第 9 节
作者:绝对601      更新:2024-01-24 16:00      字数:703
  but the rest are flitting shades〃; and he and his virtue in like
  manner will be a reality among shadows。
  Men。 That is excellent; Socrates。
  Soc。 Then; Meno; the conclusion is that virtue comes to the virtuous
  by the gift of God。 But we shall never know the certain truth until;
  before asking how virtue is given; we enquire into the actual nature
  of virtue。 I fear that I must go away; but do you; now that you are
  persuaded yourself; persuade our friend Anytus。 And do not let him
  be so exasperated; if you can conciliate him; you will have done
  good service to the Athenian people。