughter part revealed;
  Yet mother is she more of moans and sighs;
  For longings unappeased and wounds unhealed。
  Yet would she bless; it is her task to bless:
  Yon folded couples; passing under shade;
  Are her rich harvest; bidden caress; caress;
  Consume the fruit in bloom; not disobeyed。
  We dolorous complainers had a dream;
  Wrought on the vacant air from inner fire;
  We saw stand bare of her celestial beam
  The glorious Goddess; and we dared desire。
  Thereat are shown reproachful eyes; and lips
  Of upward curl to meanings half obscure;
  And glancing where a wood…nymph lightly skips
  She nods:  at once that creature wears her lure。
  Blush of our being between birth and death:
  Sob of our ripened blood for its next breath:
  Her wily semblance nought of her denies;
  Seems it the Goddess runs; the Goddess hies;
  The generous Goddess yields。  And she can arm
  Her dwarfed and twisted with her secret charm;
  Benevolent as Earth to feed her own。
  Fully shall they be fed; if they beseech。
  But scorn she has for them that walk alone;
  Blanched men; starved women; whom no arts can pleach。
  The men as chief of criminals she disdains;
  And holds the reason in perceptive thought。
  More pitiable; like rivers lacking rains;
  Kissing cold stones; the women shrink for drought。
  Those faceless discords; out of nature strayed;
  Rank of the putrefaction ere deca