第 15 节
作者:空白协议书      更新:2024-04-07 21:07      字数:9322
  prevented his hearing her。 By and by he thought he
  heard a whistle; as of some one whistling a tune。
  Yes; it really must be some one whistling; he
  decided; for he could follow the strains of a
  pretty Munchkin melody that Unc Nunkie used to
  sing to him。 The sounds were low and sweet and;
  although they reached Ojo's ears very faintly;
  they were clear and harmonious。
  Could the leaf whistle; Ojo wondered? Nearer and
  nearer came the sounds and then they seemed to be
  just the other side of the leaf that was hugging
  Suddenly the whole leaf toppled and fell;
  carrying the boy with it; and while he sprawled at
  full length the folds slowly relaxed and set him
  free。 He scrambled quickly to his feet and found
  that a strange man was standing before hima man
  so curious in appearance that the boy stared with
  round eyes。
  He was a big man; with shaggy whiskers; shaggy
  eyebrows; shaggy hairbut kindly blue eyes that
  were gentle as those of a cow。 On his head was a
  green velvet hat with a jeweled band; which was
  all shaggy around the brim。 Rich but shaggy laces
  were at his throat; a coat with shaggy edges was
  decorated with diamond buttons; the velvet
  breeches had jeweled buckles at the knees and
  shags all around the bottoms。 On his breast hung a
  medallion bearing a picture of Princess Dorothy of
  Oz; and in his hand; as he stood looking at Ojo;
  was a sharp knife shaped like a dagger。
  〃Oh!〃 exclaimed Ojo; greatly astonished at the
  sight of this stranger; and then he added: 〃Who
  has saved me; sir?〃
  〃Can't you see?〃 replied the other; with a
  smile; 〃I'm the Shaggy Man。〃
  〃Yes; I can see that;〃 said the boy; nodding。
  〃Was it you who rescued me from the leaf?〃
  〃None other; you may be sure。 But take care;
  or I shall have to rescue you again。〃
  Ojo gave a jump; for he saw several broad
  leaves leaning toward him; but the Shaggy Man
  began to whistle again; and at the sound the
  leaves all straightened up on their stems and
  kept still。
  The man now took Ojo's arm and led him
  up the road; past the last of the great plants;
  and not till he was safely beyond their reach did
  he cease his whistling。
  〃You see; the music charms 'em;〃 said he。
  〃Singing or whistlingit doesn't matter which
  makes 'em behave; and nothing else will。 I always
  whistle as I go by 'em and so they always let me
  alone。 Today as I went by; whistling; I saw a leaf
  curled and knew there must be something inside it。
  I cut down the leaf with my knife andout you
  popped。 Lucky I passed by; wasn't it?〃
  〃You were very kind;〃 said Ojo; 〃and I thank
  you。 Will you please rescue my companions; also?〃
  〃What companions?〃 asked the Shaggy Man。
  〃The leaves grabbed them all;〃 said the boy。
  〃There's a Patchwork Girl and〃
  〃A what?〃
  〃A girl made of patchwork; you know。 She's
  alive and her name is Scraps。 And there's a
  Glass Cat〃
  〃Glass?〃 asked the Shaggy Man。
  〃All glass。〃
  〃And alive?〃
  〃Yes;〃 said Ojo; 〃she has pink brains。 And
  there's a Woozy〃
  〃What's a Woozy?〃 inquired the Shaggy Man。
  〃Why; IIcan't describe it;〃 answered the
  boy; greatly perplexed。 〃But it's a queer animal
  with three hairs on the tip of its tail that won't
  come out and〃
  〃What won't come out?〃 asked the Shaggy Man;
  〃the tail?〃
  〃The hairs won't come out。 But you'll see the
  Woozy; if you'll please rescue it; and then you'll
  know just what it is。〃
  〃Of course;〃 said the Shaggy Man; nodding his
  shaggy head。 And then he walked back among the
  plants; still whistling; and found the three
  leaves which were curled around Ojo's traveling
  companions。 The first leaf he cut down released
  Scraps; and on seeing her the Shaggy Man threw
  back his shaggy head; opened wide his mouth and
  laughed so shaggily and yet so merrily that Scraps
  liked him at once。 Then he took off his hat and
  made her a low bow; saying:
  〃My dear; you're a wonder。 I must introduce
  you to my friend the Scarecrow。〃
  When he cut down the second leaf he rescued the
  Glass Cat; and Bungle was so frightened that she
  scampered away like a streak and soon had joined
  Ojo; when she sat beside him panting and
  trembling。 The last plant of all the row had
  captured the Woozy; and a big bunch in the center
  of the curled leaf showed plainly where he was。
  With his sharp knife the Shaggy Man sliced off the
  stem of the leaf and as it fell and unfolded out
  trotted the Woozy and escaped beyond the reach of
  any more of the dangerous plants。
  Chapter Eleven
  A Good Friend
  Soon the entire party was gathered on the road of
  yellow bricks; quite beyond the reach of the
  beautiful but treacherous plants。 The Shaggy Man;
  staring first at one and then at the other; seemed
  greatly pleased and interested。
  〃I've seen queer things since I came to the Land
  of Oz;〃 said he; 〃but never anything queerer than
  this band of adventurers。 Let us sit down a while;
  and have a talk and get acquainted。〃
  〃Haven't you always lived in the Land of Oz?〃
  asked the Munchkin boy。
  〃No; I used to live in the big; outside world。
  But I came here once with Dorothy; and Ozma
  let me stay。〃
  〃How do you like Oz?〃 asked Scraps。 〃Isn't
  the country and the climate grand?〃
  〃It's the finest country in all the world; even
  if it is a fairyland。 and I'm happy every minute I
  live in it;〃 said the Shaggy Man。 〃But tell me
  something about yourselves。〃
  So Ojo related the story of his visit to the
  house of the Crooked Magician; and how he met
  there the Class Cat; and how the Patchwork Girl
  was brought to life and of the terrible accident
  to Unc Nunkie and Margdotte。 Then he told how he
  had set out to find the five different things
  which the Magician needed to make a charm that
  would restore the marble figures to life; one
  requirement being three hairs from a Woozy's tail。
  〃We found the Woozy;〃 explained the boy;
  〃and he agreed to give us the three hairs; but
  we couldn't pull them out。 So we had to bring
  the Woozy along with us。〃
  〃I see;〃 returned the Shaggy Man; who had
  listened with interest to the story。 〃But perhaps
  I; who am big and strong; can pull those three
  hairs from the Woozy's tail。〃
  〃Try it; if you like;〃 said the Woozy。
  So the Shaggy Man tried it; but pull as hard
  as he could he failed to get the hairs out of the
  Woozy's tail。 So he sat down again and wiped
  his shaggy face with a shaggy silk handkerchief
  and said:
  〃It doesn't matter。 If you can keep the Woozy
  until you get the rest of the things you need;
  you can take the beast and his three hairs to
  the Crooked Magician and let him find a way
  to extract 'em。 What are the other things you are
  to find?〃
  〃One;〃 said Ojo; 〃is a six…leaved clover。〃
  〃You ought to find that in the fields around
  the Emerald City;〃 said the Shaggy Man。
  〃There is a Law against picking six…leaved
  clovers; but I think I can get Ozma to let you
  have one。〃
  〃Thank you;〃 replied Ojo。 〃The next thing
  is the left wing of a yellow butterfly。〃
  〃For that you must go to the Winkle Country;〃
  the Shaggy Man declared。 〃I've never noticed any
  butterflies there; but that is the yellow country
  of Oz and it's ruled; by a good friend of mine;
  the Tin Woodman。〃
  〃Oh; I've heard of him!〃 exclaimed Ojo。 〃He
  must be a wonderful man。〃
  〃So he is; and his heart is wonderfully kind。
  I'm sure the Tin Woodman will do all in his
  power to help you to save your Unc Nunkie
  and poor Margolotte。〃
  〃The next thing I must find;〃 said the
  Munchkin boy; 〃is a gill of water from a dark
  〃Indeed! Well; that is more difficult;〃 said
  the Shaggy Man; scratching his left ear in a
  puzzled way。 〃I've never heard of a dark well;
  have you?〃
  〃No;〃 said Ojo。
  〃Do you know where one may be found?〃 inquired
  the Shaggy Man。
  〃I can't imagine;〃 said Ojo。
  〃Then we must ask the Scarecro